
[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 29.10.2007 21:00

Mua väsyttää!!!
Mä kuuntelen nyt Apocalypticaa :D Se on ollu pitkästä aika, mutta löysin heidän levynsä viime kertaa että olin Ipswichissä :D Se on kaunis, olen aina rakastunut selloa, mutta nyt, kun istuin, ja katselen ulkona, se on jotain ihan erikoinen. Kun kuulen Apocalyptica, muistan myös, millainen se oli 2005 :) Menin ranskaan koulun kanssa, ja toinen päivä oli Belgiassa. En tykkää Belgiasta, mutta Emma P ja mä, me ostimme meidän Apocalyptica levyt Ypressä, söimme suklaata, ja kun olimme bussissa, menossa Calaisiin, me kuulin meijän levyt <3 Good times.

Hetkellä, odotan poikaa *rolleye*, me ollaan menossa kauppaan, kun meillä ei oo ruokaa ^-^ Myöhemmin on leffa-aika :D, ja sen jälkeen, ehkä mennään baariin kuin normaali :D

Fun and Games!!Maanantai 29.10.2007 16:30

"Moro, mites Charlottelle?"
"Istutko sä?"
"Olen raskaana."


En ole yllättynyt, mutta vielä WTF?! Hän ei tiedä kuka toi iskä oo :-/

Siskoni soitti tänään klo 8:30. Varoitti, olla varovainen Äidin kanssa. Hän kertoi, että Iskä vei Äiti sairaalaan joskus yössä. Hän on ok, mutta vielä pelkäsin. Äiti tuli mun luo- kun hänellä on joku työhaastattelu kaupungissa, puhuttiin yms, ja kaikki on ok. Lupasin, mennä kotiin viikonloppuna. Tarvitsen mennä kampaajaan :D haluan lyhyt tukat.en ole vielä varma, mutta mä tykkäsin myös violetit tukat :D

Haha. Sitten, kun äiti lähti, menin keittiöön. Oon syönyt jo tänään 6 omenoita o.O liikaa!! Sitten James heräsi. Se kertoi, ettei nukkui viime yönä kun hän on kipeä. Kerroin hänelle ystävästäni. Hän ei tiedä mitäs sanoa. No, me ollaan menossa myöhemmin kaupaan (se on auki 24/7 ma-pe) sitten ehkä me mennään klo 22 ^-^

Tänä iltana on joku Nordic Society tapahtuma :D Me katsotaan Aki Kaurismäen "The Man without a Past." Jännittää :D Myös, on tulossa joku Finland Night :D:D:D Woot!!! Yliopistossa on paljon suomalaisia, ja niin toivottavasti, mä voin tavata niitä :D

Mulla on kurssi klo14-15 . sitten kun tulen kotiin, mä laitan kanakeittoa :) se on kiva! aloitin siitä viime yönä, mut sitten me ollaan ostanut kiinalais ruokaa :D nami <3 Sitten, tarvitsen ostata paljon tänään- keskiviikkona ehkä mä teen korvapuusteja :D Naapurit tykkäävät noi porkkanalaatikosta :D

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 29.10.2007 13:36

YouÂ’re my all
I need you beside me
Hurts too much to be apart.
Oh how sweet but still so deceitful
This life and love can be
And I was the one who never wanted
To let you know
Wanted to let you know.

As much as weÂ’re in a love
That seems so tender
And more in love than
We ever believed we could be in
Now and forever, we finally surrender
So we surrender now or never again

Sweet and kind confusion inside me
Needs to find out what ‘us’ really means
CanÂ’t believe how sweet and deceitful
You and I, we both can be
And I was the one who never
Wanted to let you go.

