
mä oon outo JA erikoinen :DKeskiviikko 12.09.2007 16:08

Forget the dream about the odd-looking baby, last night's dream makes that seem positively normal!
I'm guessing, that it was influenced by my love of poetry from the WWI, and my anger that my brother is going to join the RAF one day. (Yesterday in town, I watched a funeral procession for a young boy, aged 22, who was killed in Afghanistan by 'friendly fire'. He was the cousin of a friend. Anyway, the procession came through the town centre, and it passed the RAF/Navy/Army Recruitment office, and there was no sign of anyone from there- people were lining the streets, and even though the procession walked past the office, *NOBODY* came out, and I got really angry, and then in the evening, I made my brother read the poetry I have) I dreamed I was a soldier in the trenches during WWI, when gas attacks were first used as a weapon...and anyway, me and the other soldiers survived alot of them, but then one day, they used a new gas or something, and we breathed it in (anyone who's read "Dulce et decorum est" will know the next part), and it was like, nobody could breathe, our insides were burning etc etc, and then I fell and passed out....

but then, I woke up, and it was 2007, and I was returning home from the battlefield, and I couldn't walk properly. I was meant to meet my family in the local shopping centre, which looked alot like Koskikeskus in tampere, and I saw Lisa and Asmaa walking there, and we said hi...and then I found my German friend there, with her on/off ex, and so I talked with them, until my family came, and then I saw my British friends sitting at a table and talking to *someone* I know/like etc, and my sister started insulting me, because I couldn't wear some clothes, because of the scars I had, and then the person (who remains nameless here) said no, it was fine, that the scars were something to be proud of, so i should wear what i want...and so I sat with my friends and family talking about it, and then I realised my brother wasn't there, and panicked, but he was fine, just at school.

and then I woke up :-s 10 out of 10 for weirdness, no?

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