


What if the last sound is the very best sound?

Son of Rust - Just Once <3Maanantai 15.03.2010 18:53

"I feel your forbidden touch
your breath across my skin
how could such a simple thing mean so much
I need to feel you from within

just once
I'd like you to be here with me
just once
I'd like to tell you how I feel
just once
I'd show you how things could be
just once
I'd show you what is real

to you
did I mean anything or are memories just that to you
you can't go on alone forever
see inside me
feel the same way too

so many years spent wasted
with no regrets to give
but now that I have tasted
well it's the only reason I have to live"

...Lauantai 13.03.2010 23:42

Tyttö kysyi pojalta onko
hän pojan mielestä nätti,
hän vastasi: ei.
Tyttö kysyi haluaisiko poika
olla hänen kanssaan ikuisesti,
ja hän sanoi: ei.
Sitten tyttö kysyi itkisikö poika
jos hän lähtisi ja taas
kerran poika vastasi : ei.
Tyttö oli kuullut
tarpeeksi. Kun hän käveli
pois, kyyneleet pitkin
poskia valuen, poika
tarttui hänen käteensä ja
sanoi: sinä et ole nätti,
olet kaunis. Minä en halua
olla kanssasi ikuisesti,
minun tarvitsee olla
kanssasi ikuisesti.
Ja minä en itkisi jos lähtisit,
minä kuolisin jos lähtisit.

Kuroshitsuji - Jee olin Sebastian :3Perjantai 05.03.2010 00:12

Ciel Phantomhive
[x] - You have experienced quite a bit of sadness in your childhood.
[ ] - You are allergic to cats.
[x] - You tend to get very angry when insulted.
[ ] - You are technically a child, but act older than you are.
[x] - You usually seem placid to others, and may come off a bit snobby or rude.
[ ] - You enjoy elegance.
[ ] - Many people are around you to protect you.
[ ] - You tend to hang around in the shadows more than others, and do your deeds- be they good or bad- from there.
[x] - You have a lot of hatred for others. You might want revenge, too.
[x] - You love someone greatly, and want to protect them.

Sebastian Michaelis
[/] - You love cats. Dogs are disgusting.
[x] - You are exceptionally loyal to your friends—or, maybe more so one person than many.
[ ] - You could be described as tall, dark, and handsome.
[x] - You're a bit of a loner in a way; the affairs of humans don't necessarily interest you.
[ ] - You aren't interested in love or sexuality.
[ ] - People of both sexes tend to flock around you romantically. You just cant get a break, can you?
[x] - You never lie to that(those) special person(people).
[/] - Failure is not an option in your mind.
[/] - You like things perfect and elegant. No one seems to do it like in the good old days.
[x] - You can put up an excellent façade and hide what you truly are, and your thoughts and emotions. You are one hell of a butler, after all.

Grell Sutcliff
[ ] - Your favorite color is red.
[x] - You tend to be incredibly flamboyant, cheery, and insane.
[x] - You aren't really bothered by blood or death. In fact, you might just laugh. You're probably the cause of it, anyways.
[x] - Whether you're heterosexual with homosexual tendencies, or homosexual with heterosexual tendencies, no one can really tell.
[/] - You like fashion, poetry, and mainstream cute things.
[ ] - You like someone, but they don't feel the same way, for some reason or another. But that doesn't get you down! Â…Often.
[x] - You're a hopeless romantic!~
[ ] - You're happy with who you are, and won't change, no matter what anyone says.
[ ] - There's nothing shameful in cross dressing, as long as you look good!
[ ] - There's nothing you won't do for a kiss from your one true loveÂ… with tongue. <3

[/] - You love dogs so much, you practically are one!
[ ] - You aren't embarrassed about being naked in front of others, but you do look good in a nice suit!
[ ] - You're attracted to someone, or multiple someones.
[ ] - You're usually a really great people person, all around.
[ ] - You're kind of oblivious.
[/] - You have a really big secret, but it doesn't weigh you down.
[ ] - You tend to be the fanservice in your group.
[x] - You are insane, to sum it up.
[ ] - You tend to bark for no reason.
[x] - You'd love to breathe fire, or you can already.

Elizabeth Middleford
[ ] – You love someone a lot, and are sure they love you back, but you feel hurt because they don't always show it.
[ ] – You like making everything cute, from your clothes to your mansion!
[x] – You'd do anything to make the person you love happy.
[x] – You tend to worry a lot about people you care about.
[ ] – You are almost always upbeat, cheery, happy, hyper, and loving.
[ ] – You're determined to make him smile.
[ ] – You like sweet things and cute things.
[ ] – You're good at your studies.
[x] – You love parties.
[/] – You tend to be the innocent, childish, oblivious one.

Drocell Kains
[ ] – You tend to be used by others, and walked all over.
[ ] – You don't seem to mind being used.
[ ] – You conform to your crowd, possibly to gain popularity or status.
[ ] – You often could be characterized as the puppet.
[ ] – You like dolls.
[ ] – You like music boxes.
[x] – You hide your emotions, feelings, and desires for reasons unknown.
[ ] – For some unknown reason, you're very loyal to a specific person, as if they created you.
[x] – People can describe you as distant and disconnected, even anti social.
[x] – You don't make friends easily.

[ ] – You don't like unclean things.
[x] – You have a bit of a split personality.
[ ] – You sometimes lie and manipulate in order to get your way.
[ ] – You're "transsexual".
[ ] – You could be described as a bitch sometimes.
[ ] – People have no reason to trust you.
[ ] – You have a goal, and won't stop until you succeed.
[ ] – People are disposable to you.
[ ] – You can be angelic.
[ ] – People tend to follow you; you have charisma.

Prince Soma
[/] – You are selfish/childish often, but are really working to improve yourself.
[ ] – You can be self-centered or spoiled.
[ ] – You love someone, but they will never love you back.
[x] – You have one good friend, and you trust them with all you've got.
[ ] – You love curry, any kind will do.
[ ] – You tend to be flamboyant and peppy, and a bit of a princely character.
[ ] – You can be very religious.
[x] – When it comes to someone important to you, you'll stop at nothing to help them.
[ ] – You have great style and flair.
[ ] – You're good with making people follow you.

Killed by beloved one...Keskiviikko 03.03.2010 19:50

"Kido knew he was going to be killed by his beloved one.
He knew it, and still he was happy.

Not because Kido wanted to be killed by him,
not because Kido wanted to die.

but because Kido knew that after he´s death,
his beloved one would be safe.
No one could hurt him.

Kido wanted to sacrifice himself,
so his beloved one could be happy and safe.

Of course Kido didn´t tell this so him.
And of course Kido knew his beloved one would not kill him because he wanted to.

His beloved one would kill Kido, because he is so mad.
Mad because it was Kido´s fault that his beloved´s parents died.
or at least Kido tought it was..."

...Maanantai 22.02.2010 17:30

Nimeni on Chris, Olen kolme vuotias, Silmäni ovat turvoksissa.
En näe. Minun täytyy olla tyhmä, Minun täytyy olla paha,
Mikä muukaan olisi voinut, tehdä isän niin vihaiseksi?
Toivon että olisin ollut parempi, Toivon etten olisi ollut ruma,
Sitten ehkä äitini, Haluaisi vieläkin halata minua.
En voi tehdä väärin, En pysty puhumaan ollenkaan,
Tai muuten olen lukittuna ylhäällä, Koko päivän.
Kun olen hereillä, Olen aivan yksin, Talo on pimeä, Väkeni ei ole kotona.
Kun äiti tulee kotiin, Yritän olla mukava, Niin ehkä minä saan vain,
Yhden selkäsaunan tänä iltana.
Kuulin auton, Isä on palannut, Charlien baarista.
Kuulen hänen kirouksen, Nimeni on sanottu, Painan itseni, Seinää vasten.
Yritän piileksiä, Hänen pahoilta silmiltään, Olen niin peloissani nyt,
Alan itkeä. Hän löytää minut itkemästä, Kutsuu minua rumilla sanoilla,
Hän sanoo, että on minun vikani, Että hän kärsii töissä.
Hän läimäyttää ja lyö minua, Ja huutaa minulle enemmän,
Pääsen vihdoinkin vapaaksi, Ja juoksen ovelle.
Hän on lukinnut sen jo, Ja minä alan karjua,
Hän ottaa minut kiinni ja heittää minut, Kovaa päin seinää.
Minä putoan lattialle, Luuni melkein murtuneena, Ja minun isäni jatkaa,
Enemmän huonoja sanoja. 'Olen pahoillani!', minä huudan,
Mutta se on nyt liian myöhäistä, Hänen kasvonsa on kieroutunut,
Käsittämättömäksi. Se kipu ja loukkaantuminen, Uudelleen ja uudelleen,
Hyvä Jumala, armahda minua! Lopeta se, kiltti! Ja hän viimeinkin lopettaa,
Ja suuntaa ovelle, Sillä välin kun makaan siellä liikkumattomana,
Loikoillen lattialla.
Nimeni on Chris, Olen kolme vuotias,
Tänään isäni, Murhasi minut. Ja sinä voit auttaa, Jos luet tätä,
ja et ohita.
Minä rukoilen sinun anteeksiantoaisi, Sinun olisi pitänyt olla,
Yksi sydämetön henkilö,
Jos ei vaikuta sinuun, Tämä runo. Ja koska sinä OLET vaikuttunut,
Tee jotain sille! Kaikki mitä pyydän sinua tekemään,
On siirtää tämä eteenpäin!
laita tämä päiväkirjaasi
Jos ET lisää tätä päiväkirjaasi
Niin silloin oletettavasti ET VÄLITÄ lasten pahoinpitelystä.
Ensiksi minä luulin tätä vain ketjukirjeeksi
Ja en aikonut laittaa tätä eteenpäin,
Mutta nyt tajusin että tämä on tärkeä tilanne.
Ainakin viisi lasta jokainen päivä kaikkialta maailmasta kuolee lapsipahoinpitelyn takia.