It's raining, it's pouring....Sunnuntai 28.10.2007 18:41

Tänään on sunnuntai. Kukaan ei tee mitään sunnuntaina. Viime yönä kaikki olivat klubilla, tai jossain muut. Menin klubiin, ja tulin kotiin, koska se oli ihan paska :-/
En oli 100% iloinen kun lähdin asuntolasta, mutta toivoin, että se oli parempaa jos menin ulos. Menin pojan kanssa SUun klo 1030. Muut tytöt asuntolassa eivät tykkää rock musiikkia, sitten se oli vain mua pojan kanssa. Mentiin sitten baariin. Lempipoikani ^_^ kertoi, että hän juo mitään alkoholia. Olin shokissa, kun normaalisesti hän juo liikaa, ja kun hän on kännissä, hän on tyhmä- viime viikkoa, hän oli kännissä, ja sitten hän tuli kotiin, ja riisui. Siellä on jossain joku video tästä, ja pojat aina sanovat, että he haluavat laita sen Facebookiin ja Youtubeen o.O VOI ETTÄ! Perjantaina, toi poika oli vähän kännissä, ja häntä vituttaa. Sitten, kuulla, että hän ei halua juoda oli kiva :-) Mulla ei oo ongelma että hän juo, mutta normaalisesti olemme 3. Kolmas jäsen on tämä viikonloppuna Lontoossa hänen perheen kanssa (vähän syysloma). Ja niin, asuntolassa on vain me 2.
Sitten, muut pojat lähtivät pois baarilta, ja menivät asuntolaan. Vielä baarissa oli meitä, ja meidän ystävämme Mike. Sitten, vähän myöhemmin, mentiin asuntolaan, vaihda vaatteet, ja Mike meni kotiin. Vaihdoimme vaatteet, ja sitten mentiin klubiin. Klubilla ei oli paljon ihmisiä, mutta me luulimme, että se oli aikaisin. Mutta vielä kukaan ei tuu :-/ Fiilis ei oli hyvä, ja sitten Hän aloitti juoda alkoholia :-( Hän ei oo juonut paljon, mutta se oli riittää että pelkäsin. Emme sanonut mitään toiselle, ja me olemme päättänyt lähteä. Ulkona, muut pojat ovat jo kännissä o.O Lähdin pois, mutta Hän seuraasi mua, ja mä tulin takasin pojalle. Sitten, he haluavat mennä klubiin, niin mä lähdin kotiin.

Ja niin, tänään, heräsin klo 1130, ja puen, ja menin keittiöön, laita aamupalani. Hän oli myös keittiössä- ENNEN klo 1 ILTAPÄIVÄLLÄ!!!!! o___O
Hän sanoi "huomenta." Vastasin. Sit hän kysyi, mikä tapahtui eilen, ja miks mä lähdin. Kerroin, että en oli iloinen, ja luulin, että olisi parasta jos lähtisin. Hän oli yllättynyt. Noh, sitten me puhuttiin vähän.... myöhemmin me olemme menossa kaupaan -_-

Jos et tiedä, en kerro....Sunnuntai 28.10.2007 01:39

Mun elämäni asuntolassa olisi niin paljon helpompi, jos en tykkäsi toi poikasta.
Muut pojat kiusaavat hänet, ja puhuvat roskapuhetta hänestä kun hän ei ole huoneessa. En usko, että tää on kiva :-/ olen sama mielestä kaikille, ei vaan häntä.
Kun mentiin samaan keikkaan, hän on lähtenyt ennen kaikki muu, ja puhuin Miken kanssa, ja hän kertoi, että sen iskä kuoli helmikuussa. Olin shokissa, ja....mikäs mä voin sanoa tästä?! se on kauhea :-/ Mut joo, en tiennyt mitä sanoa, vai tehdä- en oo varmaa, että hän halua kukaan asuntolassa tietää, ja se on ilman muuta, et muut pojat eivät tiiä. :-(

Hän sanoi aikaisin, että hän ei osaa tehdä ruokaa, sitten sanoin että, jos hän haluaisi, mä voin opettaa hänelle :) me tykkäämme samasta ruoasta yms, ja sitten se ei olisi vaikea :) olin yllätyin, kun hän vastasi "Kyllä", mutta samass ajassa, en oli- hän reagoi miulle ihan hyvin :) ja on varmaa, että ketään muu ei halua opettaa hänelle. Ehkä se on koska mä tykkään hänestä, mutta mä teesin sama kaikille. I will fight tooth and nail, to stop the worst from happening.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 26.10.2007 16:04

This time last year, I was sitting on a train with Janni, on the way to Oulu, and from there onto Utajärvi. It dawned on me yesterday when I was having my lunch, and I almost dropped my fork in shock. I mean, a whole year o.O It's terrifying, how fast time has passed since then.
I tend to use my trip to Utajärvi as some kind of benchmark- mainly because of the amount of Snow that there was when we got off the train, and because it was...well, the snow was a big thing for me :D And it was the first time that I spent time with people of a similar age to mine- something which is quite difficult when you're working 8 hours a day, 5 days a week with children whose sole intention it is, to tire you out ^-^

