


.:::The beauty spot was borrowed:::.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 22.10.2006 03:41

Katselen kohti katua... kuinka lapset riemuiten juoksevat, juuri ostamiensa lelujensa kanssa kohti kotia... kuinka vanhemmat käyvät koko perheellä kaupassa ja riemuitsevat hienosta yhdessäolosta.... kuinka rakastavaiset, suukottelevat toisiaan hellästi... mitään noista en minä ole koskaan saanut osakseni.

Leluja minulla ei ole koskaan ollut, lukuunottamatta rakkainta ja ainoata ystävääni teddy karhua, hän on ollu lohtuni ja turvani, näinä 20 vuotena... joka kerta kun minuun on sattunut, juoksen sen ison nallen viereen ja rutistan ja päästän ensikyyneleet sen karvaiseen rintaan, lopulta nukahdan siihen... se on ainoa, joka ei minua petä eikä hylkää.. se aina on kanssani, elämäni loppuun saakka...

Perhettä minulla ei ole koskaan ollut... oikeat vanhempani kuolivat, kun olin alle vuoden.
Lopulta minut adoptoitiin, kun olin kahdeksan... sitten vasta helvetti alkoikin....

Aluksi luulin että tämä perhe olisi mukava, ja rakastaisi minua, mutta ei.. ei lähellekkään...
Ainoa syy miksi he minut olivat adoptoineet, oli se että he halusivat jonkun palvelemaan heitä...
Jo ensi askeleella uuteen kotiin, minut passitettiin kuuraamaan paskaisia vessoja... ja voitte kuvitella, ettei se ole kahdeksan vuotiaan pikku pojan toiveiden täyttymys, jolla mielikuvitus vain lentää, joka haluaisi tehdä isänsä kanssa huimia retkiä... leikkiä ja pelata rakkaiden vanhempiensa kanssa... mutta ei, saman tien minun haaveeni puhkaistiin, kuin saippuakupla...

Vuodesta vuoteen sain uurtaa... koulusta tultuani, sain ensin siivota koko kämpän... imuroida lattiat... pyyhkiä pölyt... siivota kaiken mahdollisen, pienikin roska lattialla, tai tahra pöydällä... meinasi kymmentä raipan iskua persaukseen... voitte vain kuvitella miltä se nyt 20 vuotiaana näytti...
Kun olin saanut selvitettyä siivoamisen, olikin ruuan laiton vuoro... ja tälle perheelle ei mikään läskisoosi ja perunat kelvanneet.. ei todellakaan, ja itse sain ruuan ahertaa, mutta sitä itse en saanut syödä... hyvällä tuurilla, sain rippeet, jotka muuten olisivat menneet vessasta alas... olin todella alipainoinen tämän takia... ja heikko, mutta se ei tähän nyt liity, joten palataanpa takaisin...
Elikkäs... ruuanlaiton jälkeen oli sitten läksyjen teko... jos toin yhtäkään myöhästymistä, alle 10 numeron kokeesta.. tai mitään mikä vaikuttaisi negatiivisesti numerooni, tietäisi päivää ilman mitää ruokaa, 20 raipan iskua selkään... ja kaikkea mitä kuvitella saattaa...

TO BE CONTINUE... sit ku oon kirjotus tuulel:D

He is the angel with the scabbed wings
Hard-drug face, want to powder his nose
He will deflower the freshest crop
Dry up all the wombswith his rock and roll sores

Is what he is, he does what he please
The things that he has you'll never want to see
What you're never gonna be now
Sketch a little keyholefor looking-glass people
You don't want to see him
You only want to be him
Mommy's got a scarecrow, gotta let the corn grow
Man can't always reap what he sow
"He is the maker"
(He is the taker)
"He is the saviour"
(He is the raper)

[Verse 2]


Get back you're never gonna leave him
Get back you're always gonna please him

marilyn manson- Mister Superstar<3Lauantai 21.10.2006 16:16

Hey. Mr. Superstar:
"I'll do anyhting for you"
"I'm your number one fan"
hey mr. porno star, I, I, I, I want you
hey mr. sickly star,
I want to get sick from you
hey mr. fallen star,
don't you know I worship you?
hey mr. big rock star,
"I wanna grow up just like you"
I know that I can turn you on
I wish I could just turn you off
I never wanted this
hey mr. superhate,
I just want to love you
hey, hey, hey mr. superfuck,
I wanna go down on you
hey mr. supergod,
will you answer my prayers?
hey, hey, hey mr. superman,
I want to be your little girl


hey mr. superstar,
I'll kill myself for you
hey mr. superstar,
I'll kill you if I can't have you
superstar, superfuck baby...

marilyn manson- Cryptorchid<3Lauantai 21.10.2006 16:15

Each time i make my mother cry an
angel dies and falls from heaven
when the boy is still a worm it's hard to
learn the number seven
but when they get to you
it's the first thing that they do
each time I look outside
my mother dies, I feel my back is changing shape
when the worm consumes the boy it's never
considered rape
when they get to you
Prick your finger it is done...
the moon has now eclipsed the sun...
the angel has spread its wings...
the time has come for bitter things...
You cut off all of your fingers
Trade them in for dollar bills
Cake on some more make-up to
Cover all those lines
Wake up and stop shaking
Cuz you're just wasting time

Don't you want some of this?
Don't you need some of this?

