


Destroy yourself, See who gives a fuck.

-Perjantai 26.03.2010 00:46

Pinja sanoo (22:37):
how was your day sunshine
taru sanoo (22:38):
i saw a dream
i was ninja...
*a nija
Pinja sanoo (22:38):
oh my, really? and you did that kung fuu thing?
taru sanoo (22:39):
yes. i was so flexible... so differed than real life
and i was happy kunf fu fighter
Pinja sanoo (22:40):
now you are sad sad pore girl sitting lonely at home whit you dearest friend, compute.
computer *
taru sanoo (22:40):
that the truth
taru sanoo (22:41):
but maybe that dream was a flasforward from the future...?
who knows ?
Pinja sanoo (22:42):
amaziiinngg but i didnt have a daydream today, so i didnt see enything(jotekii tollee) soo.-... somebody wants me dead
so coz you are ninja, u save me?
taru sanoo (22:42):
ur gonnabe murdered on 15pv marraskuuta by me
no im ur killer.
Pinja sanoo (22:42):
Pinja sanoo (22:43):
ok, now im scared.
taru sanoo (22:43):
i was ur best friend i shoot u by my ninja finger.
that like the tv show called flasforward
Pinja sanoo (22:44):
okey... i dont wanna see THAT finger enymore since last night.'.
ooouuuuuh, i thought that is was some kind of DeJaVUUUUI
taru sanoo (22:44):
but that is the differed finger ! and i think that my bed time has just past
Pinja sanoo (22:45):
i think so too,
your stories r make me so horrr..
taru sanoo (22:46):

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