But that was a year ago.
Now, I'm at Uni, doing a degree in MFL/TEFL, and it's thrown me somewhat. I feel totally at a loss to really describe how I feel. Damn. So, what's happened? Good question.
Last night, I went to a gig with Mark and Mike, and we saw James there. Didn't speak to him, and I'm told he left early. The first two bands were pretty god awful, one band was from Canada, and reminded me of Jann Wilde and Rose Avenue on Acid. And the other god. Made no sense whatsoever, and were so crap it was funny.
The 3rd band though, were bloody good!! They had all the traditional features of a rock band, but they were even better, in that they had also a glockenspiel and a violin, which added lots of texture to the music, and made for a bloody good show!
The venue was a converted church, and it was bloody amazing. Reminded me a tiny bit of Klubi with regards to the architecture. It had quite a nice atmosphere there ^-^

So yeah, after the gig, we went to a pub in town, where all Mike and Mark's 6th form friends were hanging out. Fortunately, one fo the guys who lives on the 5th floor was there too, so I was chatting to him about everything. I quite like him, he's a nice person to chat to.

But Mike and I wanted to go home, get early nights. He had German this morning *lmmfao* and I had just the urge to sleep. I woke up early, 'cause I forgot to disable my alarm clock, but I squeezed in a couple of hours extra kip time :D So that was good.

Now wasting time until my German lesson. I haven't bothered with doing my homework yet, so that'll be a rushjob in the next hour -__-

I've got a feeling that this is gonna be a really long, crap, day :(

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 25.10.2007 20:40

It's funny... I've lost count of the number of times that I've said "Oh, I wouldn't kick him out of bed on a cold night!"...but I did exactly that, to the one person I want more than I've ever wanted someone else.

He wanted to stay in my bed. With me. Nothing dodgy, I don't think, but just the fact that he wanted to stay. It totally threw me off track. :-/

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 23.10.2007 06:58


It's late at night, and everyone's in know then, what that means: hang out 1 on 1 time :-/
The majority of the flat went into town tonight with the intention of getting drunk. They achieved it, although not by following their original plan.
Pav, Jonny and I stayed at home, with the idea of working but no...
We were talking about the blossoming friendship of mine, and then she commented about how someone was Jealous. Oh dear. She's adamant that he is, and that he does like me. I wonder, whether he's said something to her or not?

So just after midnight, they came back, pissed off their skulls. Jade was angry. She's not a happy drunk, but she made a bloody good point about the passing-the-buck and laziness that is turning the flat into one big hellhole. Honestly, the state of the kitchen in the morning is abominable.

But yeah, she went to bed, and slowly the numbers dwindled. Then there was two. And we were just chatting, how we do, late at night, on our own.
Turns out that my night out on Thursday evening shan't be alone- he's also going there, but with different yeah.
And out came the Term Planner with all the essential info on it. And the conversation somehow ended up on Last Saturday, I commented about how my arms kinda hurt. He gave me a funny look and asked for an explanation. So I told him about how we were dancing, and how he was too strong for me.

He didn't remember any of it. o.O I thought it best not to mention that he almost kissed me.

Especially when, consequently, he called me one of his best friends <3 <3 <3

I guess that I'm just gonna have to get used to it, that I'm *not* gonna get him in the way I want :-/ and that again it's gonna end up dealing with whatever girlfriend troubles he has.


Let's dance to Joy Division!Maanantai 22.10.2007 14:47

Let's dance to Joy Division
And celebrate the irony,
Everything is going wrong,
But we're so happy
Let's dance to Joy Division,
And raise our glass to the ceiling,
Cause this could all go so wrong,
But we're just so happy, yeah we're so happy,

<3 Absolutely loving that song at the moment!! First heard it last....Monday? Night when I went and hung out with the boys in Luke's room. And heard it again on Saturday night at the Club, and it's been stuck in my head ever since!! I really like it XD

Mark and I sent way over 100 texts yesterday. It's obscene. Really really bad. The worst thing is, that it was about nothing! Oh dear.
As usual, in the evening The Unholy Trinity, that is- Pav, James and I, went to Top Bar for a quick drinky. It was ok, conversation wasn't overly stimulating, but it never is on a Sunday evening X) My phone was in overdrive, going nuts every 2 minutes X) And guess what?!