Epik High - One <33Maanantai 25.01.2010 20:37


Time is tickin′. T-Time is tickin′, tickin′.
Time is tickin′, T-Time is tickin′ awayÂ…

I want to see your tears pour out, pour out without reason
No one knows inside your heart, The glass fragments raging a storm
The wounds become a sickness, All doors become a wall
IÂ’ve become an enemy in the mirror, doesnÂ’t it hurt?
[I'll] keep anyone from knowing about you, [I'll] leave the breath to tighten out
IÂ’ll force you to choose the end, (arenÂ’t I bad?), IÂ’ll take away all reason in this world for you to to stand
Without the choice of the road back, youÂ’ll walk to the end
Your breath would probably end before my heart
WoundsÂ… ScarsÂ… TearsÂ… Flowing
(When you cry. though you try. say goodbye. the time is tickin′)
You are wandering through death, (IÂ’ll save youÂ…)
(When you cry. though you try. say goodbye. the time is tickin′)
You are the one.
When youÂ’re walking in shadows
(When IÂ’m panicking in the shadows, my breath does the same)
you are my savior
IÂ’ll reach my hand out to you
(When all the doors in the world close for me, IÂ’ll support you with my hand)
you are the one. you are my savior.

Time is tickin′. TÂ…

Your hand set the world on fire, You closed everyoneÂ’s eyes
The suffering that was reflected in your eyes like stars become your city
Are your still dreaming, sleeping? Are you measuring all the tears youÂ’ve shed?
Hope is a paper boat that sinks, isnÂ’t it sad?
Maybe you wake up drenched in sweat at night, Is consciousness crawling on the floor?
Are you thinking itÂ’s the end, are you ok? Â’cause I understand
IÂ’m a scar on your broken body, IÂ’ll erase the tears youÂ’ve hidden away in your shattered marriage
IÂ’ll grab your hand With my hand and trust you
You are wandering through death, (IÂ’ll save youÂ…)
(When you cry. though you try. say goodbye. the time is tickin′)
You are the one.
When youÂ’re walking in shadows
(When IÂ’m panicking in the shadows, my breath does the same)
you are my savior
IÂ’ll reach my hand out to you
(When all the doors in the world close, IÂ’ll support you with my hand)
you are the one. you are my savior.

you are the one. you are my savior.

Do you have wounds, do you have scars, Are you wandering through shadows?

Do you have wounds, do you have scars, Are you wandering through shadows?
(Faith, Destiny, Love.)

you′re still beautiful to me.

You are the one.
When youÂ’re walking in shadows
(When IÂ’m panicking in the shadows, my breath does the same)
you are my savior
IÂ’ll reach my hand out to you
(When all the doors in the world close for me, IÂ’ll support you with my hand)
Time is tickin′. T-Time is tickin′, tickin′.
Time is tickin′, T-Time is tickin′ awayÂ…

My savior.


Monochrome factor - last episodeMaanantai 25.01.2010 18:54

Shirogane: "Akira!!!" (Akira is going to get hit my the Old man)
Akira: "Shirogane, don´t do it!" (Shirogane is trying to kill the Old man but he doesn´t do it and gets hit in the wall)
Old man: "What did I..?"
Akira: "Shirogane, are you ok?" (Runs to Shirogane)
Shirogane: "Yes..."
Akira: "Stay still, your wound is severe. Wait here, I get Master..."
Shirogane: "We don´t have enough time. Go quickly to where Haruka is."
Akira: "You..."
Old man: "Mr. Shirogane, altough you were about to... why didn´t you kill me?"
Shirogane: "Why would that be? It must be because i love Akira so much, I didn´t do it."
Akira: "What are you talking about? Listen, don´t die on me until I get back."
Shirogane: "Yes."

