


Can't figure out how you stole my heart

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 26.09.2008 23:25

Tyttö meni ulos ja näki pojan.
Poika juoksi pakoon.
Seuraavana päivänä tyttö näki taas saman pojan.
Poika ei enää juossut pakoon, käveli vain.
Kolmantena päivänä tyttö näki taas saman pojan.
Poika seisoi ja tuijotti tyttöä.
Neljäntenä päivänä poika kohotti kättään tytölle.
Tyttö tunsi olevansa ihastunut.
Viidentenä päivänä poika ilmestyi taas ulos.
Hän teki käsillään sydämen.
Tyttö punastui.
Kuudentena päivänä tyttö näki taas pojan.
Pojan paidassa luki: "I LOVE U"
Seitsemäntenä päivänä tyttö ajatteli uskaltaa sanoa pojalle jotain.
Hän ei kuitenkaan ehtinyt, sillä kun poika oli ylittämässä tietä ja tulossa tytön luokse,
auto ajoi hänen ylitseen.
Poika kuoli.

Kopioi tämä omaan päiväkirjaasi, niin ihastuksesi lähestyy sinua viikon sisällä.
Jos et, sinulle käy kuin tarinan tytölle ja paha onni vainoaa sinua ikuisesti.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 26.09.2008 23:22

you look at me
you smile at me
you twist me
you break me
you make me so confused
and soon I don't know which way to go

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 06.09.2008 01:51

I've had enough of havin' nothing, I won't take just anything
I got my mind set on something, all I want is everything
It's my life Mr. - I ain't running, I'm no puppet on a string
I want more than I see coming
All I want is everything
All I want is everything

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 06.09.2008 01:48

If you need a little huggin', ya call on me
And if ya want some kissin', ya call on me, it's all right
No more lonely nights, who'll be alone now
All you got to do is pick up the telephone

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 06.09.2008 01:47

Hello again, itÂ’s you and me
Kinda always like it used to be
Sippin' wine, killing time
Trying to solve lifeÂ’s mysteries.
HowÂ’s your life, itÂ’s been a while
God itÂ’s good to see you smile
I see you reaching for your keys
Looking for a reason not to leave.

If you donÂ’t know if you should stay
If you donÂ’t say whatÂ’s on your mind
Baby just, breathe thereÂ’s no where else tonight we should be-
You wanna make a memory.

I dug up this old photograph
Look at all that hair we had
ItÂ’s bittersweet to hear you laugh
Your phone is ringing, I donÂ’t wanna ask.

If you go now, IÂ’ll understand
If you stay, hey, I got a plan
You wanna make a memory
You wanna steal a piece of time
You could sing a melody to me
And I could write a couple lines
You wanna make a memory.

If you donÂ’t know if you should stay
And you donÂ’t say whatÂ’s on your mind
Baby just, breathe thereÂ’s no where else tonight we should be-
You wanna make a memory
You wanna steal a piece of time
You could sing a melody to me
And I could write a couple lines
You wanna make a memory
You wanna make a memory

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 23.08.2008 01:19

Step one you say we need to talk
He walks you say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
You begin to wonder why you came

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 23.08.2008 00:59

Lookin' in your eyes while you on the other side
I can't take it no more baby I'm comin for you
You keep doin' it on purpose whindin and workin' it
If we close our eyes it could be just me and you

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 04.08.2008 23:00

"älä stressaa, vaa ota lungisti,
paskaa puhuu vaa ne joit
vituttaa olla huonompi,
asiat juorujen kierrossa muuttuvat,
puhu vaa paskaa, teet musta kuuluisan"

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 04.08.2008 19:16

has it really been so long
that we
forget what it meant to be young
as life goes on
remember when we were young
all the things we could do
used to think the world was ours
when did that change for you?
can you recall
your first romance
how innocent it felt to dance,
but why does it
change over time
remember when we were young,
all the things we could do,
used to think the world was ours
why did that change for you?
remember when we were young
everything felt so real
is it too late to try
and remember how that feels
remember when we were young
all the things we could do
i knew the world was ours
when did that change for you
i remember when we were young
everything was so real
it's not too late to try
to remember how that feels