

Käyntejä: 5 659 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
Kommentteja: 1
767 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 136 (18 %)
Poikia: 631 (82 %)
Sijoitus koon mukaan: 755
34,8 vuotta
Otos: 564 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 34,9 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 34,8 vuotta
Jzzz, Dragonforcer, NoRedeemer

Jäsenet (767)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

nennisterituituituiiiiiiiiiiiLuonut: nennisteriMaanantai 03.08.2009 22:29

okei, viimein hieman rauhoittuneena voisin aloittaa iki-ihanan festarihehkutusleijumiskertomukseni : > jos ette jaksa edes YRITTÄÄ olla ilosia miun puolesta (ellavinkvink ;>), ei kannata jatkaa lukemista tän pitemmälle.

Eli Ankkarock 2009.

jotain niin mahtavaa ! Sonata oli niin (neljän tunnin -.-/ kolmen vuoden) odottamisen arvone <3 Dragoniki oli ihana <<3 ne jätkät on niin symppiksiä kun ne siel hyppi : > NO OLI KAIKKI IHANAA xD DRAGONFORCEN KEIKKALAKANA xD joonyteikeksienää mitään fiksua joten listataan siis mitä näiltä festareilta jäikään käteen

2 kpl koskevia nilkkoja
2 kpl koskevia polvia
2 kpl koskevia pohkeita (sonatan olin varpaillaan+ pompin)
2 kpl mustelmaisia käsiä ( 1 ku se yks murskas miun käden sitä kaidetta vasten, toisest ei mitää havaintoo mist tuli o_o)
2 kpl DragonForcen Samin plektroja
2 kpl häpeäviä vanhempia
2 kpl haisevia kenkiä
1 kpl väsyneitä teinejä
1 kpl Sonatoja eturivistä
1 kpl DragonForceja eturivistä
1 kpl Sonatan keikkapaitoja
1 kpl sonatasettilista
1 kpl turhia päiväkirjamerkintöjä
1 kpl erittäin iloisia teinityttöjä <3

eiköhä toi riitä :>

RawSixxEI VITTU MIKÄ ILTA!! :DLuonut: RawSixxSunnuntai 02.08.2009 15:21

ankan jälkee mennää juomaa kaljat loppuu ja sit mentii osenkaa backstagel (baari) .. no sinne sit ilmesty hcss kute luvattu ja vitun makeit tyypei! Vic tarjos mulle shotin :P sit ku puhuttii hcss:n kaa nii pistettii vittu Herman Lii vahtii meijän kamoi :D (dragonforcen kitaristi) promosin bändii kaikille :D annoin addelle vicille ja jockelle meijä tarroi ja anttille negativest meijä pinsin :D sit jossai yöllä lähetää sit addenkaa hotellii ja istutaa sit aulas puhutaa paskaa.. mut mä olin unohtannu osen ja kamat baarii :D sit menin nopee hakee niit mut ose ei ollu missää vaa sen takki.. no otin sen messii ja lähin hotelille ja heräsin tänää turbonegron kitaristin vittu hotelli huoneest.. ei vittu oikeesti mikä ilta! nyt on kyll vähä kankkunen :D

nennisterituituiLuonut: nennisteriSunnuntai 02.08.2009 01:48

slkrjgvbljrbgvljkrewbgl iha vitusiistii ! GRRRRAY <3<3 nyt on kaks valkosta plektraa ja sit se yks musta minkä miikatoi sillo ajat sitte : >> MOONYYBERHYVÄ + IHANANIHKUPOSSUKUVAANKANSIVUILLA -.- käykää toki kaikki kattomas ja naurakaa miun naamalle XD

Smashing through the boundaries
Storming through the burning fields
Stand before the evil one
On towards the morning sun
Falling under skies of pain

Soldiers searching endlessly
Crashing over seven seas
Torturing the winter skies
Riding over plains of ice
Shadows in the fields of the slain

Crashing steel and raging fury
Smash the walls, destroy their army
Crush the legions of the twilight
Templars of steel will burn

Cry far away, as we reach for the day
Blasting our way through the punishment and the pain
Reach for the world, as the sky begins to fall
Rising through the darkened ashes praying that I'll see you all

Far away, will our eyes now see the day
For today, the everlasting eternal sun
Washed away, the dreams of a brighter day
Forever hold the dream inside
The chance to fight another fight
The breaking hearts that stand for all our lives
Live tonight

Watch you die I watch you die inside
While fear controls your life
And reject this animosity that killed so many minds
We feel the power deep within
The fear you hold inside
Just to find the reason for the treason
Now you will be mine

Screams of pain in death descending
Rise again from hell defending
Burn their hearts within the fire
Warriors of light will be slain

