
omegle :DMaanantai 13.04.2009 04:18

You: helloouuu!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: i'm horny

You: where come you from ? =)
Stranger: the future
You: nice to meet you futureman ? woman ? girl ? boy? :'D
Stranger: future man
You: cool :D
Stranger: and you?
You: from past.
Stranger: past lady? past man? past dog?
You: lady ( dinosaur )
Stranger: SWEET
Stranger: I love dinosaurs
Stranger: they are delicious
You: COOl!
Stranger: Immonna eat you
You: why ? =(
Stranger: cuz
Stranger: youre a dino
Stranger: and delivious
*mut se läks =(

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