
[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 24.03.2008 04:16

I've been tryin' to get away
To get away
To leave this old town
I've been tryin' to see my way
To see my way
So I won't be found
Many times I've felt alone
I've felt alone
But that's all behind
One thing I know
I know
One thing is that

I know I have to go
Got no dough
Should I stay or should I go
Gotta get away
Don't want to stay
Leavin' tomorrow by subway

Some people, they tell me
They tell me
I've been here to long
It don't compel me
They tell me
I just don't belong

Sometimes I wonder
I wonder
What's right or what's wrong
One thing I
I know
One thing is that

I know I have to go
Got no dough
Should I stay or should I go
Gotta get away
Don't want to stay
Leavin' tomorrow by subway

I gotta get away
Get away, get away, get away
I gotta get away
Yeah, baby get away, gotta, gotta, gotta get away
Whoo, you've gotta get away

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