


ei osaa käyttää tätä uutta kakkaa kalleriaa :(


- Vanhempi »

Salla <3 AnttiTorstai 19.07.2007 20:41

2.2.07 --> ♥

We laughed, we cried And all the while we felt so alive It was you and me You grabbed my hand and made me see What it could feel like And what it might be like You wrote my name in the sand In this endless summer We will be together And I dont want this feeling to ever end Looking back in november Feel the sun and remember That when our time has finally come to pass Somethings last Somethings always last Save goodbye Keep it frozen in december I need the high To get me through the ever after Cause now that it feels like Its far from what it was like When you wrote our names in the sand In this endless summer We will be together And I dont want this feeling to ever end Looking back in november Feel the sun and remember That when our time has finally come to pass Somethings last Somethings always last It's not what it feels like Its far from what it was like When I wrote our name in the sand In this endless summer We will be together And I dont want this feeling to ever end Looking back in november Feel the sun and remember That when our time has finally come to pass Somethings last Somethings always last Somethings last Somethings always last We laughed, we cried And all the while we felt so alive
It was you and me.

Salla <3 Antti

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