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TurtzikBrother, my cup is emptyLuonut: TurtzikSunnuntai 06.03.2011 15:55

Brother, my cup is empty
And I haven't got a penny
For to buy no more whiskey
I have to go home

Oh brother, my cup is empty
And I haven't got a penny
For to buy no more whiskey
I have to go home

I am the captain of my pain
'Tis the bit, the bridle and the trashing cane
The stirrup, the harness and the whipping mane
The pickled eye and the shrinking brain
Brother, buy me one more drink
Explain the nature of my pity
Let me tell you once again
I am the captain of my pain

Brother, my cup is empty
And I haven't got a penny
For to buy no more whiskey
I have to go home

I cannot blame it all on her
To blame her all would be a lie
For many a night I lay awake
I wished that I could watch her die
To see her accusing finger spurt
To see flies swarm her hateful eye
To watch her groaning in the dirt
To see her clicking tongue crack dry
Brother, buy me one more drink
One more drink and then goodbye
And do not mock me when I say
Let's drink one more before I die

Brother, my cup is empty
And I haven't got a penny
For to buy no more whiskey
I have to go home

I've been sliding down on rainbows
I've been swinging from the stars
Now this wretch in beggar's clothing
Bangs his cup across the bars
Look, this cup of mine is empty
Seems I've misplaced my desires
Seems I'm sweeping up the ashes
Of all my former fires
So brother, be a brother
And fill this tiny cup of mine
But please, sir, make it whiskey
I have no head for wine

Oh brother, my cup is empty
And I haven't got a penny
For to buy no more whiskey
I have to go home

Oh brother, my cup is empty
And I haven't got a penny
For to buy no more whiskey
I have to go home

I counted up my blessings
And I counted only one
One tiny little blessing
And now that blessing's gone
So buy me one more drink, my brother
Then I'm taking to the road
Yes, I'm taking to the rain
And I'm taking to the snow
Oh my friend, my only brother
Do not let the party grieve
And throw a dollar on the bar
Now kiss my ass and leave

Brother, my cup is empty
And I haven't got a penny
For to buy no more whiskey
I have to go home

Brother, my cup is empty
And I haven't got a penny
For to buy no more whiskey
I have to go home

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Brother, my cup is empty
kuuma mies.<3

nixuuu-kuumin.Luonut: nixuuu-Perjantai 17.07.2009 00:03
vissiin paras live-esiintyminen ikinä.
se on niin kingi ku se vetää sen nellie brown-kohdan :D<3

ElDiablo`Kuvia ProvinssistaLuonut: ElDiablo`Torstai 02.07.2009 17:53

Nyt on Imperiumin Provinssirapsa linjoilla ja siellä meikäläisen ottamia kuvia esim Manowar, Raised Fist ja Nick Cave

nixuuu-Provinssi.<3Luonut: nixuuu-Maanantai 15.06.2009 21:17

Vittu Seasick Steve heitti kovan keikan! Editors oli kans jees.

Mut kannatti uhrata Ting Tings ja odottaa puolitoista tuntia lavan edessä Nick Cavea. Olin ihan siinä kaikista lähimpänä aidan vieressä. Valehtelematta Dylanin jälkeen paras keikka missä oon ollut (dylan on aina dylan).

Vittu oli ihan mahtavaa! Ja se vieläpä laulo mulle! Se osoitti suoraan mua ja katto silmiin ja laulo. (se teki sitä että se osoitteli yleisöön). Parikin kertaa. Ja olin kuulemma screenillä moneen otteeseen. Vittu en voi tehä tästä suurempaa numeroa, oli vitun paras keikka. Nick Cave on the king of coolness. vitun kova jätkä!

Mut sen vaimo on aika törkee muija ku se oli Nickin nukkuessa leikannu ne uskomattoman mahtavan upeat viikset pois! :< ne oli coolein juttu ikinä.

oli vitun parasta. Nick Cave on vitun vitun vitun coolein ihminen ikinä. paras keikka<333
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