

Käyntejä: 2 594 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
78 jäsentä
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26,2 vuotta
Otos: 53 jäsentä
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Poikien keski-ikä: 26,8 vuotta
muizu, Metz^^

Jäsenet (78)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

TurtzikHollywoodLuonut: TurtzikPerjantai 22.02.2013 21:24

It's the real thing
Safety's off
Are you there?
Are you there for me?
By my side
An angel
Who dodged the bullets wide

It feels right
On a beach
When you talk
You talk without a sound
And when you walk
Your feet hardly touch the ground

But you're there
By my side
But you're there for me

When all this is over
Heaven knows I'm going nowhere
I was only dreaming
Censored for a deeper meaning

It wears off
Like lipstick on your skin
Like a day that won't begin
Waking up
And you can't remember
Where you've been

Where you've been
By my side
Where you've been from me

When all this is over
Heaven knows I'm going nowhere
I was only dreaming
Censored for a deeper meaning
When all this is over
Heaven knows I'm going nowhere
I was only dreaming
Censored for a deeper meaning

It's time
We get things straight
Are you there
Are you there for me
Back for good
It's 6 a.m. in Hollywood

When all this is over
Heaven knows I'm going nowhere
I was only dreaming
Censored for a deeper meaning
When all this is over
Heaven knows I'm going nowhere
I was only dreaming
Censored for a deeper meaning

Zeromancer - Hollywood

Son of Rust♥


Mindless Self Indulgence♥

Big Bang♥

jjinneaddiction <3Luonut: jjinneTiistai 14.10.2008 19:19


Or maybe Doctor Online could

help you die.

You need wings fo fly

You need someone

To take your place

When you are gone.
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »