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yawdregOH GOD WHAT IS AIRLuonut: yawdregLauantai 03.09.2011 21:25

"Kurt," Carole looked at him with her eyebrows raised, "are you hiding something from us?"

"No," Kurt said, his voice jumping an octave, "nothing at all! It's just it's such a beautiful day! Why don't you two go downstairs and I'll make breakfast-we'll eat al fresco!"

"Kurt," Burt growled, "get away from the door and let me open it. NOW."

"Dad, my closet is super messy, and I don't-"

"Your closet is organized by color and designer Kurt, I seriously doubt that."

"Not designer," said the voice from the closet, "because I'm pretty sure that he has a McQueen next to a Marc Jacobs."

The blood rushed into Burt's face, turning it bright red. He looked like he was going to kill someone. Kurt plastered himself against the closet door, hoping that his dad still had hang-ups about killing his offspring.

"Kurt," Burt said dangerously, "I will give you to the count of three. If you have not moved by then, I will move you!"

"Hey Kurt," said the voice from the closet again, "you move me!"

"That's it!" Burt charged at the door, Kurt yelping and moving out of the way. Burt attempted to yank the door open.

"Dad," Kurt muttered, "the door has a lock on it from that side."

"Blaine Anderson, you open that door right now!"

"But you'll kill me!"

"Blaine," Burt said, trying to keep calm, "open the door please. Nobody is getting killed."

"I don't believe you!"

"Blaine, honey," Carole said, "come out of the closet!"

"I already have," Blaine giggled, "remember? I'm dating Kurt!"

:D:D::D:Dddd Blaine I love you

"Kurt, there is a moment... when you say to yourself, 'Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you forever.'
Watching you do Blackbird this week... that was a moment for me. About you. You moved me, Kurt. And this duet would just be an excuse to spend more time with you."


"We should... we should practice."
"I thought we were."

*le fukken cockblocker keyboard*

For folks who did not like the scene the way it was written, directed, and acted, I offer the alternative fanfiction scenarios. Please feel free to choose a response you would like better.

Scenario One:

Blaine: I love you.
Kurt: (Spews coffee all over Blaine, himself, and the table, and then knocks the coffee over in his excitement. The two boys gather napkins and begin cleaning up the mess.) I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! (he says in a high pitched squeal, two octaves higher than normal.) I love you too!
Blaine: Remind me not to say romantic things to you when you have your mouth full.

Scenario Two:

Blaine: I love you.
Kurt: (While swallowing his coffee, snaps his fingers. Instantly, the boy band of Puck, Sam and Artie come out to serenade Blaine with a reprise of Bella Noche.) I have just been WAITING for you to say that. See, I came prepared. I love you, too.
Blaine: Well, I can do better than that. (Snaps his fingers. The Warblers instantly materialize. Blaine gets up to join them and they begin to sing that classic love song from their hit album, Do You Think I'm Sexy. )
Kurt: Oh, yeah? Well, I can do better than that. (Snaps his fingers. All of New Directions appear in their competition outfits. Kurt goes and joins them. They begin to sing an original song that Kurt wrote for Blaine, which would have been the showcase song if Finn had not kissed Rachel. Kurt begins to sing) "Ooooooh Blaine, you drive me insane...."
Blaine: (Snaps his fingers. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir appears.)

And so forth.

Scenario Three:
Blaine: I love you.
Kurt: I love scarves.

Scenario Four:
Blaine: I love you.
Kurt: Sam and I eloped while we were in New York.
Blaine: Then why he is over there holding hands with Mercedes?
Kurt: I am gonna cut a bitch.

Scenario Five:
Blaine: I love you.
Kurt: (Gets down on one knee.) Blaine Warbler, I have a proposal for you. Will you.... join the Glee Club?
Blaine: I've always wanted to do a big Broadway number...
Kurt: No, those are mine.

yawdregI'M SO OVERCOME WITH LOVELuonut: yawdregPerjantai 05.08.2011 23:39


ok tunnen oloni vähän idiootiks ku itken jonku kuvan ja kahden fiktiivisen hahmon takia mutta I can't help it

aaa haluun niin paljon että Kurt ja Blaine esittää ens kaudella Come What Mayn, se olis niin täydellisyyttä ♥

Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day

yawdreg:D:D:D:DD:D:D:DLuonut: yawdregTorstai 16.06.2011 19:14

It had taken a while, but Kurt and Blaine finally reached the giraffe exhibit. They saw two giraffes off in the distance, both trotting around eachother in large circles, almost like dancing. It was almost as if no matter how far they moved apart, gravity pulled them back together again. They ran across the wide habitat, right up to where Kurt and Blaine were standing.

"Hey guys!" Kurt and Blaine ran right up to the fence to meet their giraffe counterparts.

"Wanna know how I tell them apart?" Blaine asked.

Kurt cocked his head to the side. "How?"

"Kurt is a lot cuter," he replied, wrapping his arm around his boyfriend's waist.

"Aww," Kurt said with a smile. "Wanna know how I tell them apart?"

Blaine, expecting something sweet, replied, "How?"

"Blaine is a lot shorter."

oh god WHAT IS AIR
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