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Jäsenet (116)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

NeutronstarMetlatLuonut: NeutronstarPerjantai 11.10.2013 04:56


Armatus - Satanist
Armatus - Eternal Flame of Hate
Aske - Saatan Legio/Goatfuck
Beastcraft - Pentagram Sacrifice
Beherit - At The Devil's Studio 1990
Black Priest Of Satan - The Black Candles Burn (SIGNED BY MOLESTOR KADOTUS)
Blutrache - Marsch Zu Neuen Zeitaltern (Demonstration cassette 1999)
Celestial Bloodshed - Cursed, Scarred and Forever Possessed
Clandestine Blaze - Fire Burns In Our Hearts
Clandestine Blaze - Promo 98
Dimmu Borgir - Spiritual Black Dimensions
Front Beast - Victims of Death
Gehenna - Black Seared Heart (holycaust records sin003 1996)
Goatmoon (LTD 102/200)
Goatmoon / Ride For Revenge - In The Spirit of Ultimate Sacrifice
Horna - Talismaani
Helwetti - Demo 98
Helwetti - Unholy Extreme Black
Luror - The Iron Hand of Blackest Terror
Ominous - Death... The Beginning
Panzerfaust / Balest
Profane Congregation - Omniscient / Exit Temple of God
Profane Congregation - Tormentor Of Divinity (SIGNED BY SACRILEGE)
Saturnian Mist - Demo 2008
White Wolves Kommando - Our Empire of Shadows
W.A.S.P. - W.A.S.P


Anal Blasphemy - Perversions Of Satan
Azazel - jesus perversions
Barathrum - Anno Aspera: 2003 Years After Bastard's Birth (SIGNED BY DEMONOS SOVA)
Beherit - At The Devil's Studio 1990
Beherit - At The Devil's Studio 1990 (SIGNED BY SODOMATIC SLAUGHTER)
Black Angel / Nechrist - South American Hell
Bloodsworn - All Hyllest Til Satan
Cosmic Church - Absoluutin Lävistämä
Dimmu Borgir - Alive In Torment
Dimmu Borgir - Death cult Armageddon (Digipack)
Dimmu Borgir - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
Dimmu Borgir - In Sorte Diaboli (Digipack)
Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Europhoric Misanthropia
Eisenwinter - Verkommen, entartet und verreckt
Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
Finnentum - Reveries
Gandr - Talvitunnelmia
Gandr - Yöllisen Ylistys
Gehenna - First Spell (Original Head Not Found version)
Ghremdrakk - Je m'exalte
Goat Tunnel - Widow Dancing in Grave of the Blessed
Gorgoroth - The Last Tormentor
Horna - Askel Lähempänä Saatanaa (SIGNED BY SHATRAUG)
Horna - Hiidentorni (Solistitium Records 1997) (SIGNED BY SHATRAUG)
Hämys - Tie Näyttää Paikkani
Impaled Nazarene - Tol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz
In Honour of Icon E - A Tribute to Emperor
Mirkhall - Like Wolves - Like Heathens
Morbid / Mayhem – A Tribute To The Black Emperors (Land Of The Rising Sun Records 1997)
My Torments - Atrocities from Murder to Torture to Worse
Nartvind - Ruinous
Necroslut - Black Deceiver
Odium - Hatred
Rienaus - Beneath the black wings
SAAC - Evil Imagination
Sacrilegious Impalement : III - Lux Infera (SIGNED BY REVENANT)
Sargeist / Horned Almighty - In Ruin & Despair / To the Lord Our Lives
Sargeist - The Rebirth of a Cursed Existence
Sinisterite - Sinisterite
Tsjuder - Demonic Possession
Vritra - Deinde Signum Mortifera
zebulon Kosted - Hashasheen Part 4
Zuboroth - Chornoshum


Archgoat - Heavenly Vulva (Christ's Last Rites)
Dimmu Borgir - For All Tid
Dimmu Borgir - Stormblåst 1996
Emperor - Emperor / Wrath of the tyrant
Satanic Warmaster - Opferblut SIGNED BY WEREWOLF


Förgjord / Musta Kappeli - Uskon Kuolema
Impaled Nazarene - Goat Perversion
Impaled Nazarene - Sadogoat
Impaled Nazarene - Satanic Masowhore

