
9 months XDTorstai 27.09.2007 14:54

The first 9 months of 2007.

1. Have you had your birthday yet?
Yep, ages ago.

2. Are you the same person as you were at the beginning of 2007?
Definitely not!! The Greebo has left the building.

3. Are you still in the same job?

4. Is your favorite color the same color?
Ömm, yeah.

5. Have you got the same style/colour hair?
No, I've gone back to blond, and it's longer.

6. Have you bought a new car this year?

7. Anything exciting happen this year?
A few things <3

8. Been involved with the police this year?

9. Best drinking spot of 2007?
Klubi/The Steamboat Tavern

10. Is your best friend still your best friend?

11. Had any tattoos or piercings this year?

12. [there's no question here...]

13. Been in a hospital this year?
Yeah, twice now.

14. Lost someone you cared about this year?

15. Where have you been this year, vacation/business?
Finland- Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, Mietaa(!?!)....
England- London, Cornwall, Stonehenge.

16. Been in love this year?
No. Lust, lust lust <3

17. Fallen out of love this year?

18. Been kicked out of a pub this year?

20. Read any books

21. Worst thing to happen this year?

22. Best thing you done this year?

23. How many times have you gotten drunk?
Never. :D

24. Has this year been a good one so far?
Kinda. 50/50

25. Do you have anything to comment about the year 2007.....

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