Today was a tough one.
I didn't bother going to Uni today. No way, I'd been offered the chance to indulge my passion for archaeology, and so I went back to Ipswich last night, as I had to be on site for 9am :)
AND I EXCAVATED MY FIRST EVER SKELETON!! Ok, it's actually my 2nd skeleton, but this one was the first that I'd done on my own, without supervision. It was in bad condition sadly. Geologically (and in every other sense), Ipswich is a nightmare. Our primary soil type is sand, and it's acidic, and thus corrosive to bones. It mean that my skeleton consisted of half a pelvis, a spine, femur, and leg bone, and part of the left radius (arm bone). But you could see in the sand, the shadow of the long-dissolved bones.
The site is believed to date to around 1550, and it is believed to be part of a graveyard of a neighbouring church.
But yeah, I did it :D And it completely ruined my day. I'm sunburned, achy and tired, and for a while, I was majorly depressed. Life isn't what I'd planned right now, and it's not been exactly easy for the last month or so. And indulging in my first loves- Archaeology, and Finland, has just worsened things. So perhaps I shouldn't do it for a while?
But anyway, I came back to Uni. And soon enough, James came home. We went to my room to chat and he fell in love with my blanket. And he googled Finnish Footballers for me, so that I would fall in love with Football. WTF? Nonii. I said to google the band 'Flinch', and few relevant results came up. So he informed me of a better way to find it- using the C***t word *rolleye*
But it's ok, I don't mind.... 'cause he forgot to sign off my computer. So look what I did