


Hope for the best, plan for the worst


- Vanhemmat »

sattumalta, heheTiistai 17.06.2008 16:56

Laita soittimesi satunnaiselle ja vastaa kappaleiden nimillä…

Tämä kappale tekee sinut iloiseksi.
Biisi: SoS
Esittäjä: Jonas Brothers

Tämä kappale taas tekee sinut surulliseksi.
Biisi: My Only One
Esittäjä: Hurriganes

Tämä kappale soitetaan hautajaisissasi.
Biisi: Joutsen
Esittäjä: Stam1na

Tämä kappale soi häissäsi.
Biisi: Faint
Esittäjä: Linkin Park

Tämä kappale on mielestäsi maailman paras.
Biisi: No Way Back
Esittäjä: Norther

Tätä kappaletta vihaat yli kaiken.
Biisi: Looks That Kill
Esittäjä: Mötley Crüe

Tämä kappale soi, kun näit ensikertaa ihastuksesi.
Biisi: I Love Rock N´Roll
Esittäjä: Joan Jett

Tämän kappaleen esität karaokessa seuraavalla kerralla kun menet baariin.
Biisi: Surrender (Work In Progress)
Esittäjä: Billy Talent

Tämä kappale soi, kun kuolet.
Biisi: Tears Don´t Fall (Acoustic)
Esittäjä: Bullet For My Valentine

Tämä kappale muistuttaa sinua ihanasta lomamatkasta.
Biisi: Crawling
Esittäjä: Linkin Park

Tästä kappaleesta vanhempasikin tykkäävät hirveästi.
Biisi: Blitzkrieg Pop
Esittäjä: The Ramones

Ilman tätä kappaletta et voisi elää.
Biisi: The Suicider
Esittäjä: Sentenced

Osaat tämän kappaleen sanat ulkoa.
Biisi: Going Down In Flames
Esittäjä: 3 Doors Down

Humalassa ollessasi tämä kappale on helppo laulaa, mutta todellisuudessa se on hyvin vaikeaa.
Biisi: Lover The Flags
Esittäjä: Sentenced

Tätä kappaletta maantiedon opettajasi laulaa seuraavalla tunnillanne.
Biisi: Are You Dead Yet?
Esittäjä: Children Of Bodom

Haluaisit laulaa tämän kappaleen koulusi keskusradiosta.
Biisi: Hanipuppeli
Esittäjä: Harhakuvitelma

Tämän kappaleen sanoista tykkäät valtavasti, vaikka et ymmärrä mitä ne tarkoittavat.
Biisi: Rebell Yell
Esittäjä: Children Of Bodom

Haluat, että ihastuksesi laulaa tämän kappaleen sinulle keskellä koulun aulaa.
Biisi: If I Die Tomorrow
Esittäjä: Mötley Crüe

Tämän kappaleen tahdissa tanssit ensimmäiset hitaasi.
Biisi:Punk Rock Song
Esittäjä:Bad Religion

Tämä kappale soi aina discossa, kun menet sinne.
Biisi: My Sweet Lilly
Esittäjä: Hurriganes


Mikä on nimesi?
Biisi: Traqshed, Lost& Strungout
Esittäjä: Children Of Bodom

Mistä haaveilet juuri tällä hetkellä?
Biisi: Cross My Heart And Hope To Die
Esittäjä: Sentenced

Mikä sinusta tulee isona?
Biisi: Going Nowhere
Esittäjä: Norther

Ketä/mitä rakastat?
Biisi: Hammasratas
Esittäjä: Stam1na

Mitä haluaisit saada huoneeseesi?
Biisi: Touch Like An Angels Of Death
Esittäjä: Children Of Bodom

Mitä harrastat?
Biisi: Come Clarity
Esittäjä: In Flames

Mitä mieltä olet koulusta?
Biisi: Hey Ho, Lets Go
Esittäjä: Ramones

Mitä teet, jos joku pettää sinut?
Biisi: Roadkill Morning
Esittäjä: Children Of Bodom

