...välil ehkä saatto huomata ettei aina puuhasteltu laskelmien ja taulukoiden paris, ku välil kuulu kikatust ja kauhee näpy näpy näpy :) :) :)
(jotkut tosikot tais kyllä siel meijän takana katsella paheksuvasti kun mesetellään toisillemme vierekkäisillä koneilla )

Siwi says:
Sari says:
Sari says:
this is på english
Sari says:
have u noticed?
Siwi says:
Siwi says:
Siwi says:
yes I have noticed
Siwi says:
just now
Sari says:
yes yes, good
Siwi says:
we can practise english at same time, when we study atk
Sari says:
yes,we're so swots :)
Siwi says:
I feel myself sooooo fat, because we went eading to the mcdonalds...njam
Sari says:
yeb, me too and now my tummy hurts
Siwi says:
my stomach hurts
Sari says:
but it was good, GOOOOOD
Siwi says:
at same tima we said that our tummys hurts
Siwi says:
Siwi says:
Sari says:
WORKS !!! and a big time
Siwi says:
when you said GOOD, you just remind me about the movie I just looked yesterday.. Bruce all mighty
Sari says:
yeb, I mean to say it just becayse I saw it yesterday
Siwi says:
I want to go to sleeeeeeeeeep
Siwi says:
I love to sleep
Sari says:
wanna go with me to shopping?! :D let's leave at the halv way at this lesson away
Siwi says:
muu :/
Sari says:
I say muu too
Siwi says:
I hate boys
Siwi says:
they are so stupid sometimes
Sari says:
yes they are
Sari says:
can't live with them, but can't live without them
Siwi says:
Siwi says:
souuuuuuuu ture
Siwi says:
Siwi says:
fuck that... I just don't give a fuck
Sari says:
it's contatious
Sari says:
u don't give a fuck to who???
Sari says:
:D :D :D
Siwi says:
Sari says:
ü just said that u don't give a fuck
Siwi says:
well I don't
Sari says:
so I asked to whom u don't give it
Sari says:
Siwi says:
Siwi says:
now I understand what u ment
Sari says:
u got it :D
Sari says:
hihhih :D
Siwi says:
Siwi says:
you perv
Sari says:
u are a pervert
Siwi says:
no I'm not
Sari says:
but yes u are
Siwi says:
with you maybe
Siwi says:
u do that to me
Siwi says:
you have that influence on me
Sari says:
yeb, likewise
Siwi says:
joona don't like right now
Siwi says:
first we wake him up
Siwi says:
and now we talk and make him angry
Sari says:
I know...he must hate us
Siwi says:
yessss sir
Sari says:
he curse the day when he gave his adress to us
Siwi says:
it must be this day
Sari says:
and now I got his phonenumber *thihhih* :D
Siwi says:
I think he curse the day when he met us
Sari says:
i think so too
Siwi says:
well you are pissis
Siwi says:
Sari says:
Siwi says:
no you're not
Siwi says:
juuuu aaaar laatulissuuuuu
Siwi says:
and I'm too
Siwi says:
I can't take this anymore
Sari says:
u don't say
Siwi says:
you make me crazy