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I see lightning ♥Lauantai 15.01.2011 23:26

There's a storm on the streets, but you still don't run
Watching and waiting for the rain to come.

And these words wouldn't keep you dry
Or wipe tears from an open sky,

But I know, but I know, but I know I'm right.

And I won't let you drown, when the water's pulling you in
I'll keep fighting, I'll keep fighting.
The rain's going to follow you wherever you go.
The clouds go black and the thunder rolls
And I see lightning, and I see lightning.

When the World surrounds you, I'll make it go away
Paint the sky with silver lining.

I will try to save you, cover up the grey
With silver lining.

♥ Hurts - Silver Lining - ♥

Nothing else to say....

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