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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

MYYRRÄ165Luonut: MYYRRÄLauantai 09.04.2011 22:05

when mikey talks in interviews
* its fucking hilarious
* it has nothing to do with the question
* after gerard lets him talk, he gets that hint of a smile before he says the most random shit
* half the time the other guys play off his random additions to the question
* he says something that isn’t supposed to be funny, but somehow skews it in his awkward way to make it funny
* he references a random, low key movie or whatever that only the other guys and us MCR fans/star wars nerds/video game freaks know about, and it’s hilarious
* he tends to keep quiet and look at stuff out of the frame of the camera, making himself look like a weirdo or something, but it’s adorable so we don’t even care
* lots more random shit, because he’s mikey fuckin’ way!
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