Mistä saat hankittua rahaa?
Biisi: Crawl Through Knives
Esittäjä: In Flames

Montako lasta saat tulevaisuudessa?
Biisi: Tainted Love
Esittäjä: Marilyn Manson

Mitä kannat aina mukanasi?
Biisi: Day Of Redemption
Esittäjä: Norther

Mitä ilman et voisi elää?
Biisi: Smash
Esittäjä: Norther

Mitä ostat ainakin kerran viikossa kaupasta?
Biisi: It´s Not My Tome
Esittäjä: 3 Doors Down

että tämmönen sit löyty...Perjantai 06.06.2008 13:33

Matt walked in the door of his house very relieved. He had just left his last appointment with his psychiatrist. The murder charges? Dropped on account of crazy. That's right, the court ruled that Matt didn't know what he was doing because he was clinically insane. He sat on the couch just as the phone rang. Luckilly, it was within the lazy mans reach.
[Matt] Hello?
[Caller] Hey man, what's up?
[Matt] Oh, hey Jay. What's goin' on man?
[Jay] Not a lot. So, I hear news of today being somewhat special?
[Matt] That's right it is. No more crazy. No more voices. Just me. Matt. Thinking for myself.
[Jay] Good to hear! So listen, me, Moose, and Padge have been talking it over, and we think that since you're officially through with your crazy-phase, that you could come back to the band and be the only lead singer we'd ever accept.
[Matt] Are you serious?!
[Jay] Wouldn't have it any other way.
[Matt] Thanks man, I owe you.
[Jay] The only thing you owe me is you in the studio next month.
[Matt] I'll be there, you can count on that.
[Jay] Okay. I'll talk to you in a while with more details on the where, when, and for how long, alright?
[Matt] Sounds like a plan to me.
[Jay] Later Matt.
[Matt] See ya.
~*~Six Months Later~*~
Bullet For My Valentine had a new record to be released in just a months time. Matt was as mentally healthy as one should be, and guess what? No more murders! The guys were thinking about celebrating that little fact, but Hallmark is really slacking in variety. Where's the 'we're-glad-the-double-murder-charges-were-dropped-and-that-you're-not-
crazy-anymore-and-that-you-haven't-killed-anyone-else' cards? Huh? Well, anyway, they are still happy for him. And ya know what else? He's even got a girlfriend. She's a brave one eh? After the band releases their record (and the unaviodable release party) they're going to take a few weeks off, then start up their next tour. And guess who's coming with them? Anne and Sara. (Anne is Matt's new girlfriend, and Sara is Jay's wife. Yeah. Jay's married.)
Happy Times!!!
Two albums and one and a half tours later, Matt stood outside some gas station in the middle-of-nowhere Vermont. The guys were on a pit-stop to stock up on soda and beer. Anne had shut herself in a spare bunk and refused to talk to anyone. Matt was trying to think of ways to get her to come out when it happened.
*She's treating you like trash, you know.*
[Matt] Yeah, yeah. I don't care. I'm sick of these fights. I'll let her be right if it stops her from running away.
*Maybe she should run away. Or maybe...that's what you should TELL people is what happened to her.
[Matt] What do you mean? And didn't I get rid of you? I was in therapy for three years.
*I was never gone, I was just annoyed. Annoyed that they tried to get rid of me. But now, with that little skank in there treating you like this, I thought it best if I give you a little help. Some...advice, if you will.*
[Matt] I don't...
[Padge] Matt? Who are you talking to?
Matt quickly flipped out his phone and pretended to be talking on it.
[Matt] What? Yeah. I'll talk to you later. Bye. Oh, hey Padge, didn't see ya there.
[Padge] Right...Well, we're ready to go, so unless you'd just like to wither away in the vast wasteland that is...wherever we are, then come on.
[Matt] Alright, I'm coming.
Padge walked away leaving Matt to himself leaning against the side of the building.
*I'm telling you, you got rid of that heartache Lindsay, and what happened? Nothing. No repercussions whatsoever. You got your life back. And you're happier then ever. But now, this Anne girl is ruining it. Are you going to let her get away with that?*

[Matt] No.


