



pippeliTorstai 20.07.2006 19:04

Bongasin tämän jonkun aikaa sitten keskustelualueelta, jonka nimeä en kyllä muista muuta paskat siitä. A bit o' english needed.


1. Pick an artist or a band that no one has picked before you: Slipknot
2. Answer exclusively with titles of his/her/their songs

3. Are you a male or a female? Wait and bleed (terry date mix)
4. Describe yourself: Disasterpiece
5. What do other people think about you? (sic)
6. What do you think about yourself? Danger - keep away
7. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Everything ends
8. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Opium of the people
9. Where would you want to be? Iowa
10. Describe how you live: Circle
11. Describe how you love: The Blister exists
12. What would you ask if you only had one wish? Liberate
13. Share a wisdom with us: People = shit
14. What do you do for living?: Wait and bleed
15. Say goodbye: Welcome

Laitetaa vahinko kiertämään, huaste pamahtaapi iinapiinapakaralle ja nisulanhomolle

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