

Televisio ja elokuvat
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yawdregOH YOU GUYS ♥Luonut: yawdregTiistai 23.08.2011 20:26

"Hey, you!"
"Voldemort, is it - is it really you?"
"What's left of me."
"But I just heard that were -"
"- destroyed? Yeah. But Quirrell, there's - there's a part of me that's still here. And I can't go onto the next plain without it. It's a part of me that can't be destroyed. Because it's!"
"In my heart? So you came back?"
"I came home."
"And you don't want to kill Harry Potter anymore?"
"No. No. Because I learned something when I had my body back, Quirrell. I learned that life is...really messy, complicated and... it doesn't turn out the way that you think it will. You think killingpeople might make them like you, but it doesn't! It just makes people dead. I got...I got killed by atwo-year-old! And that's really embarrassing. And everybody is just like: when you're gonna comeback, Voldemort? When you're gonna take over the world? It's on me. It's all on me! And I think thenby myself: ('cuz no one is there) and I say to myself: Maybe with Quirrel things would be okay."
"Is 'okay' good?"
"Quirrell! Okay is wonderful!"

QUIRRELL: "Yeah…You know, I have to admit, I was kinda nervous when you first demanded that you attach yourself to my soul…"

VOLDEMORT: "Yeah, I could sense that…"

QUIRRELL: "But, like now I think it's- I think it's kinda cool…It's like having a really close room-mate or even a-"

VOLDEMORT: "-Yeah like a slave…like a- like a Death Eater…"

QUIRRELL: "No man, it's like…having a friend!"


VOLDEMORT: "I've never had a friend before…"

QUIRRELL: "Well, looks like you got one now…"

yawdreg:------------------------DLuonut: yawdregKeskiviikko 16.02.2011 06:07



ahahahaaa DARRENNNNN ♥

lol pitää kattoo tota huomen lisääää mut nyt ne Warblersit ja baby it's coooold ooooutsiiiiiide

jajaja sitte vihdoi nukkumaan lol
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