


..De Mortuis Nihil Nisi Bene ; Kuolleista ei tule puhua kuin hyvää..


- Vanhemmat »

Vampire Knight<3Keskiviikko 28.04.2010 03:31

Akaku akaku akaku yurete
Yume no yume no hate e

Mou nando mo akiramete wa oshikorosu tabi
Ikiba no nai kanjou ga me o samashiteku
Kegare no nai sono hohoemi zankoku na hodo
Tooi sonzai da to wakaru yo

Ienai kizu kokoro mushibamu dake na no ni
Yami no (naka ni) ima mo (yadoru) omoi o osaekirenai

Akaku akaku akaku yurete
Yume no yume no hate e
Deatte shimatta unmei ga mawaridasu
Dare mo dare mo shiranai himitsu
Ochite ochite ochite
Mou modorenai tsumi o kizande mo kitto

Kodoku no fuchi arukinagara sukuwarete ita
Donna toki mo kawaranai riaru na hitomi
Demo hikari ga mabushii hodo umareru kage wa
Fukaku irokoku shinobiyoru yo

Futatsu no kodou maru de awase kagami no you ni
Niteru (keredo) chigau (itami) mugen ni tsuzuite iku

Akaku akaku akaku moete
Subete subete keshite
Kanau koto no nai maboroshi ga ugokidasu
Tsuyoku tsuyoku hakanai yoru o
Koete koete koete
Nogarerarenai tsumi ni oborete mo kitto

Akaku akaku akaku yurete
Yume no yume no hate e
Deatte shimatta unmei ga mawaridasu
Dare mo dare mo shiranai himitsu
Ochite ochite ochite
Mou modorenai tsumi o kizande mo kitto
Shaking in red, in red, in red
To the edge of the dream, of the dream
We can’t be separated
Already, every time when I’m stifled to death when I give up again and again
My emotions that have no place to go wake me up
Your flawless smile knows
That it’s an existence so distant that it’s cruel
Even though the wound that can’t be healed only eats away at my heart
Even now I can’t completely hold back my thoughts (that dwell) (within) the darkness
Shaking in red, in red, in red
To the edge of the dream, of the dream
We met, and destiny begins to turn
It’s a secret that no one, no one knows about
I fall, I fall, I fall
And I certainly can’t return anymore, even if I carve out my my sins
While I was walking in the abyss of loneliness, I was saved
By realistic eyes that never change
But a shadow born as the light is bright
Deeply and pronouncedly creeps up to me
The two pulses are exactly like mirrors facing each other
The (pains) are similar (but) different and continue infinitely
Burning in red, in red, in red
Erasing everything, everything
An unfulfilled illusion begins to move
Strongly, strongly
Overcoming, overcoming, overcoming the fleeting night
And I certainly can’t escape, even if I drown in my sins
Shaking in red, in red, in red
To the edge of the dream, of the dream
We met, and destiny begins to turn
It’s a secret that no one, no one knows about
I fall, I fall, I fall
And I certainly can’t return anymore, even if I carve out my my sins

Mustalaisleiri muuttaa taivaaseen.Keskiviikko 14.04.2010 20:35

Nane tsokha, nane gad,
Me kinel mange yo dad!
Syr vydtjava palorom,
Me kinel mange yo rom!

Dado, kin mange chenya,
O chenya sumnakune.
Na kinesa o chenya,
Na beshava dro chaya!

Zageyom me drey da sado,
Zriskirdyom me tzveto,
Prekirdyom ke les shero,
Te kames miro ilo.

Nane tsokha, nane gad,
Me kinel mange yo dad!
Syr vydtjava palorom,
Me kinel mange yo rom!
I’ve no sweater, no blouse,
My father can buy them for me!
If I get married,
My husband can buy them for me!
Daddy, buy me earrings,
Earrings of gold.
If you won’t buy the earrings,
I won’t stay a maiden!

I went into a garden,
I picked a flower,
I fixed it to my head,
So you would want my heart.
I’ve no sweater, no blouse,
My father can buy them for me!
If I get married,
My husband can buy them for me!

Aah<3 Loisto viikonloppu !!Sunnuntai 11.04.2010 18:45

Aivan loistavaa !! Loistoesitykset, loistoporukka, hauskaa oli ja "yäjuaksuki oli aivan mahtava !! Nyt on aika naatti, mutta hei ! Kultasija tuli !! \o/
- Vanhemmat »