


IG joni_kristiann SNAP buranasd

.Sunnuntai 23.10.2011 19:59

Give me gun, one bullet and run. You dont wanna see me when I'm done. So much sorrow, so much pain. My game is over, see ya in hell. Where's the joy, where's the happiness? I don't know, ask someone else. Beat me, break me, punch me in the face. Burn me, drown me, choke me now! Tommorow is the day that I never want that come. Throw me in to lake, bury me deep. 6 feet under, are you kidding me? Fuck this shit, just give me the gun, I'll pop my head of, and sleep very tight. Beat me, break me, punch me in the face. Burn me, drown me, choke me now! Tommorow is the day that I never want that come!

I dont know what to say anymore. I dont know how to make you believe me. I dont know what to do. This is killing me. Somebody please kill me!

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