You take but cannot be given
You ride but cannot be ridden
Pinch this tiny heart of mine
Wrap it up in soiled twine
You never read what you've written

I'll be your lover, i'll be forever
I'll be tomorrow, i am anything when i'm high

Don't you want some of this?
Don't you need some of this?

You shove your hair down my throat
I feel your fingers in me
Tear this bitter fruit to mess
And wrap it in your soiled dress
Now you must spit out the seeds


Anything when i'm high


Anything when i'm high

All dried up and tied up forever
All fucked up and dead to the world...

marilyn manson- the beautiful people<3Lauantai 21.10.2006 16:14

And I don't want you and I don't need you
Don't bother to resist, or I'll beat you
It's not your fault that you're always wrong
The weak ones are there to justify the strong

The beautiful people, the beautiful people
It's all relative to the size of your steeple
You can't see the forest for the trees
You can't smell your own shit on your knees

There's no time to discriminate,
Hate every motherfucker
That's in your way

Hey you, what do you see?
Something beautiful, something free?
Hey you, are you trying to be mean?
If you live with apes man, it's hard to be clean

The worms will live in every host
It's hard to pick which one they eat most

The horrible people, the horrible people
It's as anatomic as the size of your steeple
Capitalism has made it this way,
Old-fashioned fascism will take it away


There's no time to discriminate,
Hate every motherfucker
That's in your way

The beautiful people
The beautiful people (aahh) [x4]

[Chorus x2]

The beautiful people [x8]
I am so all-american, I'll sell you suicide
I am totalitarian, I've got abortions in my eyes
I hate the hater, I'd rape the raper
I am the animal who will not be himself
fuck it

Hey victim, should I black your eyes again?
Hey victim,
You were the one who put the stick in my hand
I am the ism, my hate's a prism
let's jut kill everyone and let your god sort them out
fuck it

Everybody's someone else's nigger/I know you are so am I
I wasn't born with enough middle fingers/
I don't need to choose a side
I better, better, better, better not say this
better, better, better, better not tell
I hate the hater, I'd rape the raper
I am the idiot who will not be himself
fuck it


marilyn manson- rock 'N' roll nigger<3Lauantai 21.10.2006 16:10

And the world spreads its legs....
And the world spreads its legs
For another fuckin' star!
'Cause I AM the all-american Antichrist.
I was made in america,
And america hates ME for what I am.
I am YOUR shit.
You should be ashamed of what you have eaten.
I'm a rock & roll nigger!
Baby was a black sheep.
Baby was a whore.
Baby's gotten big,
And baby's getting bigger.
Baby got somethin'.
Baby want more.
Baby, baby, baby was a rock & roll nigger.
How do you like the world around you?
Do you like what you see?
How do you like the world around you?
Ready to be....

Outside of society,
Waiting for me.
Outside of society
Is where I wanna be.

Baby was a black sheep.
Baby was a whore.
Baby got big,
And baby's getting bigger.
Baby got a gun,
Got her finger on the trigger.
Baby, baby, baby was a rock & roll nigger.
Rock & roll nigger.
I'm a rock & roll nigger.
This is your world in which we grow,
And we will grow to hate you.
We will grow to hate you.
We will grow. We will grow.
We will grow to hate you.
I was lost in the valley of pleasure.
I was lost in the infinite sea.
I was lost and begging for pleasure.
And this world is waiting for me.
Jimi Hendrix was a nigger.
Jesus Christ and grandma, too.
Brian Warner (what a nigger!)
Nigger, nigger, nigger nigger nigger!
[Chorus Twice]
Yeah! Yeah!
Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!

marilyn manson- I put a spell on you<3Lauantai 21.10.2006 16:09

I put a spell on you
Because you're mine.
I can't stand the things that you do.
No, no, no, I ain't lyin'. No.
I don't care if you don't want me
'Cause I'm yours, yours, yours anyhow.
Yeah, I'm yours, yours, yours.
I love you. I love you.
[Repeat Three Times]
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
I put a spell on you.
Lord! Lord! Lord!
....'Cause you're mine, yeah.
I can't stand the things that you do
When you're foolin' around.
I don't care if you don't want me.
'Cause I'm yours, yours, yours anyhow.
Yeah, yours, yours, yours!
I can't stand your foolin' around.
If I can't have you,
No one will!
I love you, you, you!
I love you. I love you. I love you!
I love you, you, you!
I don't care if you don't want me.
'Cause I'm yours, yours, yours anyhow.
Sweet dreams are made of these.
Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world and the seven seas.
Everybody's looking for something.

Some of them want to use you.
Some of them want to get used by you.
Some of them want to abuse you.
Some of them want to be abused.

[Repeat First Verse]


I wanna use you and abuse you.
I wanna know what's inside you.
(Whispering and Moaning:
Hold your head up, movin' on.
Keep your head up, movin' on.)

[Repeat Three Times]

Movin' on!

[Repeat First Verse]


I'm gonna use you and abuse you.
I'm gonna know what's inside.
Gonna use you and abuse you.
I'm gonna know what's inside you.