

Ennen yhteisöajanlaskun alkua
Käyntejä: 5 809 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
Kommentteja: 1
129 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 94 (73 %)
Poikia: 35 (27 %)
33,3 vuotta
Otos: 76 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 33,0 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 34,1 vuotta

Jäsenet (129)

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J]PSUMusiikkia korvilleLuonut: J]PSUSunnuntai 25.03.2012 17:17

Ompas todella kiva kappale :)

nakatsuohhoh :DLuonut: nakatsuSunnuntai 11.09.2011 18:38

rupesin tossa katteleen mun varastoja läpi ja hämmästyin kuin paljon "roinaa" on kertyny pyöriin :p (vaikkakin tärkeetä roinaa ^3^ XD)

myviläisen pyyhkeestä en ehtiny ottaa kuvaa : ( mut ajajajaja <3

^essi^-We were born for thisLuonut: ^essi^-Torstai 16.06.2011 18:22

Oh no I just keep on falling
(Back to the same old)
Wheres hope when misery comes crawling?
(oh my way-ay)
With your faith youll trigger a landslide
To kill off this common sense of mine

It takes acquired minds to taste, to taste, to taste this wine
You cant down it with your eyes
So we dont need the headlines
We dont need the headlines
We just want

(We want the airways back, we want the airways back)

Everybody sing like its the last song you will ever sing
Tell me, tell me, do you feel the pressure now?
Everybody live like its the last day you will ever see
Tell me, tell me, do you feel the pressure now?

Right now youre the only reason
(Im not letting go, oh)
and im out if everyones worth pleasing
(wa ah)
Youll trigger a landslide
to kill off their finite state of mind

It takes acquired minds to taste, to taste, to taste this wine
You cant down it with your eyes
So we dont need the headlines
No, we dont want your headlines
We just want

(We want the airways back, we want the airways)

Everybody sing like its the last song you will ever sing
Tell me, tell me, do you feel the pressure now?
Everybody live like its the last day you will ever see
Tell me, tell me, do you feel the pressure now?
Everybody sing like its the last song you will ever sing
Tell me, tell me, do you feel the pressure?

Alright, so you think youre ready?
Ok, then you say this with me
We were born for this
(We were born for this)
Alright, so you think youre ready?
OK, then you say this with me
We were born for this
(We were born for this)
We were born for this
(We were born for this)

We were born for
We were born for

Everybody sing like its the last song you will ever sing
Tell me, tell me, can you feel the pressure?
Everybody live like its the last day you will ever see
Tell me, tell me, can you feel the pressure now?
Everybody sing like its the last song you will ever sing
Tell me, tell me, can you feel the pressure?
Tell me, tell me, can you feel the pressure?

We were born for this
We were born for this
We were born for this

theghostofyou-[Ei aihetta]Luonut: theghostofyou-Lauantai 16.04.2011 00:48

Well you can hide a lot about yourself,
But honey, what're you gonna do?
And you can sleep in a coffin,
But the past ain't through with you.

'Cause we are all a bunch of liars.
Tell me, baby, who do you wanna be?
And we are all about to sell it,
'Cause it's tragic with a capital T.
Let it be, Let it be, Let it be!

'Cause we all wanna party when the funeral ends.
(Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba)
And we all get together when we bury our friends.
(Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba)
It's been eight bitter years since I've been seeing your face.
(Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba)
And you're walking away, and I will die in this place.

Sometimes you scrape and sink so low,
I'm shocked at what you're capable of.
And if this is a coronation,
I ain't feeling the love.

'Cause we are all a bunch of animals
That never paid attention in school.
So tell me all about your problems;
I was killing before killing was cool.
You're so cool, You're so cool, So cool!

'Cause we all wanna party when the funeral ends.
(Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba)
And we all get together when we bury our friends.
(Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba)
It's been nine bitter years since I've been seeing your face.
(Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba)
And you're walking away, and I will die in this place.

You'll never take me alive.
You'll never take me alive.
Do what it takes to survive,
'Cause I'm still here.
You'll never get me alive.
You'll never take me alive.
Do what it takes to survive,
And I'm still here.
You'll never take me alive.
You'll never get me alive.
Do what it takes to survive,
And I'm still here.
You'll never get me.
(Get me!)
You'll never take me.
(Take me!)
You'll never get me alive.

