


Can't figure out how you stole my heart

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 10.03.2008 23:25

Itkin yksin sateessa
kun kukaan ei huomannut

Kyyneleet silmiini jäi
en niitä kuivannut

Junan lähestyessä
toivoin alle jääväni

Lähdin kotiin takaisin
sitä ennen kävin pihallasi

Toin jotain tärkeää
sinulle ehkä yhdentekevää

Lähtiessäni katsoin ikkunaasi
toivoin siellä sinut näkeväni

Kirjeeseen kirjoitettu kauneimmat sanat sinusta
ja ystävyyden merkki
jonka varmasti tahdot hajottaa

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 10.03.2008 23:18

Hiljaisuus on valhetta
sen sanomatta jättämät sanat
syövät reikiä
mielemme pintaan
Lausumatta jääneet salaisuudet
tanssivat välissämme
täyttäen tyhjän
Ilma väreilee
raskaana kaiken sen painosta
Jos ojennan käteni
voin poimia syvimmän paheesi
kuin kypsän omenan
jonka sydän on

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 10.03.2008 23:13

Tyhjien tunteiden auttamaton ahdistus.

Itkuisten silmien takana kaatuvat sielujen liekit.

Taitamattomin askelin,
tyhjin mielin mitättömin.

Tahto juosta ja juosta,
tahto karata, karata pois.

Lähtö tiedottomuudesta tiedottomuuteen,
kohti tuntemattomien maailmoja,
kohti sydämmettömien sydämiä.

Unohduksen unholan takamaille unohtumaan.>

Stranger In My Own Home TownMaanantai 10.03.2008 21:55

I'm like a stranger
Like a stranger in my own home town
I'm like a stranger
Like a stranger in my own home town

My so called friends stopped being friendly
Oh but you can't keep a good man down
Oh no, can't get him down

I came home with good intentions
About 5 or 6 years ago
I came home with good intentions
About 5 or 6 years ago

But my home town won't accept me
Just don't feel welcome here no more

My home town won't accept me
Just don't feel welcome here no more

I came home with good intentions
About 5 or 6 years ago, yes I did
I came home with good intentions
About 5 or 6 years ago
But my home town won't accept me
Just don't feel welcome here no more
I'm like a stranger, like a stranger in my own home town
Yeah, I'm like a stranger, like a stranger in my own home town
My so called friends stopped being friendly
Oh but you can't keep a good man down

I came home with good intentions
About 5 or 6 years ago, yes I did
I came home with good intentions
About 5 or 6 years ago
My so called friends stopped being friendly
Oh but you can't keep a good man down

I'm like a stranger, like a stranger in my own home town
I'm like a stranger, like a stranger in my own home town
My so called friends stopped being friendly
Oh but you can't keep a good man down

Sound AdviceMaanantai 10.03.2008 21:47

Some folks tell you what to do
They think they know more than you
They insist that they're givin' sound advice
But as sure as you're livin'
It ain't sound, it ain't nice
It just doesn't sound like sound advice

Some folks like to be the boss
They get up on their high horse
Oh they say that you're gettin, sound advice
There one thing I'm bettin'
It ain't wise, it ain't nice
You won't like the sound of their advice

Sound advice we're given
Just as sure as your as you're livin'
If your smart you'll think twice
When they start to sound off with advice

Sound advice we're given
Just as sure as your as you're livin'
If your smart you'll think twice
When they start to sound off with advice
Don't listen to their sound advice

Almost Maanantai 10.03.2008 20:42

We almost shared a dream
We almost made it as a team
How nice it would have been.

We almost touched the stars
And there stood heaven, almost ours
We were just outsiders looking in.

We had the chance to fall
But fate stepped in to end it all
Before it could begin.

And if it's true, you're really going
there's nothing but goodbye to say
The saddest part of all is knowing
We almost went all the way

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 01.03.2008 18:22

Pikku Huopalahden talot ovat niin kuin keksipaketteja
Ihmiset vaeltavat ohitseni
Ja kaikki ne on jostain tv- sarjasta kuulokkeet päässään
Kun olin pieni niin sun mummos sanoi:

"Linja-autojen ja rakkauden perässä voi juosta tai odottaa seuraavaa"
Liikennevaloissa ihmisten ajatukset vaeltavat paikkaan mieluisaan

Mut mitä sun pitäisi tehdä, pitäis olla jotenkin niin smooth
ottaa sivellin ja maalata sitä taivaanrantaa
juosta alasti pellossa, juhannusyönä ja huutaa

Miten pääsisit käsiksi ajatukseen joka sua väijyy
mielenperukoilla eikä päästä otteestaan ennen kuin huomaat ettei lastenlippu enää kelpaa menisit kotiin ja kampaisit tukkas

"Linja-autojen ja rakkauden perässä voi juosta tai odottaa seuraavaa"
Liikennevaloissa ihmisten ajatukset vaeltavat paikkaan mieluisaan

Mut mitä sun pitäisi tehdä, pitäis olla jotenkin niin smooth
ottaa sivellin ja maalata sitä taivaanrantaa
juosta alasti pellossa, juhannusyönä ja huutaa

Valita jonot aina kauneimman kassaneidin perusteella
Tarjota pojillenne sikarit, kotihipoissa parvekkeella

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 28.02.2008 18:23

Maybe someday IÂ’ll be just like you and,
Step on people like you do,
And Run away all the people I thought I knew,
I remember back then who you were.
You used to be calm, used to be strong,
Used to be generous but you shouldÂ’ve known,
That youÂ’d wear out your welcome,
And now you see how quiet it is all alone

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 28.02.2008 18:17

Lie awake in bed at night
And think about your life
Do you want to be different?
Try to let go of the truth
The battles of your youth
'Cause this is just a game

It's a beautiful lie
It's the perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful it makes me

It's time to forget about the past
To wash away what happened last
Hide behind an empty face
Don't ask too much, just say
'Cause this is just a game

Everyone's looking at me
I'm running around in circles, baby
A quiet desperation's building higher
I've got to remember this is just a game

So beautiful, beautiful...

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 28.02.2008 18:07

He said, "Can you here me, are you sleeping"
She said, "Will you rape me now?"
He said, "Leave the politics to mad men"
She said, "I believe your lies"
He said, "ThereÂ’s a paradise beneath me"
She said, "Am I supposed to bleed?"
He said, "You better pray to Jesus"
She said, "I donÂ’t believe in god"