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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

Joy Division.Yksinkertasesti vaan ihan mahtava bändi.

RIP Ian Curtis 1956-1980<3

Joskus musta tuntuu,että mun ois pitäny tyylii elää tuohon aikaan tai jotain,koska se musiikki mitä ennen oli..on vaa nii hiton paljo parempaa!!

MiggaBad DreamLuonut: MiggaLauantai 23.01.2010 19:35

Bad Dream

Comic things are more sad
Planning for another vengeance
Made last things at last
Show me yourself and chance

It all began when you were progressive
Pink sky is solid ocean
Tried to be more aggressive
It's kinda necessery potion

We're dreaming same bad dream
It rings beautifully
'Til I scream and am ice cream

Feature makes more distance far away
Rules are more important
See the lady turned to gray
One mile is anymore than an inch

Openminded at these days
How much time, time did take
Feeling finally in a daze
See the glass that wind did brake

Rides there without injection
Poster of the flying horse
Won't be buried faction
You can't be without seeing faction

Some place is from here far away
Innocent, victim take another
In the ground you can lay
It's called truth rather

We're dreaming same bad dream
It rings beautifully
'Til I scream and am ice cream

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »