


What if the last sound is the very best sound?

ihana biisi <3<3Keskiviikko 24.06.2009 16:10

Clay Aiken - I will carry you

Yeah, I know it hurts
Yeah, I know you're scared
Walkin' down the road that leads
To Who-Knows-Where

Don't ya hang your head
Don't ya give up yet
When courage starts
To disappear
I will be right here

When your world
Breaks down
And the voices tell you,
Turn around
When your dreams give out
I will carry you
Carry you
When the stars go blind
And the darkness starts to
Flood your eyes
When you're fallin' behind
I will carry you

Everybody cries
Everybody bleeds
No one ever
Said that life's
An easy thing
That's the beauty of it
When you lose your way
Close your eyes
'N' go to sleep
And wake up to
Another day

When your world
Breaks down
And the voices tell you,
Turn around
When your dreams give out
I will carry you
Carry you
When the stars go blind
And the darkness starts to
Flood your eyes
When you're fallin' behind
I will carry you

You should know now
That you're not alone
Take my heart and we will find
You will find
Your way home

When your dreams
give out
I will carry you
Carry you
When the stars
Go blind
And the darkness starts to
Flood your eyes
When you've fallen
I will carry you
Carry you
I will carry you
Carry you
I will carry you
Carry you
I will carry you

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