

Ennen yhteisöajanlaskun alkua
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121 jäsentä
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31,2 vuotta
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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

MickeMANGUSTI_Luonut: MickeMANGUSTIMaanantai 26.03.2012 22:41

Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting. -peter pan
Voiko väittää olevansa jonkinverran aikuinen jos:
-Ostaa kaupasta ennemmin säilyke ananaksia kuin karkkia
-Joutuu laskemaan rahojaan sen mukaan aikooko loppu kuussa syödä

Että tällasta tänään
● A tattoo artist
Problem: I can’t draw.

● A freaking awesome vegan chef/confectioner
Ulterior motive: I’m going to lure Davey Havok into my restaurant and amaze him with my ridiculously amazing muffin making skills. In his sugar high he’ll hire me as AFI’s private tour chef.

● A bassist or a singer in a punk band
Work to do: This is so going to happen once I sound even half as great as Erica Daking.

● A gore/horror writer
Note: It will all be gay.

● A model
Note: It would have to be this kind of rock-modeling.
Problem: I’m 154 cm. And, seriously, with this face? I may be cute in this fucking annoying quinea pig sort of way, but I’m not THAT pretty.

● A clothes designer
Problem: No way in hell I’m going to spend three more years of my life being in school.

● A spontaneously rich person
Work to do: Trace your family tree. There has to be someone old and rich who I can inherit.
Option No. 2: Start lottoing.

● A vampire
Note: Not this ridiculous oh-look-at-me-I-sparkle! -Twilight sort of vampire, but more in the gothic lines of Anne Rice and Poppy Z. Brite.
Remember: Everytime you say “I don’t believe in vampiros”, one vampiro will DIE.

● A demon hunter
Ulterior motive: I just wanna hang out with Sam and Dean.
Conflict: Who the fuck wants to be both a vampire AND a demon hunter?
Note: This is MY wish list. I can put anything I want in it, even fictional boogeyman chasers.

● A British/Irish/Scottish person
?: ???

● A beautiful gay man
?: ???

● An inventor of a time machine
Where to go: 1995, Bay Area, CA; November 25th, 1994, Finland; October 14th, 1994, Finland; 1992, Blackwood, Wales; 1988, Seattle, WA; 1977, London, England; August 14th, 1975, England; July 30th, 1954, Memphis, TN.
Lol menin takas nukkuu kahdelttoist ja näin conist unta ja ny ikävä on kova haluis takas conii<3

Mut tavallaa näi parempi, ens vuon uusiks. Ketä vittuu sitte kossaisin..

Ei varmaa valinnanvaraa TÄLLÄ NAAMALLA XDD

Jokin vitun naamaraja ku vaik oli pitkät lisäkkeet hiuksis ni eiiii ne tajus naamast et kuka se on.

On se kurjaa L0LL :
DDD Eikä naurata vaik naurattaa, nauran pirun kovaa sisäist nauruu oon maailmanmestari siin h0h0h0.


>> Kuvassa Myrsky näyttää tosi hehkeeltä.

And... let's PLAY again *clic* |>
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »