

Käyntejä: 3 026 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

mmirrAon tää vaan huippuaLuonut: mmirrAKeskiviikko 17.06.2009 18:18

kerronpa vaan että tbs on ihan huippu
silleee aivan mainio on
kivasti super hyvä
ei täs sitte muuta
Tän illan missiot:
- Äidinkielen esseekoe valmiiksi
- Valmistelen enkun aineen, mikä kirjotetaan huomen aamulla
- Luen Nukkekoti näytelmän huomiseksi äikän tunniksi
- Popitan vtun hyvää musaa ja en stressaa koulusta
but i wish that i could
i'm sick of writing every song about you

_jannna[Ei aihetta]Luonut: _jannnaTorstai 04.09.2008 12:07

You've got this new head filled up with smoke.
And I got my veins all tangled close,
To the jukebox bars you frequent.
The safest place to hide.
A long night spent with your most obvious weakness.
You start shaking at the thought.
You are everything I want.
'Cause you are everything I'm not.

And we lay, we lay together just not,
Too close, too close. (How close is close enough?)
We lay, we lay together just not,
Too close, too close.

I just wanna break you down so badly.
Well I trip over everything you say.
I just wanna break you down so badly.
In the worst way.

My inarticulate store bought hangover hobby kit.
It talks (Ta-a-alks), it says, "You, oh, you are so cool."
Scissor shaped across the bed, you are red, violent red.
You hollow out my hungry eyes.
You hollow out my hungry eyes.

And we lay, we lay together just not,
Too close, too close. (How close is close enough?)
We lay, we lay together just not,
Too close, too close.

I just wanna break you down so badly.
Well I trip over everything you say.
Well I just wanna break you down so badly.
In the worst way.

I just wanna break you down so badly.
Well I trip over everything you say.
I just wanna break you down so badly.
In the worst way. (Worst way.)

I'm gonna make damn sure that you can't ever leave.
No, you won't ever get too far from me.
You won't ever get too far from me.
I'll make damn sure that you can't ever leave.
No, you won't ever get too far from me.
You won't ever get too far from me.
You won't ever get too far from me. (Ever get too far...)
You won't ever get too far...

I just wanna break you down so badly.
Well I trip over everything you say.
Well I just wanna break you down so badly.
In the worst way. (Worst way.)

I'm gonna make damn sure.
I just wanna break you down so badly.
I just wanna break you down so badly. (Damn sure.)
In the worst way. (Worst way.)
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »