


(ノ °益°)ノ 彡 ┻━┻ ┯━┯ノ(º₋ºノ)

Status Quo,The WinnerKeskiviikko 08.02.2012 00:54

You've finally made it, a winner
for all of the world to see
a long time caught in the winter
is worth all the pain
Nothing comes easy you know-one
can take it away from you
'cos when you're a winner
you know you can do it all over again

Yeah, you can't do no better
Yeah, no better than that
Yeah, you can't do no better
Yeah, no better than that

There's something about you that tells us
you're gonna go all the way
we knew it was coming, a winner
right from the start
no need to feel lonely
that's only a natural part of you
'cos when you're a winner
you know you can do it with all of your heart

Yeah, you can't do no better
Yeah, no better than that
Yeah, you can't do no better
Yeah, no better than that

Status Quo,Two Way TrafficKeskiviikko 01.02.2012 22:23

Work work fizzy busy bang bang
Twenty-five hours a day
Feels like working on a chain gang
And never seems to get away
Money to earn, money to burn
A black noon call for show
Where does it go, how should I know?

And it's two way traffic
On a one way street
All the voices in the air
Are stuck on repeat
It's a two-horse race
In a one-horse town
Like a house of cards
It's gonna fall down
War plays out
Getting ready to rumble
Survival of the fittest
The law of the jungle
Fold back, hold back
Get yourself a seat
The two way traffic on a one way street

Superman, where are you?
We need you to pave the way
Feels like an alien invasion
Trouble coming everyday
War of the worlds
You get the girl
They really don't
Sound that mad
Fighting the snow
Way to go

And it's two way traffic
On a one way street
All the voices in the air
Are stuck on repeat
It's a two-horse race
In a one-horse town
Like a house of cards
It's gonna fall down
War plays out
Getting ready to rumble
Survival of the fittest
The law of the jungle
Fold back, hold back
Get yourself a seat
The two way traffic on a one way street

And it's two way traffic
On a one way street
All the voices in the air
Are stuck on repeat
It's a two-horse race
In a one-horse town
Like a house of cards
It's gonna fall down
War plays out
Getting ready to rumble
Survival of the fittest
The law of the jungle
Fold back, hold back
Get yourself a seat
The two way traffic on a one way street

Two way traffic
On a one way street
All the voices in the air
Are stuck on repeat
It's a two-horse race
In a one-horse town
Like a house of cards
It's gonna fall down
War plays out
Getting ready to rumble
Survival of the fittest
The law of the jungle
Fold back, hold back
Get yourself a seat
The two way traffic on a one way street
Two way traffic on a one way street
Two way traffic on a one way street
Two way traffic on a one way street
Two way traffic on a one way street

Judas Priest - PainkillerKeskiviikko 25.01.2012 19:29

Faster than a bullet
Terrifying scream
Enraged and full of anger
He's half man and half machine

Rides the Metal Monster
Breathing smoke and fire
Closing in with vengeance soaring high

He is the Painkiller
This is the Painkiller

Planets devastated
Mankind's on its knees
A saviour comes from out the skies
In answer to their pleas

Through boiling clouds of thunder
Blasting bolts of steel
Evils going under deadly wheels

He is the Painkiller
This is the Painkiller

Faster than a lazer bullet
Louder than an atom bomb
Chromium plated boiling metal
Brighter than a thousand suns

Flying high on rapture
Stronger free and brave
Nevermore encaptured
They've been brought back from the grave

With mankind resurrected
Forever to survive
Returns from Armageddon to the skies

He is the Painkiller
This is the Painkiller
Wings of steel Painkiller
Deadly wheels Painkiller

Judas Priest-HellriderTorstai 29.12.2011 02:14

Here they come
These gods of steel
Devouring what's concealed

Speed of death
Crossfired they stare
Final breath
From vaporizing glares

Raised to man oppressed
Sign of persecution

Roars on through the night
Raised for the fight

All incensed to overthrow
Strong defence
With armaments they grow
By this quest
Their fates renowned
Put to rest
Abominations crown

Time to ram it down
Judgement for the tyrant

Roars through the night
Raised for the fight

Fight undying and eternal
Wheels bring death and
Pain infernal
Honour bound in strength repleated
To no end they're undefeated

Hellrider, hellrider
You fought their battle for them

Hellrider, hellrider
You bought them through their despair

Hellrider, hellrider
Your tempered steel relinquished

Hellrider, hellrider
You slaught them all extinguished

Wrath of doom
In killing fields
They consume
For valiants never yield

Triumph to the gods
Vanquished of enslavers

Breaking their will
In for the kill

Hellrider, hellrider
You fought their battle for them
Hellrider, hellrider
You brought them through it all

Ozzy Osvourne Mama, i'm coming homeMaanantai 12.12.2011 00:34

Times have changed and times are strange
Here I come but I ain't the same
Mama, I'm comin on your face
Times go by, seems to be
You could have been a better lover to me
Mama, I'm comin on your face

You took me in and you drove me out
Yeah, you had me hypnotized, yeah
Lost and found and turned around
By the fire in your eyes

