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Yona-100 questions about K-popLuonut: Yona-Sunnuntai 20.01.2013 03:37

Your first Kpop group : oh lord..Wonder Girls?
How do you got to know them? : I saw a clip from some con where L and Sasuke danced Tell Me, I thought the dance was great and music as well so I searched the group :D
What is the first song you heard? : I'm not sure, but I think it was Big bang ft- 2ne1 - Lollipop
Who is your first bias? : I think it was Key. He's still number 3. in my bias list (:
Did your bias changed? Who is it? : number 1? yes, It changes a few times in a year. Atm it's Nichkhun ;)
Their ranking in your heart : Nichkhun, C.a.p, Key, Jonghyun and so on...
How many kpop groups are you a fan of right now? : there's too many of them! :D
Who are they? : for example, U-kiss, BAP, Block B, SHINee, B2st, MBLAQ, B1A4...
Which group is your favourite? : It has always been, and always will be Shinee.
Rank the groups: Shinee, mblaq, b1a4, bap, u-kiss, beast, block b
Who is your ultimate bias? : Ultimate? Well, Key has always been in top 3, so I think it's him.
Which kpop couples do you ship the most? : Jongkey, 2min, Hunhan (tnx to Noora), N.a.p
Which company is your favourite? : LOEN I think :)
Rate yourself in the scale of 0 - 100, how much do you know about kpop : .......70%?

In terms of looks, which group is the best? : I'd like to say B1A4 but I still have to say Beast. I just can't get over that even though I'm not following them so keen these days anymore, they're still so handsome and hot.
In terms of songs, which group is the best? : Shinee, every song of them, not just singles, are so awesome.
In terms of dance, which group is the best? : Infinite. May the god bless you boys.
Which group would you prefer to be classmates with in real life? : Teen Top. Just because Ricky could help me with maths xD
Which group would you prefer to be drinking buddies in real life? : well, I don't drink :D
Which group would you prefer to work with in real life? : I don't mention this group a lot, but when I do, I really mean it. Big Bang.
Who would you want as a best friend? : Key!
Who would you want as a brother? : Eli and Sungyeol
Who would you want as a boyfriend? : Cap..?
Who would you want as a friend with benefit? : ...
Who would you want as a husband? : Theres no other than Yang Seungho.
How many kids will you have with him then? : 2 or 3
Who would you want your kid/s to be like? : They need to have smile and laugh of daddy :D and their eyes too!

Who is your favourite couple from We Got Married? : Khuntoria
Which couple do you wish to be featured on We Got Married? : I'm not following WGM so much so it's all same to me :D
Which WGM couple do you think that don't suit each other the most? : idk :o
Which kpop star do you wish to have a body like? : Maybe Hyuna?
Which kpop star do you wish to have a face like? : Sungyeol :D
If you can change your body with someone, who would it be? : .................Himchan? It would be interesting :D
Do you dislike any group right now? Who? Why? : I can't say I hate, but SNSD is so overrated :(
Which group are you most protective of? : I dannaaaaaaaa, maybe shinee?
Which group's hello baby do you prefer? : SHINee, but MBLAQ was awesome too!
Which variety show is your favourite right now? : Hello Baby :)
What is the last show you watched? : Hello baby, Boyfriend but just ep1 cuz the season is just released in Korea...

list 5 of your favourite group : SHINee, b1a4, MBLAQ, BAP, Teen Top

Group 1 - Shinee
How did you know them? : I got lost on youtube when I watched big bang videos, and I listened Ring ding dong and damn it got stuck in my head ._.
What was the first song that did you heard? : Ring Ding Dong
What was the first music video that you watched? : ^
Who was your first bias? : Key, I think. It could be also Minho
Which is your favourite song? : One ♥
Which is your favourite music video? : Lucifer
Who is your bias now? : Everybody.
Rank the members : Oh fuck it :D Key, Minho, Jonghyun, Taemin, Onew
On the scale of 1-100, how much do you think you know them? : Can I say 100% or is it too much? :D
Which show that they guested on is your favourite? : All of them.
Any favourite pairing? : 2Min (:

Group 2 - B1A4
How did you know them? : I listened their Debut song, O.K (:
What was the first song that did you heard? : ^
What was the first music video that you watched? : ^
Who was your first bias? : I really didn't find any at first sight. I looked CNU carefully and thougt he was weird and he took my attention. But later I found him really attractive, so it think it's him :)
Which is your favourite song? : Baby good night (:
Which is your favourite music video? : ^
Who is your bias now? : Jinyoung ;)
Rank the members : Jinyoung, CNU, Gongchan, Baro, Sandeul
On the scale of 1-100, how much do you think you know them? : 50%, not so much, yet :D
Which show that they guested on is your favourite? : Does hello baby count?
Any favourite pairing?: Badeul

