

Televisio ja elokuvat
Käyntejä: 557 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

sennu||opettelinpa tämän pianolla.Luonut: sennu||Lauantai 15.08.2009 18:56

Get a load of me, get a load of you
Walking down the street, and I hardly know you
It's just like we were meant to be

Holding hands with you when we're out at night,
got a girlfriend, but you say it isn't right
and I've got someone waiting, too

What if this is just the beginning?
We're already wet and we're gonna go swimming

Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you?
It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it, so tell me
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?

monstah[Ei aihetta]Luonut: monstahSunnuntai 26.04.2009 14:24

Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you
It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it
So tell me
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you

-HIM-whiiiiiLuonut: -HIM-Maanantai 16.02.2009 17:50

On ollu ihan outo päivä, oon ollu kauheen pirtee koulussa :--D
Whii.. Liikaa sieniä :---DD joo en tiiä.. Jee kohta meen Hantan ja Lauran kaa kaupungille ja ostan housut ja sit Minnalle lahjan ;---) ja sit mennää Hantan luo kattoo 13 Ja Risat :--P

(Perkele mun toinen korvanreikä on menny umpeen...) :P

-HIM-[Ei aihetta]Luonut: -HIM-Sunnuntai 08.02.2009 12:53

Katoin äsken 13 Ja Risat <cool>
on se hyvä leffa :P

Vois kattoo tänään vielä
Scary Movie 2 ;D ♥
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