SidiilevytLuonut: SidiiPerjantai 09.07.2010 05:19

1977 - The Spirit Of Punk

Alice Cooper - Greatest Hits

Bad Religion - All Ages
Bad Religion - Suffer
Billy Idol - The Essential

CBGB - The Definitive Story - The Home Of US Punk (kokoelma)
The Clash - The Clash
The Clash - London Calling
The Clash - Super Black Market Clash (kokoelma)
The Clash - Combat Rock

David Lee Roth - Crazy From the Heat EP
Disco Ensemble - First Aid Kit

Eppu Normaali - Maxium Jee&Jee
Eppu Normaali - Studio Etana
Eppu Normaali - Sadan Vuoden Päästäkin

Foxboro Hot Tubs - Stop, Drop And Roll!!!
Foxboro Hot Tubs - Mother Mary (single) LP
Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand
The Freza - Black And White

Green Day - Goin To Pasalaqua (single) LP
Green Day - Paper Lanterns (single) LP
Green Day - 1,000 Hours (single) LP
Green Day - 1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours (kokoelma)
Green Day - Kerplunk!
Green Day - 2,000 Light Years Away (single) LP
Green Day - Christie Road (single) LP
Green Day - Sweet Children (single) LP
Green Day - Dookie
Green Day - Longview (single) LP
Green Day - Basket Case (single) LP
Green Day - Insomniac
Green Day - Geek Stink Breath (single) LP
Green Day - Brain Stew / Jaded (single) LP
Green Day - J.A.R. (single) LP
Green Day - Foot In Mouth (live)
Green Day - nimrod.
Green Day - Hitchin' a Ride (single) LP
Green Day - Redundant (single) LP
Green Day - Warning:
Green Day - Minority (single) LP
Green Day - Waiting (single) LP
Green Day - Waiting (single)
Green Day - International Superhits! (kokoelma)
Green Day - Shenanigans (kokoelma)
Green Day - Desensititzed (single) LP
Green Day - The Lowdown (2CD interview)
Green Day - American Idiot LP
Green Day - American Idiot
Green Day - American Idiot (single) LP
Green Day - Holiday (single) LP
Green Day - Bullet In a Bible (live CD)
Green Day - Know Your Enemy (single)
Green Day - Know Your Enemy (single) LP
Green Day - 21st Century Breakdown
Green Day - 21st Century Breakdown Limited Edition Bootleg
Green Day - 21st Century Breakdown LP
Green Day /w The Original Broadway Cast Recording - American Idiot

Hanoi Rocks - Street Poetry
Hassisen Kone - Jurot Nuorisojulkkikset - Koko Tuotanto, Koko Tarina 1980-1982

Ismo Alanko - Taiteiliaelämää
Ismo Alanko Säätiö - Elävää Musiikkia (live)

Joey Ramone - Don't Worry About me

Karanteeni - Anna Palaa, Frank!! (kokoelma)
Klamydia - Ceedee
Klamydia - Masturbaatio Ilman Käsiä
Klamydia - Siittiöt Sotapolulla
Klamydia - Lahjattomat
Klamydia - Klamysutra
Klamydia - Klamytapit
Klamydia - Urpojugend-suami
Klamydia - Jubileum! (kokoelma)
Klamydia - Tyhmyyden Ylistys
Klamydia - Klamydia
Klamydia - Rujoa Taidetta
Klamydia - Miljoonan Kilsan Tennarit (single)

Lama - ...Ja Mikään Ei Muuttunut
Lama - Tavastia

Maukka Perusjätkä - Hyvät, Pahat ja Parhaat
Marilyn Manson - Eat Me, Drink Me
Misfits - Legacy Of Brutality
Misfits - American Psycho
Mötley Crüe - Too Fast For Love
Mötley Crüe - Theatre Of Pain
Mötley Crüe - Girls Girls Girls
Mötley Crüe - Girls Girls Girls LP
Mötley Crüe - Dr. Feelgood
Mötley Crüe - Red, White And Crüe (kokoelma)
Mötley Crüe - Saints of Los Angeles

Ne Luumäet - Rahat Ja Pois
The Network - Joe Robot (single) LP
Nirvana - Bleach
NOFX - Heavy Petting Zoo
NOFX - The War on Errorism