Group 3 - MBLAQ
How did you know them? : well, at first I really though they were really overrated. Everybody talked about them but I really didn't care. Then I...I don't remember. Was it hello baby or what? No idea, something incredible just happened and I started to like them :D
What was the first song that did you heard? : Stay? It was good and I loaded it to my mp3 but that was the only song I liked from the group, first :D
What was the first music video that you watched?: Mona Lisa
Who was your first bias? : Seungho. And always will <3
Which is your favourite song? : 100%
Which is your favourite music video? : This is war. Just one word to describe it: Awesome.
Who is your bias now? : Seungho, like I said (:
Rank the members : Seungho, Thunder, G.o, Mir, Joon
On the scale of 1-100, how much do you think you know them? : 70%?
Which show that they guested on is your favourite? : Hello baby, but also sesame player
Any favourite pairing? : JoonMir

Group 4 - B.A.P
How did you know them? : Warrior. My friends were singing and dancing on the chorus in our dance practice and I heard about 'the boy who is absolutely fast at rapping and he's two months younger than me' :D
What was the first song that did you heard? : Warrior
What was the first music video that you watched? : ^
Who was your first bias? : Bang yongguk
Which is your favourite song? : maybe......power?
Which is your favourite music video? : Stop It, it's so confusing and makes no sense :D
Who is your bias now? : Same as in the beginning ;)
Rank the members : Yongguk, Himchan, Zelo, Daehyun, Jongup, Youngjae
Which show that they guested on is your favourite? : Weekly Idol!
Any favourite pairing? : Banghim, Banglo. Have to ship both xD

Group 5 - Teen Top
How did you know them? : It was supa luv, I think?
What was the first song that did you heard? : ^
What was the first music video that you watched? : ^
Who was your first bias? : Ricky
Which is your favourite song? : Angel :)
Which is your favourite music video? : Be ma girl
Who is your bias now? : Cap
Rank the members : cap, ricky, chunji, niel, changjo, L.joe
On the scale of 1-100, how much do you think you know them? : 80%
Which show that they guested on is your favourite? : Well, I got to know them better on Teen top rising 100%.
Any favourite pairing? : N.a.p :D

Which is your favourite fanfic of all time? : idk, I haven't read so much fanfics from kpop yet :D But if I have to say, it's Trouble Kid.
Who is featured in that fanfic? : Jongkey, 2min
What is it about? : Jonghyun and minho are bullying taemin and key. then, they're going to a camp and Jong and Key shares a house, and Taemin and Minho also got a room of two. Key is scarying jonghyun with his whoring. Key wanted to revenge jonghyun all the things he had done to key and so on. then minho gets drunk and goes to sleep next to Taemin and Onew is the matchmaker and yea xD go and read yourself
98. Do you have any fanfic?/ Plans to write a fanfic? : I'd sure like to. So many ideas, so little time...
99. What is it about?/What will it be about? : I'm not going to write it here.
100. Promote it (For those who have fanfics) : No :C

imsocoolAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALuonut: imsocoolPerjantai 25.05.2012 14:38

iiiiiii ♥

imsocool[Ei aihetta]Luonut: imsocoolPerjantai 29.07.2011 17:41

aww XDD maknae so cute ;--;

tnä taas meripäivät o/ ihan salee sataa taas illemmal sille et merkkarit tulvii.. taian olla vaa kaheksaa, sit lauantain saan olla kymmenee :D
JINYOUNG on kova jätkää !!!!! JA BARO !!!! ja muutenki ihan täydellist paitsi toi nimi ei nyt iske muhun. Ja noil on mielikuvituksen puute MUT COOOOL. pieniä ja viattomia ja söpöjä :D

SME considers adding another concert date for “SM Town Live in Paris”
JA kiitos jollekki jumalalle vaikken siihe uskokkaaa....
MUT tajusin just et meil on viel toivooo ;;_____;;
Kiitos Ranska kiitos !!!


imsocoolei oikeestiLuonut: imsocoolSunnuntai 24.04.2011 18:01

biletän tääl vaa ittekseni rememberii ja ok'ta :---D

rakastan noitten äänii ♥
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