SID - Monochrome no Kiss <33Maanantai 25.01.2010 11:54

The monochrome blows through our colorless encounter.
I shall entrust each of my pains to you
The unforgiving autumn, which forcefully traces my scars, comes
While your cool fingers still beckon me
After I'd melted, you tenderly save
The troublesome, icy me and and toy around with me with a kiss
Nevertheless, I search for a single form of love
Your dried eyes tied it to the present from a time far beyond
If I can, I want to end while shrouded this like
Together, we concealed our pale selves; the moon is hiding, too
How many nights did I come to love since then?
In the sea of dependence, I forget to even breathe
Even with your captivation, you only leave behind a tepid warmth
In the art of knowing when to quit, I dislike your conceited kisses
Don't leave me alone, perceive and color me already
What words will slip out of your room?
Being confused, falling asleep- Will you tell me about things beyond those?
Only the moon is looking at the sighs lost in the questions of smiles
When the next long needle points to the ceiling
You won't be around anymore; I won't need you anymore
Nevertheless, I definitely searched for a form of love
Your teary eyes tied it to the present from a time far beyond
If I can, I want to end while shrouded this like
Your wish and the night bring morning along in vain
Paint it with a tender, passionate, yet cowardly kiss
The moon illuminates our final night

Heart of SorrowPerjantai 27.11.2009 12:06

This pain, this sorrow, this life,
everyhting is just killing me.
I have no more days to life,
I have no more worries to think,
This is the end of all.
This is the end of all.

But why? why does it has to be this day?
This day of all days I´ve lived.
This day when you finally said you love me.

I got the Heart of Sorrow,
the worst heart of all,
Heart that´s gonna kill me,
or make me just mad.

I knew I would die soon,
but why now?
I love you so, but I can´t tell you that.
Cause if I tell, you will be even more sad when I´m gone,
I want you to hate me,
I want you to forget about me.
Cause then I know you will be able to life on.
You will be able to life on.

I got the Heart of Sorrow,
the worst heart of all,
Heart that´s gonna kill me,
or make me just mad.

The Heart of Sorrow is and will always be my curse.

en muista oonko jo tehny x3Maanantai 16.11.2009 18:12

- Elokuva/sarja jonka aikana itkit? - niitä on ihan hitosti :D
- Itketkö ylipäätänsä helposti? - khyl yleensä
- Kuka viimeksi katsoi sinua pitkään? - en tiiä :D
- Mitä lukee kolmannessa saapuneessa tekstiviestissäsi? - Et tainnu lukee viestiä loppuun
- Biisi jonka kuuntelit viimeksi? - Lovelessin alkumusan x3
- Millainen mieliala tällä hetkellä? - hilpeä :D
- Muistatko milloin viimeksi itkit itsesi uneen? - en ees muista x3
- Nauratko enemmän kuin itket? - Paljonki!
- Oletko hiljainen? - riippuu seurasta :D
- Onko sydämesi ikinä särkynyt? - miten sen nyt ottaa
- Onko sinulla yhtään korua nyt, jos niin millainen? - kaulakoru ( kiinalainen merkki horoskoopille kukko) ja rengas korvikset :P
- Oliko juuri ajattelemasi asia jokin, joka huolestuttaa sinua? - no ei se nyt ihan huolestuta x3
- Suutelisitko henkilöä, jota viimeisimpänä ajattelit? - enpäs tiiä
- Tekisikö mielesi jonkun luokse? - joo :D
- Tekisikö mielesi haukkua joku pystyyn? - KYLLÄ
- Odotatko enemmän joulua vai kesää? - joulu on nyt enemmän mieles :D
- Seurusteletko? - ehen
- Onko sulla paitaa, jossa on jonkun julkkiksen kuva? - ei taida olla
- Pidätkö vesimeloonista? - joo<3
- Pidätkö leijonakuningas-leffasta? - khyllä!
- Onko huoneesi seinillä tauluja? Millaisia? - on jotai pienii :D
- Entäpä julisteita? - kuule vaikka kuinka paljon
- Pidätkö enemmän kissoista vai koirista? - Molemmat on yhtä ihania, mut jos on pakko valita niin kissoista
- Söisitkö mieluiten Fazerin, Pandan vai Haribon karkkeja?- Pandan <3
- Osaatko tehdä ruokaa? - En ainakaan kovin hyvin x3
- Toivoisitko että tulisi jo lunta? - joo! lisää vaan <3
- Mihin haluaisit matkustaa? - Eniten Japaniin ja Koreaan :P
- Jos sinulla olisi bändi, mikä olisi tehtäväsi siinä? - hmm varmaan pimputtasin kitaraa tai soittasin rumpuja x3
- Osaatko katsoa kieroon? - khyl maar
- Voisitko mennä kännissä kouluun? - khyllä
- Mitä toivot? - paljonkin kaikenlaista. jos rupeisin luettelee niin kukaan ei jaksas lukee tätä testii x3