
[Ei aihetta]Torstai 11.02.2010 20:33

Look at you,
Gettin' more than just a re-up
Baby you,
Got all the puppets with their strings up
Fakin' like a good one, but I call 'em like I see 'em
I know what you are, what you are baby

Womanizer, woman-womanizer
You're a womanizer
Oh womanizer,
Oh you're a womanizer baby
You, you, you are
You, you, you are
Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer

Boy don't try to front,
I-I know just, just what you are-are-are
Boy don't try to front,
I-I know just, just what you are-are-are

You got me goin',
You're oh so charming
But I can't do it,
You womanizer

You say I'm crazy,
I got you crazy
You're nothing but a womanizer

You got the swagger of a champion
Too bad for you,
You just can't find the right companion
I guess when you have one too many,
Makes it hard, it could be easy
Who you are, that's just who you are baby

Must mistake me, you're a sucker
To think that I,
Would be a victim not another
Say it, play it how you wanna
But no way, I'm never gonna fall for you, never you baby

You got me goin',
You're oh so charming
But I can't do it,
You womanizer

You say I'm crazy,
I got you crazy
You're nothing but a womanizer

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