


What if the last sound is the very best sound?

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 27.09.2009 22:23

Listen, Soubi, please.

Don´t ask me anything more.
It makes me feel choked...
...Like there´s a knife to my throat.
Don´t ask me. Just know, Just know.

In a world such as this...
Who is truly able to trust?
What can you really trust in?

I`m so small -- insignificant
I can´t see the whole of the matter.
I can´t comprehend.

And if i get it wrong,
the knife at my throat
will tear me in two.

What does it mean you believe?
I don´t understand.
But even if you should betray me,
I will forgive you.

That´s what knowing is.
That´s what means to believe.

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