
aurinko paistaa, linnut laulavat, ihana ilmaa, ja on lämmintä- 18.4C.
se on hyvää päivää. heräsin aikaisin, menin suihkuun, söin aamupala, eli itävallan "sachertorte" mitkä leivoin sunnuntaina, ja join kahvi :D
myöhemmin tulee mike mun luonaan :D lupasin että opettaisin hänelle vähän saksaa. me ollaan menossa järveen vierellä, kun tahdon antaa leipää ankalle :) OMG mä rakastan kesää <3 ja jatkan kirjoittaa ensimmäinen essee! woo.

Ooh...Keskiviikko 02.04.2008 04:18

I bloody love Lasagne <3

Kesä 2008!Tiistai 01.04.2008 03:47

Mun matkani:

London- Vienna- Bratislava- Vienna-Kittsee- Linz- Suben- Passau- Lichtenbusch- Eynatten- Liège-Brussels- Lille- Calais- Dover- London.

Paljonko se maksaa? £95!!!!!!!!!

OMFG. 6 maata, 6 päivää :D

Enough is enough, n'est pas?Perjantai 28.03.2008 17:16

I woke up today with my brain scrambled. It feels like I didn't sleep last night. I kept waking up. First when my flatmate's friends were running all over the corridor outside my room, and the second time was when the boys got back from town at about 4am or something stupid like that. Anyway, I got up at 9:20am, quite good really :)

So I got up, pottered around a little bit. Had breakfast, and I'm now preparing to start my Sociolinguistics assignment. It's my last ever piece of Sociolinguistics work, although I'm most probably going to continue with the subject, but just having a deep interest in it. I can't study it in my second year, because I have to take 2 Teaching Courses, as well as my French and German Courses... which reminds me, I need to speak to somebody about that. In 2009/10, I have to spend a year abroad, either at Lyon (France), Trier (Germany) or Berlin (Germany). I'll be honest with you, I want to go to Germany. Probably Berlin. Simply because I can't live in France. I have nothing against the culture or the French people... but I just prefer Germany. The food's better there too :D

But first, I need to find a job. Pronto :( Easier said than done, I'm afraid. Colchester is a student town. We have a University, and 2 colleges... but nobody will employ students. How stupid is that?! My best bet is to head back to Ipswich every weekend or what not, and just work there. And that's quite impractical, as travelling to work and back from Colchester to Ipswich will cost a fair bit, so it's a bit of a lose-lose situation.

I need money, 'cause I have a 4 month long holiday between June and October, during which the only thing I have planned is moving into my new home- a cheerful little 4 bedroomed house in Colchester, about 20minutes walk from the Uni. I'm living with Turk, Mike and Pav. 3 of my favourite people :) Our hallway is orange, and our kitchen has a table in it. We are so gonna have meals together, like a little family :)

And for the record, Mike ISN'T having the big room just because he says so.

So yeah, back to the Summer Holidays... Obviously I'm gonna do alot of work, 'cause I need money for the house and myself. But I'm also thinking of going to Vienna and Bratislava, and I'd simply love to spend some time in Finland, but I guess that's gonna be pretty impossible :( Ryanair have increased the costs of flights to Tampere, and Blue1 who fly to Helsinki are too expensive :'( The idea was maybe to rent an apartment for a week or so (I'm thinking Tampere, Helsinki, Espoo, Oulu) and just experiencing the best of Finland- that is, visit museums, go to Sauna, eat Makkara and drink non-alcoholic beer :)

Iloista pääsiäistä kaikille <3Sunnuntai 23.03.2008 14:11

LUNTA LUNTA LUNTA LUNTA LUNTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3

Holidays.Sunnuntai 23.03.2008 00:20

So far, so crap.
Got up today at 11am, and cleaned my room until 5pm. Then Jamesie and me went to Tescos to do some much needed shopping. Erin stayed at home, and spent 3.5 hours cleaning the mess that the other bastard flatmates had left. Something which is infuriating me- they made all this mess, and just left if. They don't give a flying fuck about anything but drink drugs and themselves. Urgh.

So we went shopping, I spent 18£, but that's not too bad, 'cause 4£ of that was spent on a dvd for us to watch at somepoint, so I'm actually UNDER budget! That's actually quite impressive. Mind you, I did buy alot of crap- ready meals, chips etc. Stuff that I can just bung in the microwave when I'm working, you know ^^

But yeah, that's cool. There's only 3 of us here now. Me, Erin and James. It's quiet, peaceful, relaxed and somehow happy and relieved. I'm not sure why. I'm taking the opportunity to be a lazy bum this evening, 'cause on Monday, I'm starting on my essays- 6,000 words, due on the 21st April. I hope to get them done in the first 2 weeks of the holiday, so that I can have two weeks doing absolutely nothing.

Revenge is sweet :DTorstai 20.03.2008 03:03

Today was a tough one.
I didn't bother going to Uni today. No way, I'd been offered the chance to indulge my passion for archaeology, and so I went back to Ipswich last night, as I had to be on site for 9am :)

AND I EXCAVATED MY FIRST EVER SKELETON!! Ok, it's actually my 2nd skeleton, but this one was the first that I'd done on my own, without supervision. It was in bad condition sadly. Geologically (and in every other sense), Ipswich is a nightmare. Our primary soil type is sand, and it's acidic, and thus corrosive to bones. It mean that my skeleton consisted of half a pelvis, a spine, femur, and leg bone, and part of the left radius (arm bone). But you could see in the sand, the shadow of the long-dissolved bones.
The site is believed to date to around 1550, and it is believed to be part of a graveyard of a neighbouring church.

But yeah, I did it :D And it completely ruined my day. I'm sunburned, achy and tired, and for a while, I was majorly depressed. Life isn't what I'd planned right now, and it's not been exactly easy for the last month or so. And indulging in my first loves- Archaeology, and Finland, has just worsened things. So perhaps I shouldn't do it for a while?

But anyway, I came back to Uni. And soon enough, James came home. We went to my room to chat and he fell in love with my blanket. And he googled Finnish Footballers for me, so that I would fall in love with Football. WTF? Nonii. I said to google the band 'Flinch', and few relevant results came up. So he informed me of a better way to find it- using the C***t word *rolleye*

But it's ok, I don't mind.... 'cause he forgot to sign off my computer. So look what I did
Tervetuloa Essexin yliopistoon

Essexin yliopisto perustettiin vuonna 1965, ja se on nykyään yksi Englannin tasokkaimmista yliopistoista. Äskettäin suoritetussa englantilaisessa tutkimuksessa, jossa arvioitiin yliopistojen tasoa, Essexin yliopisto sijoittui kahdentoista parhaan yliopiston joukkoon. Tämä johtuu nimenomaan yliopistolla suoritetun tutkimuksen laadusta. Myös opetuksen tason on todettu olevan laadukasta hallituksen suorittamissa arvioinneissa.

Yliopisto koostuu 18 laitoksesta, joissa voi suorittaa sekä alemman että ylemmän korkeakoulututkinnon seuraavissa tiedekunnissa: taiteet ja humaaniset tieteet, yhteiskuntatieteet, luonnontieteet ja tekniset tieteet sekä oikeustieteet. Ylempää korkeakoulututkintoa suorittaa parhaillaan 2104 opiskelijaa koko yliopiston 7433 opiskelijasta.

Opiskelijarakenne on kirjavaa. Opiskelijat tulevat:

* 62% Englannista
* 14% muista EU-maista
* 24% EU:n ulkopuolelta

Yliopisto pyrkii järjestämään kansainvälisille opiskelijoille asumisen opiskelun aikana.

Oh bloody hell.Tiistai 18.03.2008 03:28

Ystäviä täällä ovat jo kännissä. He rakastavat faktaa et tänään on St Patrickin päivää, kun se tarkoittaa että he voivat juoda. Meistä, se on vaan James, Mike, Sean ja Murray jotka ovat Irlantilainen, tai puoli, tai ihan mitä vaan :) No niin, he aloittivat juoda klo 20, niin eivät oo vielä todella kännissä. Mutta, herranjumala kun mun vanhat ystävät Ipswichissä olivat kännissä jo klo 18. WTF?
Aloitan nyt, saada viestejä heiltä, ja en ymmärrän mitä ne lukee!!!! Oikeasti!!! Mun mielestäni on, että he ovat tyhmä ja lapsellinen. He tietävät kuinka paljon he voivat juoda ennen he tulevat känniksi, mutta vielä he juovat liikaa, ja textavat mulle tyhmiä sanoja. Ugh.

Keittiöstä tulee ihan paha fiilis. Muut olivat siellä, ja he huutavat, ja heittävät Jackin rugbypalloa. Voi harmi. Mahdollisesti kun nousen aamulla, mä löytäisin hirveä sotku. Mutten siivo sitä. Ei oo mun homma. Olen täällä opiskella, ei siivota kuin joku Äiti. Voi.

No niin, mulla on huomenna ranskakielientutkinto. Se on kirjasta... mitkä en oo vielä lukenut kunnolla. Uh oh. Mut hei! Ross ei oo lukenut sitä, niin jos we fail, we fail together! Jees!!!

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 17.03.2008 22:43

menen keskiviikkona arkeologisille kaivauksille Ipswichissä!


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