You made me cry, you told me lies
But I can't stand to say goodbye
Mama, I'm comin home
I could be right, I could be wrong
It hurts so bad it's been so long
Mama, I'm comin home

Selfish love yeah we're both alone
The rise before the fall, yeah
But I'm gonna take this heart of stone
I just got to have it all

I've seen your face a hundred times
Everyday we've been apart
I don't care about the sunshine, yeah
'Cause mama, mama, I'm comin home
I'm comin home
I'm comin home

You took me in and you drove me out
Yeah, you had me hypnotized, yeah
Lost and found an turned around
By the fire in your eyes

I've seen your face a thousand times
Everyday we've been apart
I don't care about the sunshine, yeah
'Cause mama, mama, I'm comin home
I'm comin home
I'm comin home
If you find some error in the lyrics,
would you please submit your corrections to me?

=)Lauantai 10.12.2011 00:02

☻Kuka hän on ? Oona=)
☻Syntymäpäivä ? 14.8
☻Missä hän asuu ?Talossa ;D
☻Kauanko olet tuntenut hänet ? hmmm..jtn puolvuotta
☻Missä tutustuitte ? tjäälhä me =)
☻Mitä hän merkkaa sinulle ? Liianki paljon=)
☻Onko teillä jotain yhteisiä kokemuksia jotka ovat jäänyt mieleen? onhan niitä=)
☻Kuinka pitkä hän on ? 160
☻Vaihtaisitko hänet ikinä kehenkään muuhun ?ehei tule kuuloonkaa=)
☻Onko hän hyvännäköinen?todellakin on=)<3
☻Minkä väriset hiukset hänellä on ? vaaleen ruskeet
☻Kerrotteko salaisuuksia joita ette välttämättä kerro muille ?ehkäpä ;)
☻Onko hänellä kuvia Irc-Galleriassa ?onn
☻Jos on, mikä nickki?e kerro =)
☻Oletteko ikinä kommentoineet toisillenne ?ollaanha me=)
☻Kuinka paljon pidät hänestä asteikolla 0-10?vähintään 20½
☻Kerro nyt joku teidän inside-vitsi ? niitä on liikaa ei muista ;D
☻Millainen hän on humalassa ? hmm..en kyllä tiedä ;o
☻Polttaako hän ? ei tietääkseni
☻Missä hän on nyt ? Kotona=)
☻Tekeekö hän tämän sinusta ? kerkes tekee ennen mua ;)

Black Sabbath Heaven And HellPerjantai 09.12.2011 22:18

Sing me a song, you're a singer
Do me a wrong, you're a bringer of evil
The Devil is never a maker
The less that you give, you're a taker
So it's on and on and on's Heaven and Hell, oh well

The lover of life's not a sinner
The ending is just a beginner
The closer you get to the meaning
The sooner you'll know that you're dreaming
So it's on and on and on
Oh it's on and on and on
It goes on and on and on, Heaven and Hell
I can tell, fool, fool!

Well, if it seems to be real, it's illusion
For every moment of truth, there's confusion in life
Love can be seen as the answer
But nobody bleeds for the dancer
And it's on and on, on and on and on....

They say that life's a carousel
Spinning fast, you've got to ride it well
The world is full of Kings and Queens
Who blind your eyes then steal your dreams's Heaven and Hell, oh well

And they'll tell you black is really white
The moon is just the sun at night
And when you walk in golden halls
You get to keep the gold that falls
It's Heaven and Hell

No no fool, fool!
You got to bleed for the dancer!
Fool, fool, look for the answer!
Fool, fool, fool!

Rainbow - The Temple Of The KingMaanantai 14.11.2011 00:11

One day, in the year of the fox
Came a time remembered well,
When the strong young man of the rising sun
Heard the tolling of the great black bell.
One day in the year of the fox,
When the bell began to ring,
It meant the time had come for one to go
To the temple of the king.

There in the middle of the circle he stands,
Searching, seeking.
With just one touch of his trembling hand,
The answer will be found.
Daylight waits while the old man sings,
Heaven help me!
And then like the rush of a thousand wings,
It shines upon the one.
And the day has just begun.
One day in the year of the fox
Came a time remembered well,
When the strong young man of the rising sun
Heard the tolling of the great black bell.
One day in the year of the fox,
When the bell began to sing
It meant the time had come for the one to go
To the temple of the king.

There in the middle of the people he stands,
Seeing, feeling.
With just a wave of the strong right hand, he's gone
To the temple of the king.

Far from the circle, at the edge of the world,
He's hoping, wondering.
Thinking back on the stories he's heard of
What he's going to see.
There, in the middle of a circle it lies.
Heaven help me!
Then all could see by the shine in his eyes
The answer had been found.

Back with the people in the circle he stands,
Giving, feeling.
With just one touch of a strong right hand, they know
Of the temple and the king.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 29.10.2011 12:39

Ainii joo eilen sain mopokorti ;DDD

Jess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Torstai 27.10.2011 18:07

Kokeesi on HYVÄKSYTTY!