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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

hebe__Luonut: hebe__Maanantai 16.06.2014 03:09

Pictures of a day
Descriptions a day
He walked away
It was raining
And this pain in your heart never went
You never said
It would feel like this and that's why
I want you to stay
That's not what I meant to say
But I mean it
I mean it
Yeah right
There's your honesty
Honestly, I'm feeling fine
Intelligent design
Line of eye-shadow, tears and more wine
I don't mind if I do
Do you like my new shoes?
Mums, dads and home truths
Like, what are we going to do about you?
You used to be such a happy child
You dialed the number
Didn't speak
How do new lovers meet?
Incredible feats of bravery
Wavering baby steps favoring
Wild mood swings
We were never not quite on the brink
Not trying to not think of missed connections
Missing links
Rose tints
It's just one of those things

hebe__Luonut: hebe__Keskiviikko 07.08.2013 00:50

I remembered something you said to me
'Everything happens for the first time'

hebe__Luonut: hebe__Perjantai 02.08.2013 22:32

Take me out of this place
I know no one here and no one knows me
I'm just a girl, I'm just a girl
I know nothing of you
I know nothing of anything and I've got to learn everything for this
I know nothing at all, I know nothing at all
Help me out
There are things that I would like to know
I'm going to the library
I'm gonna go to the library
And there I'll read a book about everything in the world

hebe__Luonut: hebe__Lauantai 20.07.2013 16:29

I left a message on the milk for you
It said 'meet me by the yard at two'
But you, you came at three
And that's how I knew it wasn't meant to be

hebe__Luonut: hebe__Perjantai 19.07.2013 22:09

Well I loved you once, I loved you twice
But love is cold and love ain't nice
And he who loves well forgets slowly

And I see your face from day to day
In a hundred years what will they say?
They probably won't say nothing 'cause we're dead

Well I made your funeral speech in my head
Even though you're not quite dead
And I thought I would have done things differently

And you know what, I'd do it all over again
You know what, I'd do it all over again

Oh it's all just chapters in the end
Some we receive and some we send
And some are just written really badly

And a million words wouldn't do the trick
And love cannot build a bridge
You need construction workers for this

Oh love killed me with a thousand blades
And gave me a melancholy phase
And he who loves well forgets slowly

And you know what, I'd do it all over again
You know what, I'd do it all over again
You know what, I'd do it all over again

Well I loved you once, I loved you twice
But love is cold and love ain't nice
And he who loves well forgets slowly

And I see your face from day to day
In a hundred years what will they say?
They probably won't say nothing

But you know what, I'd do it all over again
You know what, I'd do it all over again
You know what, I'd do it all over again

hebe__Luonut: hebe__Lauantai 22.06.2013 23:25

One day, you will get married
That day will be July 5th, 2014
And it's gonna be a day to remember

You're gonna get married in 2014, on July 5th
Who could have foreseen
I'll tell you who
I'll tell you who
It was me

Well it came to me in this funny dream
One afternoon at a quarter past three
There I was in the hammock
Having a snooze cruise

The wedding was held in a two horse town
But one horse was remarkably down
So you did your best to reverse that frown
But it did not work because you're not a horse whisperer

And you prayed to the G-man for a sunny day
But instead he gave you a month of rain
And one of your bridesmaids never even came
Because she didn't like rain

You glanced at all your wedding guests
And you saw uncle Derek in a wedding dress
And you guessed he must've be in some distress
And he was

Your auntie Maureen, she had a dodgy back
And she collapsed whilst dancing to a Meat Loaf track
Performed by a Meat Loaf tribute act called Malt Loaf

The lady priest who gave you away
She turned out to be a little bit gay
And she took quite a shining to granny Jane
Who was a little bit scared

And the best man's speech, it went a bit wrong
As the best man dressed as a giant croissant
And decided to deliver the whole thing in song
But he could not sing and it was bit embarrassing

Well you're gonna get married in 2014, on July 5th
Who could have foreseen
I'll tell you who
I'll tell you who
It was me

As the moment approached you got a bit spooked
So your dad got you some Petits Filous
To remind you of your misspent youth
That you once had

You looked upon your wedding guests
And you heard your heart loud inside your chest
As you thought of your true love
Who was not there

You went on honeymoon, you made some kids
One was called Billy and one was called Whizz
And then you lived your life
You lived your life
And then you died

hebe__Luonut: hebe__Maanantai 01.04.2013 16:57

Behind the river is the sea, behind the hive is the queen bee
Behind the sailor is the boat, behind the government ain't no vote
Behind every great fortune there's an even greater crime, and behind it all is mostly mankind

Behind every shit songwriter is a lack of bravery
Behind every great invention is necessity
Behind every disorder is a secret order, you've just go to look for it

Behind courage is the knowledge of what not to fear
Behind God is one man and his brilliant idea
Behind change is destruction, behind the hoover is suction
Except the ones that don't bloody work

Behind love there's convenience, behind wine are the grapes
Behind milk are the cows, behind man are the apes
Behind alcohol is social awkwardness
Behind more is always less

Behind every group there's a leader that doesn't speak their name
Behind the child is what their parents became
Behind every country there are just a few men and these men you never see

Behind every how there's a why
Behind confidence is shy
Behind every yawn there's a silent shout
Behind every man there's a little boy who sometimes reveals himself

Behind all of our movements is a mobile phone
Behind company we are on our own
Behind our thoughts are so many thing that we just don't understand

Behind every magpie, there a magpie
Behind every song there's a lie, behind a word are so many words
Behind the winner is the loser, behind the loser is triumph
You've just got to look for it

hebe__Luonut: hebe__Maanantai 01.04.2013 16:30

I don't like people that call me 'mate'
When I'm so clearly not their mate
I don't like horror films but I don't mind you, mind you
I don't like horror films but I don't mind you

I don't like Scientology or any other -ology
I don't like anchovies but I don't mind you, mind you
I don't like anchovies but I don't mind you

hebe__Luonut: hebe__Lauantai 16.06.2012 13:14

And I'm not even thinking about a word that I say
and now I'm not scared of dancing although I'm usually lame
and you give every picture a beautiful frame
and I'll remember these minutes someday when I'm old
and I'm sitting in a rocking chair
when I'm sitting in a rocking chair

I prefer lovers but you prefer friends 'cause they don't come to an end so easily
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