Rise through the pain, like the sun will rise again
Day after day but the memories never change
Stand before the storm, as the last horizon falls
Blinded by the vision and the innocence of our souls

Far away, will our eyes now see the day
For today, the everlasting eternal sun
Washed away, the dreams of a brighter day
Forever hold the dream inside
The chance to fight another fight
The breaking hearts that stand for all our lives
Live tonight
On a cold winter morning in a time before the light
In flames of death's eternal reign we ride towards the fight
When the darkness has fallen down and the times are tough alright
The sound of evil laughter falls around the world tonight

Fighting hard fighting on for the steel through the wastelands evermore
The scattered souls will feel the hell bodies wasted on the shores
On the blackest plains in hell's domain we watch them as they go
In fire and pain now once again we know

So now we fly ever free, we're free before the thunderstorm
On towards the wilderness our quest carries on
Far beyond the sundown, far beyond the moonlight
Deep inside our hearts and all our souls

So far away we wait for the day
For the lives all so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
Through the fire and the flames we carry on

As the red day is dawning and the lightning cracks the sky
They'll raise their hands to the heavens above with resentment to their lies1
Running back through the mid morning light there's a burning in my heart2
We're banished from a time in a fallen land to a life beyond the stars

In your darkest dreams see to believe our destiny this time
And endlessly we'll all be free tonight

And on the wings of a dream so far beyond reality
All alone in desperation now the time has come
Lost inside you'll never find, lost within my own mind
Day after day this misery must go on

So far away we wait for the day
For the lives all so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
Through the fire and the flames we carry on

Whoa! Whoah! Whoah! Whoah! Whoah! Whoah!

Now here we stand with their blood on our hands
We fought so hard now can we understand
I'll break the seal of this curse if I possibly can
For freedom of every man

So far away we wait for the day
For the lives all so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days

On a cold dark winter night, hidden by the stormy light
A battle rages for the right, for what will become
In the valley of the damned, a warrior with sword in hand
Travels fast across the land, for freedom he rides
And the sign from the master on high
He screams aloud and across hear the cry
For the kingdom of fire and ice
And the power to be alive
Be strong ride on, carry on through the war
Come along carry on, living for ever more
On the wings of death, by the hands of doom
By the darkest light, from the darkest moon
Crossing silent seas, over mountains high
For we stand as one tonight
On the black wind forever we ride on together
Destroying your evil with freedom our guide
When the master will call us
He'll stand high before us
Our hearts filled with splendour
Our swords will shine over the light
In the valley of the damned
Days breaks with golden strand
Over pastures green it glows
To where night returns
In the shadows faces appear
Warriors wearing full metal gear
Join together one and all before the glorious light
Rise up, gather round, come and hear what is said
Use your senses open your mind don't you ever forget
On the wings of life, by the hands of hope
By the brightest light from the brightest sun
Crossing silent seas over mountains high
To the valley of the damned!
On the black wind forever we ride on together...
On the black wind forever we ride on together...

We come from...
Over the dark horizon sky
With twisted tales of sacrifice
To imagine or believe all the glory of the free
Hunting all day an endless cry
The things I've seen I can't deny
Sinners, saints all mixed in one
The dawn of time has begun
Why can't you see what they're doing to me?
Is it fair that I'm dying in vain...?
Once in a land of sacrifice
Now only valleys of demise
Shadows of a pale blue moonlight,
Ride the waves of entity
Why can't you see what they're doing to thee?
Is it fair that you all die in vain?
Ride with the steel and the power of the sword
Stand up and fight now and forever more
Rise through the night sky with daylight's desire
To be free there must be black fire
Through the day and through the night
With dragons heart the warrior strikes
This is the day that they'll be known as my enemy
Why can't you see what they're doing
To what we believe in we rise through the pain
Ride with the steel and the power of the sword...
We come from distant lands we travel so far
Can you see the bleeding scar?
The prizes of life we fail to win
Cause we doubt the power within
Why can't you see what they're doing to
What we believe in we rise through the pain...
Ride with the steel and the power of the sword...

NastyYaffaAnkkarock 2009 <3Luonut: NastyYaffaMaanantai 20.04.2009 00:42

Ankkarockkii menossa ollaa <3, aivan mahtavia esiintyjiä! Esim:
- Eppu Normaali
- DragonForce
- Kotiteollisuus
- Sonata Arctica

- Siin parhaat :P:P:P

Zenrich[Ei aihetta]Luonut: ZenrichKeskiviikko 18.03.2009 15:00

a22Dear diary... wtfLuonut: a22Sunnuntai 15.06.2008 15:30

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »