

Käyntejä: 1 068
5 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 5
19,6 vuotta
Otos: 5 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 19,6 vuotta

Jäsenet (5)

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nnipriMuruseni <3Luonut: nnipriMaanantai 28.06.2010 03:54

Täydellinen <3

When I hang around my house
I do it theatrically
Is somebody watching me?

HEY! Oh its you
You scared the crap outta me
Why are you filming me?

Dont you know I hate it when you
sneak up on me like that
I was just about to crack you in the head with this bat

So now Im gonna read a book
and give you a dirty look
Just let me read my book

I like to dress up like a fabulous clown
Do you like my hair up or does it look better down

When its Emo like this, I look Japanese
I look like Zoolander now

Hey, why are you filming me?
Im using the lavatory!
Im doing a number three!

Hey by the way
Did you pay the cable bill
It was on the windowsill

Youre hot, but youre dumber than a shoe
Im singing about a dude
But they wont let me show the dude

Because parents were outraged when I was on the AMAs
But they seemed to be okay with Lady Gagas vajayjay

Its totally cool when two chicks to make out
Everyone is amused
I just put my crotch in my dancers face and it got on the news

That doesnt make sense to me

OWW I just hit my knee!
Why are you filming me?
Stop laughing at me
Why are you filming me?


Haannee`;DDLuonut: Haannee`Sunnuntai 21.03.2010 23:56

Lisää tähän 5 hyvännäköisen tunnetun miehen kuva, ja haasta sitten 5 ystävääsi tekemään sama!
1.Nick Jonas

2.Adam Lambert

3.Jared Leto

4.Jensen Ackles

5.Ryan Sheckler
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