The Offspring - Conspiracy Of One
Operation Ivy - Operation Ivy

Pate Mustajärvi - Nyt!
Pate Mustäjärvi - Lago Nero C-kasetti
Pate Mustajärvi - Ukkometso
Pate Mustajärvi - Ollaan Ihmisiksi
Pelle Miljoona & N.U.S. - Pelle Miljoona & N.U.S.
Pelle Miljoona & 1980 - Pelko ja Viha
Pelle Miljoona & 1980 - Viimeinen Syksy
Pelle Miljoona Oy - Moottoritie On Kuuma
Pelle Miljoona - Nämä Päivät, Nämä Yöt LP (singlekokoelma)
Pelle Miljoona Oy - Matkalla Tuntemattomaan LP
Pelle Miljoona - Villi Lapsi (kokoelma)
Pelle Miljoona & Rockers - Arambol
Pelle Miljoona & Rockers - Ok!
Pelle Miljoona & Rockers - Landella
Pelle Miljoona Unabomber! - Dharmapummi
Popeda - Popeda C-kasetti
Popeda - Raswaa Koneeseen!
Popeda - Hullut Koirat
Popeda - Mustat Enkelit C-kasetti
Popeda - Harasoo
Popeda - Harasoo C-kasetti
Popeda - Pohjantähden Alla
Popeda - 15GT Golden Turpo (kokoelma)
Popeda - Huilut Suorina (live)
Popeda - Kans'an Popeda
Popeda - Ei Oo Valoo LP
Popeda - Hallelujaa
Popeda - Kans'an Popeda C-kasetti
Popeda - Svoboda
Popeda - Peetlehemin Pesäveikot (Nopein Saa)
Popeda - Just!
Popeda - Häkää
Popeda - Täydelliset Miehet
Problems? - Katupoikia
Punk 1977-2007 - 30th Anniversary Demos (kokoelma/limited edition)
Punk Generation - God Save The Queen (kokoelma)
Punk Ja Yäk! - Suomipunk 1977-1987 (4 CD edition)
Punk On! - 20 Suomipunk-Klassikkoa (kokoelma)

Radio Rock - Sahatuimmat (kokoelma)
Ramones - Ramones
Ramones - Rocket To Russia
Ramones - Road To Ruin
Ramones - Subterranean Jungle
Ramones - Mania (kokoelma)
Ramones - Greatest Hits (kokoelma)
Ramones - Classics (kokoelma)
Rancid - Let's Go
Rancid - ...And Out Come The Wolves
Rancid - Let The Dominoes Fall
Reckless Love - Reckless Love
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication

Sex Pistols - Never Mind The Bollocks Here's The Sex Pistols
Sex Pistols - Anrachy In The UK (live)
Sex Pistols - Jubilee (kokoelma)
Sid Vicious - Sid Sings LP
SiXX: A.M. - The Heroin Diaries
Stiff Little Fingers - Nobody's Heroes
Suomipunkkia - 24 Kovaa (kokoelma)

Tehosekoitin - Rock 'n Roll
Tehosekoitin - Freak Out
The 69 Eyes - Savage Garden
The 69 Eyes - Devils
The 69 Eyes - Hollywood Kills (live)
Tuhkalehto - Piilotettu Maa
Turo's Hevi Gee - 20 Turointa
Twisted Sister - Come Out and Play
Twisted Sister - Big Hits & Nasty Cuts (kokoelma)

U2 - No Line On The Horizon

Ypö-Viis - Karhulan Poikii, Koko Stoori (kokoelma)

siinä ny ei sitten oo ihan kaikki, kun pari on kadonnut jonnekkin... live DVD:eitä ym ei jaksanu pistää mukaan

