

Televisio ja elokuvat
Käyntejä: 2 654 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
132 jäsentä
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Poikia: 13 (9 %)
34,8 vuotta
Otos: 78 jäsentä
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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

[[tyttåI believe.Luonut: [[tyttåPerjantai 12.02.2010 01:08

They said you wouldn't make it so far a
and ever since they've said it its been hard.
But never mind that night'cha had to cry
cause you had never let it go inside.
You worked real hard and you know exactly what you want and need so believe
and you never give up.
You van reach your goals
just talk to your soul and say;
I believe I can
I believe I will
I believe my dreams are real
I believe I'll chant
I believe I'll dance
I believe I'll grow real soon and
that is what I do believe.
Your fool are just singing, your soul aha
and you know that your moves will let them show.
You keep creating pictures in your mind
so just believe they will come true in time.
It will be fine leve all of your cares and stress behind
just let it go.
Let the music flow inside again the pain
it just start to believe.
I believe....

At third my yet what people say
hold your head high and turn away.
With all my hopes and dreams I will believe
even though it seem it's not for me.
I wont give up, I'll keep it up
looking to the sky.
I will achieve on my knees
I will always believe.
I believe....
Tulee kauheet viluväreet ku katon Honey leffan loppua.

Tahdon taas tanssimaan pitkäst aikaa!!!
Taina Kovalainen, I WILL BE BACK!<3
Nyt Honey ->

kengänpohjat♥biisiLuonut: kengänpohjatKeskiviikko 29.04.2009 17:34

I believe I can
I believe I will
I believe I know my dreams are real
I believe I can
I believe I will
I believe I hold it soon man
That is what I do, believe

Your fools are justes singing, your soul aha
And you know that your moves will let them show
You keep creating pictures in your mind
So just believe they will come true in time
It will be fine leave all of your cares and stress behind and
Just let it go
Let the music go inside again the pain
It just start to believe

`emiliiDAMN !Luonut: `emiliiMaanantai 02.02.2009 17:48

The whole damn world is just as obsessed
With who‘s the best dressed and who‘s having sex,
Who‘s got the money, who gets the honeys,
Who‘s kinda cute and who‘s just a mess
And you still donÂ’t have the right look
And you donÂ’t have the right friends
Nothing changes but the faces, the names, and the trends
High school never ends

SIVUHENKILÖKiitos SiviLuonut: SIVUHENKILÖTiistai 25.11.2008 18:22

Sivi oli vähän innostunu ja laittanu mulle 35 kommaa<3
Kiitti hani niist<3
piristit päivää ::D<33
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »