England lost the Rugby World Cup to South Africa yesterday! Idiots.
As usual, the extended family (ie, our Flat and their friends) filled the kitchen to watch the match on a tiny portable TV. We got off to a cracking start, when Luke opened the fridge, and the milk fell out and exploded onto the floor. Then things in the match started going wrong. The boys, bless them, got VERY angry, no doubt fuelled by the copious amounts of beer being consumed :D
But I was introduced to one of Mike's friends, Mark. He went to the school I've taught at, so we had some common ground....
And I admit, I'd been feeling a little venomous due to *somebody* ignoring me whenever our flatmates are nearby.
But I really got on well with Mark. I can't help it. But after the game ended disastrously, we ended up with everyone else in the SU bar. Jay was still ignoring me, so yeah. His problem. And then Mark came over to me, and we started chatting...
....and continued chatting....
....and chatting some more.
Meanwhile, I snuck a few glances at Jay and he was looking rather fucked off with us. So I smiled and waved at him, and he waved back, but gave me a look of venom. Damn. Then things hotted up, when Sean and Luke started kissing each other, and acting in a very couply way!!!! Cue much laughing and loudness.
Anyway....our group moved on from the SU-Bar onto Mondos, where it was rock night.
Finally!!After being subjected to R&B for the last month, I think that the evening of rock and roll debauchery was well earned. I rocked my arse off alongside the boys :) Then the girls and a couple of the guys left and went home, which was a shame, but inevitable. We went from there, into the next room, and I continued chatting with Mark, the noise level meaning we had to stand close together at most times....
Then, he moved away, and Jay came over, took my hands and we started dancing. Properly dancing. I nearly died of shock and kinda clammed up on him....and that's when he tried to kiss me. I turned away to stop him (he'd been drinking), and he didn't try again. But joo.... we then went our separate ways, and I left with Mark, to find Mike who was outside.
We decided, to go back to my flat and continue relaxing etc. So we left...
At the lift, we met some girls who invited us down to their flat 2 floors below ours. So we went back to mine, dumped unnecessary things, and then went down there, where we were joined soon after by the rest of our group, plus Pav. Cool beans.
So, we were partying down in Flat 10, and having a general laugh to the music. There was a Norwegian girl there. I have no problem with norwegians, but this one...well, Jay goes on about how stunning she is. He's right actually, she's beautiful. But alas we digress.... So yeah, he was chatting to this girl, so I didn't look at that side of the room, focusing on the music and the people I was dancing with :) Again, I ended up chatting to Mark.
Then, Mike announced they were leaving, 'cause they had an early start tomorrow (Mark is Mike's guest). Mark asked me for my number. I didn't have it, 'cause my phone died, so we went back to my flat to get my phone, to give him the number.
We did that, then went back to Flat 10, where the party continued. After a corus of the YMCA- THE party song of all time, Mike and Mark really did leave, not before we hugged a few times and danced some more together. And took some photos :)
Cue some dismalness as my party buddy left...
Then not long after, Pav, Jay and I decided to leave. As I got in the lift, Jay looked at me:-
"Jo...be honest....when you and that guy went up to ours, did....did anything happen?!"
"Oh god, no!! We just exchanged phone numbers- my phone's on charge and I dunno my number...."
Then Pav decided to throw in her 2 cents, saying how it looks like Mark may have competition for my affections. Jay started on about the Norwegian girl *sigh* and so on and so forth. Then I added that Mark and I were hanging out on Wednesday evening. Then again, he started on about the Norwegian...
I actually think, that he *may* be jealous o.O