rouznaAlbums I own 2.0Luonut: rouznaTorstai 26.11.2009 21:20

Amorphis - Silent Waters
Amorphis - Skyforger (Digipak)
Arch Enemy - Rise of the Tyrant
Autere - Havoc Monology
Autere - Seizure
Children of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll
Children of Bodom - Follow the Reaper
Children of Bodom - Are You Dead Yet?
Children of Bodom - Blooddrunk
Dauntless - Execute the Fact
Deathstars - Termination Bliss (Extended)
Deathstars - Night Electric Night (Gold Edition)
Dethera - Arts of the Insane
Elenium - Caught in a Wheel
End of You - Unreal
Ensiferum - Victory Songs
Five Finger Death Punch - The Way of the Fist
Gotham O.D - Monochromatic
Killswitch Engage - Alive Or Just Breathing
KoЯn - Greatest Hits vol. 1
KoЯn - Untitled
Mokoma - Kuoleman laulukunnaat
Mokoma - Viides vuodenaika
Mötley Crüe - Red, White & Crüe
Nightwish - Once
Nightwish - Highest Hopes: The Best of Nightwish (Limited Edition CD+DVD)
Norther- Dreams of Endless War
Norther - Death Unlimited
Norther - Mirror of Madness
Norther - Till Death Unites Us
Norther - No Way Back
Norther - N (Limited Edition Digipak)
Poisonblack- Lust Stained Despair
Poisonblack - A Dead Heavy Day (Limited Edition Digipak with autographs)
Scythe of Orion - X-Lives
Seether - Karma & Effect
Sentenced - Shadows of the Past (Special Two Disc Edition Re-Issue)
Sentenced - North From Here (Special Two Disc Edition Re-issue)
Sentenced - Amok
Sentenced - Down (Limited Edition Digipak Re-Issue)
Sentenced - Frozen
Sentenced - The Cold White Light
Sentenced - The Funeral Album
Sentenced - The Coffin Box Set: Complete Discography
Sixx:A.M. - The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack
Slipknot - Slipknot
Slipknot - Iowa (With original art work)
Slipknot - Iowa
Slipknot - Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses) (Special Limited Edition)
Slipknot - All Hope Is Gone (Special Edition CD/DVD)
Slipknot - Slipknot: 10th Anniversary Edition
Sonata Arctica - The Collection
Sonata Arctica - Unia
Soulfallen - World Expiration (Digipak)
Soulrelic - Love Is A Lie We Both Believed
Stam1na - Uudet kymmenen käskyä
Stam1na - Raja
Stone - Stoneage 2.0
Stone Sour - Stone Sour
Stone Sour - Come What(ever) May (Special Edition)
Tarot - Shining Black
The 69 Eyes - Devils
Trivium - Shogun (CD/DVD Special Edition with autographs)
Turisas - The Varangian Way (Director's Cut)
Twilightning - Bedlam
Various Artists - Peaceville : 21 years of Doom, Death & Darkness
Various Artists - Stay Heavy Records: Dirty Black Summer EP
Various Artists - Let the Metal Flow 2008
Various Artists - Nordic Tour Sampler (Promo)
Various Artists - Darker Playground vol. 1

Amorphis - Silent Waters
Amorphis - Silver Bride
Before the Dawn - Faithless
Children of Bodom - Blooddrunk
DevilDriver - Not All Who Wander Are Lost (Promo)
Ensiferum - One More Magic Potion
Eternal Tears of Sorrow - Tears of Autumn Rain
Godsplague - I Will Break You
Kiuas - Of Sacrifice, Loss And Reward
Kotiteollisuus - Tuonelan koivut
Lamb of God - Set to Fail (Promo)
Machine Head - Now I Lay Thee Down (Promo)
Megadeth - A Tout Le Monde / Sleepwalker (Promo)
Nightwish - Nemo
Norther - Unleash Hell
Norther - Spreading Death
Northern Kings - We Don't Need Another Hero
Poisonblack - Bear the Cross
Porcupine Tree - Fear of a Blank Planet (Promo)
Reflexion - Twilight Child
Sentenced - No One There
Shadows Fall - Redemption
Slipknot - Spit It Out
Slipknot - My Plague
Slipknot - Vermilion
Slipknot - Psychosocial (Promo)
Slipknot - Dead Memories (Promo)
Sonata Arctica - Paid In Full
Soulfly - Blood Fire War Hate (Promo)
Trivium - The Rising (Promo)

Children of Bodom - Trashed, Lost & Strungout EP
Lordi - Market Square Massacre
Norther - Spreading Death
Roadrunner United - The Concert
Sentenced- Buried Alive
Slipknot - Disasterpieces
Slipknot - Voliminal: Inside the Nine
Tarot - Undead Indeed

rouznaMjaha.Luonut: rouznaTiistai 26.05.2009 01:44


Amorphis - Skyforger CHECK
Eternal Tears of Sorrow - Children of the Dark Waters
Marilyn Manson - The High End of Low

Eli toisin sanoen, saanko esitellä: Levyhyllyni.

