It's late at night, and everyone's in know then, what that means: hang out 1 on 1 time :-/
The majority of the flat went into town tonight with the intention of getting drunk. They achieved it, although not by following their original plan.
Pav, Jonny and I stayed at home, with the idea of working but no...
We were talking about the blossoming friendship of mine, and then she commented about how someone was Jealous. Oh dear. She's adamant that he is, and that he does like me. I wonder, whether he's said something to her or not?
So just after midnight, they came back, pissed off their skulls. Jade was angry. She's not a happy drunk, but she made a bloody good point about the passing-the-buck and laziness that is turning the flat into one big hellhole. Honestly, the state of the kitchen in the morning is abominable.
But yeah, she went to bed, and slowly the numbers dwindled. Then there was two. And we were just chatting, how we do, late at night, on our own.
Turns out that my night out on Thursday evening shan't be alone- he's also going there, but with different yeah.
And out came the Term Planner with all the essential info on it. And the conversation somehow ended up on Last Saturday, I commented about how my arms kinda hurt. He gave me a funny look and asked for an explanation. So I told him about how we were dancing, and how he was too strong for me.
He didn't remember any of it. o.O I thought it best not to mention that he almost kissed me.
Especially when, consequently, he called me one of his best friends <3 <3 <3
I guess that I'm just gonna have to get used to it, that I'm *not* gonna get him in the way I want :-/ and that again it's gonna end up dealing with whatever girlfriend troubles he has.