
My lifeKeskiviikko 09.04.2008 21:53

In my life
so dark and cruel
I cannot define love.
So much pain and hurt
so much for eternal love.

Oh, this night
so alone I feel my blame.
Sinners gone in Hell
ringing the Devil's doorbell.

Within my heart
I can depart
from this lust.

Within my pain
I rise again
to fight for your trust.

Can I ever live in your love?

I'm the dark one
of your deepest desires and dreams.
You just cannot see
that I'm the one who bleeds.

Come to me, come my pain,
make my heart to die.
Make me your slave
cover my soul into darkÂ…

Playing sunKeskiviikko 09.04.2008 21:51

Did you ever notice the way?
Did you ever see a clear day?
You dais your life is nothing but rain,
every moment you suffer a great pain.

Consolation, no, you don't need it.
Comfort or happiness,
no joy, just sadness.
There is no sun in your day.

Believe me when I say:
There's always a way.
After stormy, rainy day
the sun will come and play.

Come and play with me!
I'll light your dark day.
Come and dream with me!
It's okay, it is okay.

You said you had lost,
you said you can't let go.
No matter the cost,
I will be the sun for you.

Lady of NightKeskiviikko 09.04.2008 21:48

She was walking
down the dark street.
Stars were her guardians,
moon was her friend.
Lady of night.

She never wanted to see
sun and the blue sky.
She hated when she loved,
she loved when she hated.
Lady of night.

Again she lost her heart,
again her life was torn apart.
How badly she was ever hurt,
she didn't care.

Lady of night,
lady of night.
She had forgotten the sunlight.

Lady of night
lady of night,
her mind wasn't so bright.

Lady of night,
lady of night,
a soul of sorrows of the world.

She stood on the bridge,
she looked down.
She saw the quiet water,
where the stars swam.
Lady of night.

She looked up
screamed his name.
She was missing someone,
she loved and she hated.
Lady of night.

She whispered something,
she jumped down to the water.
Loving hate, hating love.
Lady of night.

Under the starsKeskiviikko 09.04.2008 21:46

When we were young, and foolish too,
we made a promise under the stars.
It was a lie, but I still am
wondering what is there far beyond.

I knew the time would come to us -
it will separate the very best friends.
It was so sad, but I still am
wondering what is there far beyond.

If there was a way
to get back to the day
when we made the promise
to be under the stars -
wondering what is there far beyond.

Over many years to come
I think of you under the stars.
I am still here - all alone -
wondering what is there far beyond.

You will be the same, but it's okay
because I will be there
under the stars to watch over you.

Wondering what is there far beyond.

I cannot be close to youKeskiviikko 09.04.2008 21:44

I'm watching the blood red sunset,
another lonely day has passed me by.
I fall on my knees, sacrificing my only prayer to gods:
Let me see your smile once more.

Stars come out as the light slowly dies.
Time flies, tears fall from my eyes.
If only I could see you again,
if only memories could stop this pain.

My heart is crumbling
every time I see your face.
My soul is losing
all hope it carried untill this day.

I fall asleep, trying to forget it all.
But I dream about you, on the path we used to walk.
My silent screams won't reach to you,
if only there was something I could do!

My heart is crumbling
every time I see your smile.
My soul is losing
all hope it carried untill this day.

Even if I love you,
even if I want you,
even if I betray you,
I cannot be close to you!

Right now I try to remember
the most gentle words you've ever said.
Right now I cut my wounds even deeper.
With my blood, I have my debts paid.

My heart is crumbling
every time I see your face.
My soul is losing
all hope it carried untill this day.

Even if I love you,
even if I want you,
even if I betray you,
I cannot be close to you!

Every passing day
will only darken our way.
Every passing night
will only decrease my will to fight.

Like that day I first met you,
like that day I last parted with you.

In Sadness, Darkness and NothingnessKeskiviikko 09.04.2008 21:39

I see you, walking,
holding new poor girl in you arms.
I watch how you kiss her,
you look up the rainy day.

I remember the way we were
together all the time like that.
You held me, you kissed me,
you made me smile like the poor girl right now.

In sadness I find mine
In darkness I can bleed alone
In nothingness I feel me
feeling never will be with you!

I touch the window, tears falling,
I'm calling you silently by name.
No, you can't hear, don't want to,
just wanting to torture me in this Hell!

Too quiet, too lonely,
I cry these bloody tears for you.
The poor girl, so happy,
shares now the same Hell as me.

In sadness I find mine
In darkness I can bleed alone
In nothingness I feel me
feeling will kill you some day!

KevätTiistai 08.04.2008 18:44

Surua ja murhetta,
ei ketään kehen luottaa,
vain tyhjiä lupauksia.
Suolainen kyynel valui pitkin poskeani,
ei ketään lähelläni.

Tyhjä oli huoneeni,
turhanpäiväiset aatokset mielessäni.
Huuli värähti, silmä kostui uudelleen.
Tyhjä oli myös sydämeni.

Ei minulle jäänyt mitään,
kaiken hän vei mennessään.
Vain yksinäinen taival oli edessäni,
polku vailla kynttilän valoa ja ystävällistä sielua.

Nyt, talven pimeys on sulanut lumien mukana,
tuoden tullessaan auringon ensisäteet.
Leijailit luokseni.
Polun pää häämöttää
ja näen sen päässä valoa.

Sananen ystävyydestäTiistai 08.04.2008 18:43

Kyynel kyyneleestä,
hymy hymystä.
Niistä on tosiystävyys tehty.

Peloton katse,
vieno hymy,
lämmin halaus
- Resepti sateiselle päivälle.

Kävelee eteenpäin elämässä
taakseen katsomatta.
Saapuu risteykseen
miettii mennäkö vasempaan vai oikeaan.
Kaatuu kuusenjuureen, itkee,
tuijottaa paljaita varpaitaan
ja vilkaisee tähtiin.
Lopulta huokaisee yksinäisyyteen,
että kunpa olisikin saanut sen yhden sanan suustaan ulos
- Anteeksi. >

Kiinalaista viisautta Tiistai 08.04.2008 18:34

Rahalla voi ostaa talon, muttei kodikkuutta;
voi ostaa sängyn, muttei unta;
voi ostaa kellon, muttei aikaa;
voi ostaa kirjan, muttei taitoa;
voi ostaa aseman; muttei kunnioitusta;
voi maksaa lääkärin, muttei ostaa terveyttä;
voi ostaa sielun, muttei elämää;
voi ostaa seksiä, muttei rakkautta.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 08.04.2008 18:32

Ihmiskehon rajallisuudesta: "Kun ruumis on väsynyt, rasita mieltä, kun mieli on väsynyt, rasita ruumista."

Itseluottamuksesta: "Jos teen vain sen mitä osaan, tulen aina olemaan sitä, mitä olen tänään."

Ystävyydestä: "Ystävä on se joka tietää sinusta kaiken, mutta pitää sinusta silti."

Nyt ja sitten

Astele, armas pienoinen,
äitisi ohjaa lastaan;
et voi langeta, lintunen,
äitisi ottaa vastaan.
Lankeatko, no, nostetaan,
luonas on auttajoita.
Mutta kun jouduit maailmaan,
turhaan huutelet noita:
Siellä ne töykkii toisiaan,
harva on valmis nostamaan.