Amorphis - Silent Waters
Autere - Havoc Monology
Autere - Seizure
Children Of Bodom - Follow the Reaper
Children Of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll
Children Of Bodom - Are You Dead Yet?
Children Of Bodom - Blooddrunk
Darker Playground vol. 1 (Promo)
Deathstars - Termination Bliss (Extended version)
Deathstars - Night Electric Night (Gold Edition)
Dethera - Arts of the Insane
Five Finger Death Punch - The Way of the Fist
HIM - Love Metal
HIM - Dark Light
Killswitch Engage - Alive or Just Breathing
KoRn - The Greatest Hits Vol. 1
KoRn - Untitled
Let the Metal Flow 2008 collection
Lordi - Get Heavy
Lordi - Monsterican Dream
Lordi - The Arockalypse
Mokoma - Viides vuodenaika
Mötley Crüe - Red, White & Crüe
Nightwish - Once
Nightwish - Highest Hopes: The Best of Nightwish (Limited Edition)
Norther - Dreams of Endless War
Norther - Death Unlimited
Norther - Mirror Of Madness
Norther - Till Death Unites Us
Norther - No Way Back
Norther - N (Special Edition)
Poisonblack - Lust Stained Despair
Poisonblack - A Dead Heavy Day
Peaceville - 21 Years of Doom, Death & Darkness (Promo)
Seether - Karma and Effect
Sentenced - Shadows of the Past (Special Edition)
Sentenced - North From Here (Special Edition)
Sentenced - Amok
Sentenced - Crimson
Sentenced - Frozen
Sentenced - The Cold White Light
Sentenced - The Funeral Album
Sixx:A.M. - The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack
Slipknot - Slipknot
Slipknot - Iowa x2 (Toinen alkuperäisillä kansilla)
Slipknot - Vol.3: (The Subliminal Verses) (Special Edition)
Slipknot - All Hope Is Gone (Limited Edition)
Sonata Arctica - The Collection (CD/DVD version)
Sonata Arctica - Unia
Stam1na - Uudet Kymmenen Käskyä
Stam1na - Raja
Stone - Stoneage 2.0
Stone Sour - Stone Sour
Stone Sour - Come What(ever) May (Special Edition)
The 69 Eyes - Devils
Trivium - Shogun (Special Edition nimmareilla)
Turisas - The Varangian Way (Director's cut)
Twilightning - Bedlam

Amorphis - Silent Waters
Before the Dawn - Faithless
Children Of Bodom - Trashed, Lost & Strungout
Children Of Bodom - Blooddrunk
DevilDriver - Not All Who Wander Are Lost (Promo)
Ensiferum - One More Magic Potion
Godsplague - I Will Break You
Kiuas - Of Sacrifice, Loss and Reward
Kotiteollisuus - Tuonelan Koivut
Machine Head - Now I Lay Thee Down (Promo)
Megadeth - A Tout Le Monde/Sleepwalker (Promo)
Northern Kings - We Don't Need Another Hero
Poisonblack - Bear the Cross
Reflexion - Twilight Child
Shadows Fall - Redemption (Promo)
Slipknot - Spit It Out
Slipknot - My Plague (New Abuse mix)
Slipknot - Vermilion
Slipknot - Dead Memories (Promo)
Slipknot - Psychosocial (Promo)
Sonata Arctica - Paid In Full
Soulfly - Blood, Fire, War, Hate (Promo)
Teräsbetoni - Missä Miehet Ratsastaa
Trivium - The Rising (Promo)

Roadrunner United - The Concert
Sentenced - Buried Alive
Slipknot - Disasterpieces
Slipknot - Voliminal: Inside the Nine

rouznaAh, ostoslistaa.Luonut: rouznaLauantai 31.01.2009 21:01

¤ Mötley Crüe - Red, White & Crüe
¤ Sixx:A.M. - The Heroin Diaries soundtrack
¤ Five Finger Death Punch - The Way of the Fist
¤ Deathstars - Night Electric Night
¤ Guns N' Roses - Appetite for Destruction

Ensi viikolla suunnistetaan siis levykauppaan. 8)

herbie...Luonut: herbiePerjantai 14.03.2008 22:04

Viikon levyostokset...

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »