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[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 13.09.2008 20:16

Can't stop

Can't stop thinking about you babe, can't stop
Can't stop screaming and shouting your name, can't stop
Look out boy 'cause I'm going to the top
Of your list, can't stop

I've tried and tried to get next to you
My friends say I am blind I'll never break through
But I don't give in so easily
This I know, you just wait and see

I know that you're afraid that I might
Come steal your heart away in the night
But I can't take away what's not mine
You'll see, you'll come to me in time, can't stop

I've never gone the distance before
To find if love was worth giving more
I was born to love you I've got nothing to hide
I know about your secret side

So shut me out, I'll never let go
'Cause I can work a spell on your soul
I play the fool but it won't last for long
Oh no, 'cause baby I'm too strong, can't stop

Don't be afraid to try
Just let me love you for a while
You'll see, what it's all about
Oh baby I can't clear you out

So shut me out, I'll never let go
'Cause I can work a spell on your soul
I play the fool but it won't last for long
Oh no, 'cause baby I'm too strong, can't stop

Just can't help myself
You know I've got to have you and no one else

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