Read the Memo? I hope ya did cause if you dont know who Bullet For My Valentine is then you might want to.
Let's begin, shall we?
Matts P.O.V.~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~ I can't believe she said that. After all we've been through together. I dont believe it, I can't. I won't. After being together for 5 years she just splits. Up and leaves me because she thinks I'm crazy. She called me crazy. Why would she call me crazy? Sure, I've been to my fair share of therapists and psychologists, but it's not like I'm in a fucking psyche ward. I'm perfectly sane. I have to be. How else could I live a normal life? I sing in a band. I can play guitar. How many crazy people do you know that can do that? None, that's how many. I'm sane, so why would she leave me? *She's cheating on you.* No, no she isn't. She wouldn't. I know her. *You knew her well enough to know that she wouldnt leave you and look what she did* This is different. It's one thing to crush my heart, and another to have never wanted it. *That's just it. She did want it. But not to love. No, she wanted to rip it out of your chest. She never loved you.* You're wrong.
[Padge] Who are you talking to in there, Matt?
[Matt] No one...just myself.
At this point Padge, Jay, and Moose entered the room.
[Jay] Yourself? Matt, they're not back again, are they?
[Matt]What are you talking about?
[Padge]You know damn well what he's talking about.
[Matt] You guys dont think I'm crazy too, do you?
[Moose] That all depends. Who were you talking to?
[Jay] Dude...
[Matt] So what if they're back? What's so wrong with that? It's just like talking to you guys right now. There's nothing wrong with it.
[Moose]Come on man. If it was normal, then why would we have to go through this?
[Padge]Yeah, man. Last time you almost killed someone.
*Kill? Now they're thinking.*
[Matt]Kill who?
[Padge] Like you dont remember.
[Matt]What? Oh. Yeah. I remember that. That was nothing. I dont know what came over me.
[Moose]That's exactly it. They came over you, and you still dont realize that. How do you not see this?
[Matt]Maybe because it's not what happened. Maybe because you guys are wrong.
[Padge]Listen, Matt, we know it's not you. It's like something happens and some switch flips in your head. Like something pushes a button and you're gone. You cant help what goes on.
*Dont listen to them. They're just scared.
[Matt]Scared of what?
[Moose]Who's scared? What'd they say?
*They're scared that you're going to realize that you dont need them. That someday, I'm going to tell you that they are useless to you. You dont need them. Anyone can play an instrument. But you, you sing. You scream. They cant do that. They're nothing without you, and they dont want you do know that.
[Matt]Huh? What?
[Jay]Dude, were you even listening to a word we just said?
[Jay] It was them again, wasnt it? Those damn voices were talking to you, and when they do you dont know what's going on around you, do you? What's going to happen once they start talking during shows? During in-stores and signings?
[Matt]You guys just dont understand. There's nothing wrong with me.
[Moose] Man, she left. We know. Get over it. If this keeps up you're going to have to go back into therapy.
[Matt] I WONT!
[Jay]Whatever, man. I'm outta here.
Jay walked out followed closely by Moose and Padge. They know how he gets when they're back. They know how he thinks when the voices come back, yet at the same time, they have no idea what to expact.

Lindsays P.O.V.~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~ [Lindsay] I had to go. I just had to. I couldn't take it anymore. He really lost it. It's been like this for almost two years. I tried to ignore it. I told myself it would go away, and I'd get back the sweet, caring, sane Matt I knew and loved. But it didnt go away. He didnt come back. It only got worse.
[Rachel] It's fine. You had to. I'm glad you did. It sounds like it was getting really bad. I'm just glad you're back.
[Lindsay] Thanks.I just hope he forgets about me and moves on. I'm scared of what he might do. He doesnt think rationally when he hears them, he wont listen to reason. All he'll listen to is them.
[Rachel]It'll be fine. You're home now. There's no way he can get you now.
The clock on Lindsays wall showed it was 6:14 p.m.
[Rachel]I need to get going. I have to be at work in 15 minutes.
[Lindsay] I need to start looking for a job. When he asked me to go on tour with him and move in with him I quit. I would be living in another state.
[Rachel] Alright. I'll call you sometime. Bye.
The door clicked shut behind Rachel. Lindsay sat in the quiet living room of my house until the phone started to ring. As she reached for it she paused, realizing it may be Matt. Deciding she needed to answer she picked up the phone.
[Jeremy]Hey Lindsay, I heard you were back! What's going on?
She sighed a breath of relief.
[Jeremy]Lindsay? Are you ok?
[Lindsay] I'm fine. I just...nevermind. I'm fine, what are you up to?
Jeremy had always been protective of her. He would do what he could to make sure Lindsay was happy. Her friends insisted he like her, but she ignored them because the truth was...she likes Jeremy too.
[Jeremy] Nothing huge. I work at a night club now. It just opened. It's called Sporadic Movement. Lame, I know, but they're hiring, so I took the job.
[Lindsay]That's great!
[Jeremy]If you are looking for a job, I can talk to my manager. He's really cool. I'm sure he'd hire you. You want me to set something up?
[Lindsay] That would be great! Thanks Jeremy. I owe you one.
[Jeremy]It's nothing. Although, I was hoping...nevermind.
[Lindsay] No, tell me. What were you hoping?
[Jeremy]It's nothing
[Lindsay] Even so, what's the harm of bringing it up?
[Jeremy]Alright. Well, I was hoping that, maybe, you would, go out...with me.....tonight.
Lindsay smiled.
[Lindsay]I would love to.
[Jeremy] Really? You will? Wow...well, I'll come by at 8:30. Is that ok?
[Lindsay]That sounds great.
[Jeremy]Alright...well, I'll see you then.
They both hung up. Lindsay jumped up, happy about something for the first time in a year. She jumped into the shower, and afterwards dried herself off. Standing in front of her closet, she stared blankly at her wardrobe. A few minutes later she decided on some black jeans that were covered in useless zippers, a black shirts that said "SUSPECTED TERRORIST This is my disguise", a "Viva La Bam" wristband on her right arm and a "Don't Feed Phil" wristband on her left arm. Throwing on her spike necklace and black and red Vans, she looked at the clock. 7:38. After putting on her make-up and doing her hair, she heard a knock on the door. She opened it to reveal a very nervous looking Jeremy.
Awww, he's nervous.
Temporary wounds

"Franchesca Williams," Jay said, striding into the school lunch hall that day and sitting down at the table that Matt, Padge, Pandora and Moose were already seated at. "She died two days ago. How long does blood take to dry?"

"What are you on about?" Matt asked, picking at his mashed potato.

"'Franchesca Williams' was one of the names written on the door in blood," Jay replied, briskly pulling a sheaf of papers out of his bag. "She was killed a couple of streets from your apartment, Panda."

Pandora looked up at him. "Hold on, why didn't we notice this before? I'm gonna be pretty spooked if someone's been killed near to where I live..."

Jay raised his eyebrows. "That's the thing...which one of us ever watches the news?"

He had a good point. Of course, none of them did ever pay any attention to what was happening on the news.

"Coincidence, dude," Moose shrugged. "Coulda been a coincidence."

"Wait, there's more. Y'know that kid that died in the village park? Got killed?" Jay asked. "She was a young girl named Kelly Fields. Franchesca Williams was also a young girl. Am I ringing any bells here?"

Padge frowned. "Carry on..."

"Right," Jay nodded, consulting some of the writing on one of the many sheets of paper. "Here's another; Holly Landon. She was just 13 years old. And - get this - all of them were brunettes with blue eyes."

There was a short pause.

"This guy is sick," Matt said, pushing his food aside in disgust. "Way sick. Ill in the head. What the hell kind of guy would do something like this?"

Jay shrugged helplessly. "But wait a second. Listen: Anastasia Shroud, found dead in river on the 17th April...Hayley Thyme, found dead in shower cubicle in her own home, on the 17th May." He referred back to his first set of notes. "Holly Landon, drowned in her own bathtub on 17th June."

Pandora's eyes widened.

"Kelly Fields, found drowned in village park pond on 17th July...Franchesca Williams, found in ditch in pouring rain on 17th August," Jay continued. "What do they all have in common?"

Padge couldn't believe it as he leaned over to look at the pictures. "They're all brunettes with blue eyes, they're all young women in their teens, they all died on the 17th of something and they all died in some way related with water..."

There was a long silence after this.

Then Jay said one last thing:

"Something else? Those names I just read out...they died in the order they were written on the wall."

Matt looked in his bathroom mirror. He only lived in a flat a floor below Pandora, but Moose and Padge shared a slightly bigger flat right on the top floor. As he peered at his hair in the light, he could still see some small patches of light pink. Thanks to Padge, who had nicely offered to go down to the shop on his own, Matt had managed to get the dye out of his hair but there were still traces of it.

Rolling his eyes, he walked back into his bedroom and lay tiredly across his bed, thinking.

Matt felt someone wrap a pair of arms around his shoulders as Pandora launched herself at him.

"Mattie!" she yelled before laughing and shaking her long dark hair out of his eyes. "I have a present for you!"

Matt tilted his head to the side with a smile. "You do?"

"Yeah! But shhh, it's meant to be your Christmas present. And the other guys helped me out a bit cause it cost loads," Pandora grinned. "Come with me." She let go of him and lead him into the bedroom of her flat and over to the bed.

Matt gasped, his eyes widening as he took in the sight of what lay across the bed. "You...brought flying-V...guitar...?! AH Panda, I love youuu!" he said, pulling her into a bone-crushing hug.

Pandora laughed as she almost had to fight to breathe. "Matt, ow. I'm glad you like it. A case came with it too, but no playing it until Christmas, got it?"

Matt suddenly looked at her like a toddler had just had its favourite toy taken away from it. "Awwh, please?"

"Noooo," Pandora laughed. "It'll ruin it. And you know you've got it and it's still July! Be thankful!"

Matt grinned. "I am thankful!" he said while still holding on to Pandora. "I'm

very thankful!"

Pandora giggled. "You're funny when you're all excited. Would you like me to wrap it up for you so I can put it under your bed to open on Christmas Day?"

Matt smirked. "I think I can do without the annoying wrapping paper - decorated with little teddy bears wearing antlers - that nobody can open for half a month because there's just

that much sticky tape on it."

Pandora laughed and rested her head on his chest. "You're such a great friend, Mattie."

"Awh, don't go all mushy on me," Matt almost whined. "You know I can't do mushy. But thanks. And you are too."

Pandora smiled up at him, her blue eyes sparkling in the light. "You're also very tall!" She pushed him away gently but firmly and walked over to the window. "What d'you reckon the other guys are doing right now?"

"Uhh...drinking and smoking?" Matt suggested.

Pandora raised her eyebrows as she remembered a very drunk Jay offering to have sex with her. "Okay, maybe I don't want to think about that..."

Matt laughed and shook his head before walking to the kitchen to get himself a drink of Pepsi.

Frowning, Matt sat up on his bed. He wasn't sure if what he'd just connected was relevant. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his mobile phone, which he began tapping Jay's number into.

"Wassup?" Jay asked when he answered.

"Y'know how all of the victims had similar deaths?"


"Well...I dunno if this matters...but I was just thinking and...Pandora has brown hair and blue eyes...and she's only sixteen years old like us..."

Ahahahahahaha yessss, let Pandora diiiie because then I can steal Moose, Padge, Matt & Jay...muwhahahahahahaha!
Me: O.o
O.O Uh oh

ennen häitä...Lauantai 31.05.2008 16:14

Juuri ennen häitä...

Nainen: Hei rakas..
Mies: No vihdoinkin, olen odottanut jo niin kauan!
Nainen: Haluatko että lähden?
Mies: EN! Mistä nyt tuollaista sait päähäsi? Jo pelkkä ajatuskin kauhistuttaa!
Nainen: Rakastatko minua?
Mies: Tietenkin, kaikkina vuorokaudenaikoina!
Nainen: Oletko pettänyt minua koskaan?
Mies: En ikinä! Miksi kysyt tuollaista?
Nainen: Haluaisitko suudella minua?
Mies: Kyllä, aina kun minulla on tilaisuus siihen!
Nainen: Löisitkö minua koskaan?
Mies: Oletko hullu? Tunnethan sinä minut!
Nainen: Voinko luottaa sinuun?
Mies: Kyllä, kulta..
Nainen: Rakas..

7 vuotta häiden jälkeen:
Lue teksti alhaalta ylöspäin!

Luettuasi tämän kopioi tämä päiväkirjaasi

moi =DSunnuntai 10.02.2008 16:09

Katsotaan kuinka monta tuntematonta tai tuntemaani ihmistä uskaltaa sanoa ''moi'' päiväkirjaani.
Sit kopioi omaan päiväkirjaa jos oot sanonu moi :)

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 16.08.2007 18:06

Onko huoneesi siisti vai sotkuinen, nyt?
- sotkunen

Onko sinulla ollut monta reikää hampaissa?
- ei yhtää
Osaatko paistaa lettuja?
- en oo kokeillu

Onko sinulla sisaruksia?
- on

Minkä nimen antaisit pojallesi?
- Juuso

Pidätkö moottoripyöristä?
- jeps

Oletko kateellinen jollekin?
- varmaa

Minne matkustaisit, jos lähtisit huomenna?
- jonnee mis on vähä viileempää ku tääl

Mitä pelkäät eniten tässä maailmassa?
- en oikee mitää ja sit taas aika monta asiaa

Uskotko jumalaan?
- en

- ei

Omistatko niittivyön?
- jeps

Ilkka jääskeläinen vai 50cent?
- ihan ookoit molemmat

Minkä puhelimen omistat?
- joku nokia

Oletko humoristinen?
- kysykää kamuilt

Mitä urheilua harrastat?
- en mitää

Nauratko enemmän kuin itket?
- jeps

Omistatko hyviä ystäviä?
- joo

Kumpi on sinulle tärkeämpi, äiti vai isä?
- ei voi sanoo

Käytätkö msn messengeriä?
- en nyt

Kuinka paljon olet koneella päivässä?
- aika paljo

Onko kynsissäsi kynsilakkaa?
- ei just nyt

Miten hiuksesi ovat nyt?
- samal taval miten aina

Pesitkö aamulla hampaat?
- joo

Mikä on puhelimesi taustakuvana?
- Dark angel texti jol on siivet

Minkälainen sää on ulkona?
- aurinkoinen

Arvaa paljonko kello on nyt?
- 14.40

No paljon se oikeasti on?
- 14.57

Tiedätkö kenen nimipäivät on tänään?
- en

Kuinka pitkä olet?
- 172-173

Omistatko raitapaitoja?
- en mun muistin mukaa

Monelta heräsit tänään?
- jotaa 07.00

Mitä vihaat?
- en oikee mitää... just nyt

Minkä aineen tunnilla oli tylsintä?
- äikän

Kuvaile päällä olevaa paitaasi kolmella sanalla?
- vaaleensininen t-paita siili

Oletko hyvä Twister pelissä?
- en oikee

Pidätkö pienistä lapsista?
- jos ne ei itke

Kuunteletko nyt musiikkia?
- nei... harvinaista

Oletko ihastunut nyt?
- joo... vissii

Mitä et tekisi vaikka maksettaisiin?
- vaikka mitä

Onko tänään ollut hyvä päivä?
- ikunnon epäonnenpäivä, oikeest

Mitä sinulle kuuluu?
- huonoo vähä

Kenelle näytit viimeksi keskisormea?
- hmm... veljelle

Mikä viikonpäivä tänään on?
- torstai

Oletko koskaan kalastanut?
- jep

Mäkkäri vai Hese?
- hese

Historia vai äidinkieli?
- hissa

Sano jotain englanniksi?
- ou fuck it´s monday

Tiedätkö minä viikonpäivänä synnyit?
- en... keskiviikko?

Syötkö usein karkkia?
- en

Ovatko ukkosmyrskyt kivoja?
-ihan ok

Onko sinulla mielikuvitusystävää?
- nei

Tiedätkö jääkiekon säännot?
- en

Minkä muotoiset makaronit ovat kivoja?
- erillaiset ku normaalit

Oletko ollut tänään ulkona?
- jeps

Asia joka saa sut iloiseks?
- uus textari ilosel asial

Mikä on viimeisin sana jonka sanoit?
- ei mitää

Montako lävistystä sinulla on?
- 5 korvis

Onko tylsää juuri nyt?
- ei oikee...vähä

Seurusteletko jonkun kanssa?
- en

Onko sinulla lemmikkiä?
- 3 koiraa

Paras inside-vitsinne?

Kenen luona olit viimeksi?
- iskän

Henkilö jolle nauroit?
- ei nyt tuu mielee..joku koulust?

Joka nauroi sinulle?
- varmaa kaikki

Jota ajattelit?
- öö taitaapi olla hmmh en muista ku niit o monii

Oletko menettänyt ketään?
- ai et joku deleksii? joo :'(

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 20.01.2007 19:48

Kävin torstain ottamas uuet reijät korvii kamujen kaa ku oltii kaupungil ;D ei sattun yhtää
- Vanhemmat »