*Someone* was looking at my phone, and their face falling every time that they saw the name on the screen. When Lazu text me, it was ok though ^-^

It's mean, I know it's so mean, but I *want* Jay....and if this makes him get his arse into gear and say something, then I'm gonna carry on doing this.... I want to provoke him. It's terrible, and not something a friend should do, but yeah.... Simon may come down for a while soon, and so I anticipate that the shitwill hit the fan on that XD

"it's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A!"Sunnuntai 21.10.2007 10:18

England lost the Rugby World Cup to South Africa yesterday! Idiots.

As usual, the extended family (ie, our Flat and their friends) filled the kitchen to watch the match on a tiny portable TV. We got off to a cracking start, when Luke opened the fridge, and the milk fell out and exploded onto the floor. Then things in the match started going wrong. The boys, bless them, got VERY angry, no doubt fuelled by the copious amounts of beer being consumed :D
But I was introduced to one of Mike's friends, Mark. He went to the school I've taught at, so we had some common ground....

And I admit, I'd been feeling a little venomous due to *somebody* ignoring me whenever our flatmates are nearby.

But I really got on well with Mark. I can't help it. But after the game ended disastrously, we ended up with everyone else in the SU bar. Jay was still ignoring me, so yeah. His problem. And then Mark came over to me, and we started chatting...

....and continued chatting....

....and chatting some more.

Meanwhile, I snuck a few glances at Jay and he was looking rather fucked off with us. So I smiled and waved at him, and he waved back, but gave me a look of venom. Damn. Then things hotted up, when Sean and Luke started kissing each other, and acting in a very couply way!!!! Cue much laughing and loudness.
Anyway....our group moved on from the SU-Bar onto Mondos, where it was rock night.

Finally!!After being subjected to R&B for the last month, I think that the evening of rock and roll debauchery was well earned. I rocked my arse off alongside the boys :) Then the girls and a couple of the guys left and went home, which was a shame, but inevitable. We went from there, into the next room, and I continued chatting with Mark, the noise level meaning we had to stand close together at most times....
Then, he moved away, and Jay came over, took my hands and we started dancing. Properly dancing. I nearly died of shock and kinda clammed up on him....and that's when he tried to kiss me. I turned away to stop him (he'd been drinking), and he didn't try again. But joo.... we then went our separate ways, and I left with Mark, to find Mike who was outside.

We decided, to go back to my flat and continue relaxing etc. So we left...
At the lift, we met some girls who invited us down to their flat 2 floors below ours. So we went back to mine, dumped unnecessary things, and then went down there, where we were joined soon after by the rest of our group, plus Pav. Cool beans.
So, we were partying down in Flat 10, and having a general laugh to the music. There was a Norwegian girl there. I have no problem with norwegians, but this one...well, Jay goes on about how stunning she is. He's right actually, she's beautiful. But alas we digress.... So yeah, he was chatting to this girl, so I didn't look at that side of the room, focusing on the music and the people I was dancing with :) Again, I ended up chatting to Mark.

Then, Mike announced they were leaving, 'cause they had an early start tomorrow (Mark is Mike's guest). Mark asked me for my number. I didn't have it, 'cause my phone died, so we went back to my flat to get my phone, to give him the number.
We did that, then went back to Flat 10, where the party continued. After a corus of the YMCA- THE party song of all time, Mike and Mark really did leave, not before we hugged a few times and danced some more together. And took some photos :)
Cue some dismalness as my party buddy left...

Then not long after, Pav, Jay and I decided to leave. As I got in the lift, Jay looked at me:-

" honest....when you and that guy went up to ours, did....did anything happen?!"
"Oh god, no!! We just exchanged phone numbers- my phone's on charge and I dunno my number...."

Then Pav decided to throw in her 2 cents, saying how it looks like Mark may have competition for my affections. Jay started on about the Norwegian girl *sigh* and so on and so forth. Then I added that Mark and I were hanging out on Wednesday evening. Then again, he started on about the Norwegian...

I actually think, that he *may* be jealous o.O