Life is beautiful... Pah. Man is a cancerous race. Like a gangrenous wound, a blight upon this big, no longer green planet.
Fossil fuels, strip mining and forestry have destroyed much of Earth's natural resources. And I'm not talking about minerals, such as Iron, coal and such. I'm talking about the nature. The once so abundant flora and fauna, much of which has become extinct. Also, humanity itself is dying. The age of the great scientists and philosophers of has come and gone. Today, we have only capitalism and the global market. Everything revolves around currency.
Now, one might ask why I'm talking about such a heavy topic right before christmas. It is because I fear that our economy is going to collapse. On the advent of such a massive recession, I fear that life is going to change, dramatically.
I hate Anarchists and the Green League. I hate them! Pathetic city kiddies, naïve little bastards. Do they not understand that without a Nation and a Government, there will be no healthcare services, no education, nothing. And the Green League: Feminists, anti-nuclear power, protect the nature...
I'm all for protecting the nature. But when it impedes the progress of technology, and it harms the people, that's where I draw the line.
Also, feminism. The movement for equal rights for women. Of course, there will never be true equality as long as females do not have a penis, and men do not have wombs.
Women will always be the housekeepers, the ones to bear the children and the ones to raise them. And as long as the feminists keep on believing in "equality", I can laugh freely. For I know delusions bring you nowhere. But the feminist movement scares me, if only because of the massive potential for anarchy to reign.
Now, immigration and the refugees from Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and such. I have nothing against them, AS LONG AS THEY GET A FUCKING JOB AND FOLLOW THE LAWS OF THE COUNTRY THEY RESIDE IN!
That's all I'm willing to say on the subject.
Contemplations from the other side I