Once upon time, there was just a normal kid. Kid who didn't understand this evil and cruel world. Who didn't know how much evil there could be. How much it can hurt him. The kid kept going and growing. Ignoring the cruel world. Through days and years kid keeps going. Still thinking, that there isnt any evil. Parents kept him safe, gave him love. Years passes by. The kid grows. Everything changes step by step. Days go, and the kid gets new challenges in his life. He had to start to live like a man. Parent's allways said, we support you, and understand what ever you do. Again, years go. The kid is teenager. Parent's got problems. Problems that couldn't be solved. They separated. Kid is confused, depressed, nothing to say, nothing to think. He thought in his mind. Now I know, what they ment with cruel and evil. Few years goes, both parent's left him. Now the kid is all alone. No one would take care of him anymore, no one would give him love. The kid had to figure the way out, to better life. He was speechless. He didn't know what to do. Now there is only cruelty and sorrow in his life. Day by day, he tries. Day by day, he fails. He hopes, that someone could help him, take him good care, to love him. Now here I am. Trying so hard to find good life. Oh please, someone, help me!