'Cause we all wanna party when the funeral ends.
(Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba)
And we all get together when we bury our friends.
It's been ten fucking years since I've been seeing
Your face 'round here.
And you're walking away, and I will drown in the fear.

masssuen oo tehy monee pv....Luonut: masssuSunnuntai 03.04.2011 22:44

Päivä 5: kuva jostain mistä pidät
Päivä 6: kuva unelma lomastasi
Päivä 7: kuva jostain herkullisesta
Päivä 8: kuva jostain rakkaasta asiastasi - ei oo
Päivä 9: kuva henkilöstä jota ihailet

siis musiikki ja mun kultsi ;D

^essi^-You don't have to believe meLuonut: ^essi^-Keskiviikko 02.02.2011 16:37

Can't make my own decisions
Or make any with precision
Well maybe you should tie me up
So I don't go where you don't want me
You say that I been changing
that I'm not just simply aging
Yeah how could that be logical?
Just keep on cramming ideas down my throat
You don't have to believe me
But the way I, way I see it
Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger
I'll point you to the mirror
If God's the game you're playing
Well we must get more acquainted
Because it has to be so lonely
To be the only one who's holy
It's just my humble opinion
But it's one that I believe in
You don't deserve a point of view
If the only thing you see is you
You don't have to believe me
But the way I, way I see it
Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger
I'll point you to the mirror
This is the last second chance
(I'll point you to the mirror)
I'm half as good as it gets
(I'll point you to the mirror)
I'm on both sides of the fence
(I'll point you to the mirror)
Without a hint of regret
I'll hold you to it
I know you don't have to believe me
But the way I, way I see it
Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger
I'll point you to the mirror
I know you won't have to believe me
But the way I, way I see it
Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger
I'll point you to the mirror
Ihmiset haloo hellurei ja morjens!
Kuten parhaat jo tietää ja osa saattaa arvata, Floaded soittaa Aknen bändi-illassa Valkeakoskella 19.2. !
Kaikki kykenevät ja ei-kykenevätkin paikalle, selvä?!
Jos nyt joku lukee tätä joka ei oo kuunnellut Floadedia koskaan, niin nyt on korkee aika käydä kuuntelemassa!

Everything I love
will fade away one day I know

Olis jo vähän niinku superikävä tätä bändiä ja tota biisiääää.
Korta ord blir långa men jag säger att jag älskar dej,
för allting som du är o du tog mej på fötter igen.
Tre ord då ja faller direkt, du och jag de bästa som har hänt.
Se mej i ögonen, ja förstår nu, jag vet att vi båda vi behåller
i en evighet, förlåt mej, om jag tvekar ibland, men jag lovar att
bättra mej precis som jag har sagt.
O känner du dej ensam är du aldrig till besvär, för när du behöver mej,
kommer jag redan vara där, en bra vän som fanns där ifrån början,
du förlät mina fel och tog bort den onda slöjan.
För när alla andra svek, var det du som stod kvar,
berättade för mej, hur värdefull jag var, du var stjärnan som föll,
ifrån himeln ner till jorden, utan dej vore jag bara en av miljoner.

Håll hårt i min hand när änglarna faller
säg ingenting bara håll mej i handen
du är det finaste jag vet
det finaste jag vet.

Det är svårt att förklara, när ord inte räcker till,
kan inte ge dej allt du önskar dej, men du vet att jag vill,
när jag är ledsen tänker jag tillbaks på tolfte i första,
dagen det blev vi, och jag fick allt som jag önska.
Jag tror ingen förstår det vi delar tillsammans, när vi är med varandra,
känns som tiden stannar, du hjälpte mej upp och tog tillbaka min glädje,
trodde aldrig kärlek kunde kännas såhär rätt.
Filip du är allt som jag nånsin velat ha, varje andetag med dej känns så
underbart, jag säger så mycket men, det här är sant, du kan vara den rätta,
så håll hårt i min hand.
Första ögonkastet det var kärlek redan då, du har gett mej ett nytt liv,
och någonting att tro på, vi ska vara dom som klarar allting tillsammans,
och har jag dej vid sidan, skiter jag i allt annat.

psychokiller[Ei aihetta]Luonut: psychokillerSunnuntai 09.05.2010 20:01

Etsi viisi sinua kuvaavaa yhteisöä.
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