
:(Tiistai 17.03.2009 10:59

There goes my Valentine again
soaked in red for what she said
And now shes gone

Oh my god have I done it again
theres a pulse and its deafening.
I can't help what I hear in my head
it's the switch that I flick when he says

Hand of blood, I don't wanna feel, my heart is breaking
Hand of blood, I don't wanna see, my life is burning

I saw you look away
Is what you've seen too much to take
Or are you blind and seeing nothing, I saw you run
I saw you run away
is what I've done too much to take or are you scared of being nothing

There's a stain on my hand and it's red
oh my god am I losing it
I can't help what I've done or I said
It's the buttons I push when he says


I saw you look away
Is what you've seen too much to take,
Or are you blind and seeing nothing, I saw you run
I saw you run away,
Is what I've done too much to take or are you scared of being nothing

I saw you look away
Is what you've seen too much to take,
Or are you blind and seeing nothing, I saw you run,
I saw you run away,
Is what I've done too much to take or are you scared of being nothing

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