


you can talk your shit, you're just making me famous ~ 우리 싶다 다이

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Sunnuntai 19.06.2011 01:14

When I close my eyes
You are by my side
And I can picture us together
Every night I pray there will be a way
And we can make it last forever

I dream I'm dancing with you
And I can really move
I dream you're kissing me
And I can really feel it
I dream I'm dancing with you
And I can really move
I dream you're kissing me
And I can really feel it
Swear I can really feel it
Swear I can really feel it

I don't mind living in a fantasy world
I know how it feel to be your girl
And hear you say the sweetest things soft and low
I never want to wake up and let you go, no

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