

Elämänkatsomus ja filosofia
Käyntejä: 99
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36,9 vuotta
Otos: 1 jäsen
Poikien keski-ikä: 36,9 vuotta

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Infinity symbol created by John Wallis in 1655 refers to things without any limit, ad infinitum, perpetual. Usually is used in mathematics or physics to express that some things have no limit. For example, set of natural numbers has no limit and could be expressed by infinity ∞ sign. Infinity is designated as the ∞ symbol because it was imagined as a special variation of ouroborus snake - an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon biting its own tail.

How long can you count?
What is the largest number?
Are paired and unpaired numbers equal?

Infinity to the power of ten

As a kid, when I was learning to count I got to one thousand and asked the smartest person I knew, my mom, what comes next? "Tens of thousands and after that, hundreds of thousands", she replied. I decided to take a shortcut and started counting only hundreds of thousands. Naturally, after learning about one million I decided to use the shortcut again and suddenly realized that I could keep on counting just as long as I learn the proper name or term for the number, my mind was blown. That day I learned the power of ten.

Little while later I asked my mom again: "where does the numbers end"? She didn't even have time to reply when I realized it myself, "nowhere". My god, there must be infinite amount of numbers! Since that sunny summer afternoon at Mervi, I've been repeating my finite calculations: "one infinity, two infinities, three infinities..."

♾ = Ꝏ¹⁰ + ထ¹⁰⁰ ≠ 10∞ × ꝏ¹⁰⁰⁰ = Ꝏ∞¹⁰
"To Infinity and Beyond"


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