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BeriVitun herkkääLuonut: BeriTiistai 02.04.2013 18:18

Sum 41 - With Me
I don't want this moment to ever end,
Where everything's nothing without you.
I'd wait here forever just to, to see you smile,
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you.
Through it all, I've made my mistakes.
I stumble and fall, but I mean these words.
I want you to know,
With everything I won't let this go.
These words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know,
As I bleed my heart out to show,
And I won't let go.
Thoughts read, unspoken, forever in vow,
And pieces of memories fall to the ground.
I know what I didn't have, so I won't let this go,
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you.
All the streets, where I walked alone,
With nowhere to go, have come to an end.
I want you to know,
With everything I won't let this go.
These words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know,
As I bleed my heart out to show,
And I won't let go.
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies,
When you don't know what you're looking to find.
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies,
When you just never know what you will find.
I don't want this moment to ever end,
Where everything's nothing without you.
I want you to know,
With everything I won't let this go.
These words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know,
As I bleed my heart out to show,
And I won't let go.
I want you to know,
With everything I won't let this go.
These words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know,
As I bleed my heart out to show,
And I won't let go.

xKYRPÄx-Luonut: xKYRPÄxMaanantai 28.01.2013 13:07

Goodbye, I've had enough frustration
I won't get stuck
Goodbye, this dead end situation,
it's just not worth my time

xKYRPÄx.Luonut: xKYRPÄxTorstai 02.08.2012 03:02

Take the pictures
off the wall
erase the thoughts
forget them all
the choice is yours
to save yourself
are in the hands
of someone else
Can't find a good reason.


Can't find hope to believe in.

FuZillADay 7Luonut: FuZillAKeskiviikko 14.09.2011 19:43

1. päivä - suosikkikappaleeni
2. päivä - kappale, jonka omistaisin rakkaalleni
3. päivä - kappale, joka tekee iloiseksi
4. päivä - kappale, joka tekee surulliseksi
5. päivä - kappale, joka muistuttaa jostain ihmisestä
6. päivä - kappale, joka muistuttaa jostain paikasta
7. päivä - kappale, joka muistuttaa jostain tapahtumasta

Sum 41 - With Me

8. päivä - kappale, jonka sanat muistan ulkoa
9. päivä - kappale, jota voi tanssia
10. päivä - kappale, joka saa nukahtamaan
11. päivä - kappale, suosikki bändiltäni
12. päivä - kappale, jonka olen kuullut livenä
13. päivä - kappale, jota kukaan ei uskoisi minun rakastavan
14. päivä - kappale, joka kuvaa minua
15. päivä - kappale, jota rakastin mutten voi sietää enää
16. päivä - kappale, josta opin pitämään perheenjäsenen kautta
17. päivä - kappale, josta opin pitämään ystävän kautta
18. päivä - kappale, suosikkilevyntäni
19. päivä - kappale, jota kuuntelen vihaisena
20. päivä - kappale, jota kuuntelen iloisena
21. päivä - kappale, jota kuuntelen surullisena
22. päivä - kappale, jonka haluan soivan häissäni
23. päivä - kappale, jonka haluan soivan hautajaisissani
24. päivä - kappale, joka naurattaa minua
25. päivä - kappale, jonka haluaisin osata soittaa
26. päivä - kappale, joka saa oloni syylliseksi
27. päivä - kappale, joka kuvaa ystäviäni
28. päivä - Kappale, joka kuvaa elämääni juuri nyt
Vastaa rehellisesti yksityisellä näihin kysymyksiin:

Arvioi ulkonäköni asteikolla 1-10
voisitko seurustella kanssani
suudelma vai halaus
kerro minusta yksi hyvä puoli
jos muuttaisit minussa jotain, mitä se olisi
uskaltaisitko tulla halaamaan minua
mitä tekisit jos suutelisin sinua
voisitko tulla meille yökylään
jos soittaisin ja sanoisin haluavani nähdä, suostuisitko ?

heehhh vastauksii kitooos c:

Thoughts read, unspoken, forever in vow,
And pieces of memories fall to the ground.
I know what I didn't have, so I won't let this go,
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you.

pay|a-Luonut: pay|aLauantai 14.05.2011 20:04

Hold me now Cause I couldn't even if I tried
Its over now
Guess it really is my time
I don't want to go
but its time I've got to say goodbye
So hold me now
Cause this will be our last time

Remember just to live
Every day like it's your last
And hold me now
Cause I think it's time for me to pass

I don't want to die
I don't know why
This kind of fate was meant for me
There's not a way it was supposed to be
And what do I say?
It was never supposed to end this way

No tears allowed
Even though we've become without

annicaawLuonut: annicaawTorstai 14.04.2011 21:01

annicaaw-Luonut: annicaawTorstai 14.04.2011 20:57

Tell me the difference between love and death
You fear them both as they take your breath
Show me the difference between love and death
You fear them both as they take your breath.

Harusaki[Ei aihetta]Luonut: HarusakiSunnuntai 03.04.2011 23:32

Through it all, I've made my mistakes.
I stumble and fall, but I mean these words.

I want you to know,
With everything I won't let this go.
These words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know,
As I bleed my heart out to show,
And I won't let go.

Thoughts read, unspoken, forever in vow,
And pieces of memories fall to the ground.
I know what I didn't have, so I won't let this go,
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you.

All the streets, where I walked alone,
With nowhere to go, have come to an end.

I want you to know,
With everything I won't let this go.
These words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know,
As I bleed my heart out to show,
And I won't let go.

In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies,
When you don't know what you're looking to find.
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies,
When you just never know what you will find.

I don't want this moment to ever end,
Where everything's nothing without you.

I want you to know,
With everything I won't let this go.
These words are my heart and soul.
I'll hold on to this moment, you know,
As I bleed my heart out to show,
And I won't let go

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