

The Transcendental Trip at the End of Time
Käyntejä: 433
2 jäsentä
Poikia: 2 (100 %)

Jäsenet (2)



21.12.2012 13:11 - 24.12.2012 13:11
At this day of awakening I want You to take an Heroic dose of any psychedelic substance you see fit, by any means you see fit. And if psychedelics are not your thing you can also do the trip by lucid dreaming or depriving sleep, being in complete darkness for 14 days, meditating for hours on end or even making love like there is no tomorrow. Whatever you want, however you want it.

You can do this alone, with your loved one, in a group, out in the wild, indoors or on a holy mountain. Doesn't really matter, as long as you just do it and dissolve your binding boundries to experience this global synchronised trip.

Why, you ask? For no particular reason really, other than that this day will deter the future of mankind and the choise is yours, between fear and love.

Untill then, Make The Connections! Invite anyone and everyone to join us in making an ideal net for ideas on how to make the world choose love instead of fear.

Sincerely yours Uneven D. Ralffy, a graphic novelist from the deep undergrounds of Finland.

Legal Disclaimer: Psychedelics will be legal by 2012 so anyone who is worried reading this need not be, for we abide all of the idiotic laws in existance to the fullest extent ^__^

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