

Käyntejä: 2 894 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
181 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 49 (28 %)
Poikia: 132 (72 %)
36,8 vuotta
Otos: 130 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 36,3 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 36,9 vuotta

Jäsenet (181)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »
Anela: "as the earth was still sleeping
I walked from my house
All the way up to the hills
With a peaceful and blissful dawn I was greeted
And palm trees were standing so still

Down the road through the gates
There my father was off to the shore
As he did every day
On a sailboat he left in the dawn

Then I looked to my right
Where the earliest light
Had begun to enlighten our walls
Another day waited me, to my own mystery
I was wondering the price of it all

Since the time we fought wars
And with scores after scores
Our brothers and others were slain
We had grown into one, we had basked in the sun
We had time to just live here in peace"

Down the road through the gates
There my father was off to the shore
As he did every day
On a sailboat he left in the dawn
On a sailboat he left in the dawn

Misery|#114Luonut: Misery|Maanantai 14.02.2011 23:54

Tuli vaan sellanen Dreamtale fiilis tos ihan yllättäen, en ookkaan pitkään aikaan kuunnellu :) Oioi, ku kuulostaa kivalle <33

rouznaHihiLuonut: rouznaSunnuntai 03.01.2010 22:51

Dreamtale - Secret Door

Beautiful bride
And undaunted knight
Are lying in bed, holding hands
Side by side

They started their life
As husband and wife
And now it's time to show

How much they care for each other,
How far they're willing to go?

He moved on real nice
And made her come twice
But then he wanted
To put on some spice

Please hear me prey
I want you to stay
As still as you can be

I gave you a taste and you want for more
Let me come to your garden through your back door
Is there anything sweeter in whole wide world
Than ride with this magical wild horse

Oh, I'll taste you in my mouth
My hunger for you makes me howl like a hound
Shout, shout, shout, shout for more
I insist for another round
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »